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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Standard Runes
Janna's runes are pretty straight forward. She has mostly tanky runes and movement speed to make her even faster to get in and out of sticky situations and providing peel for the person who needs it the most.
Therefore, I used quints of movement speed to make her faster, marks of armor for better early game laning against adcs poke, health seals for better general tankiness, and glyphs of scaling magic resist as ap damage isn't a major threat until later in the game.
Other Runes
Alternatively, in some match ups you wanna go for better poke runes for laning phase. In this case take quints of armor, marks of physical damage, seals of health and glyphs of scaling magic resist.
A classic support mastery page is what I use for Janna, 0/9/21. In the defensive line we pick up 9 points for slight tankiness. In the utlity page we go for maximum gold income points as well as some mana regen, movement speed and cooldown reduction. It is worth noting that the Bandit mastery is great on Janna since she can poke with autos and abilities during laning phase.
Usually on Janna you either take Exhaust OR Ignite AND Flash. Exhaust is usually good for better peeling but you can still pick up Ignite for lane pressure or if you're against strong healing supports like Nami, Sona or Soraka. So pick one and add it to your Flash (which should be on your F button cause F is for FLASH!!!).
Starting Item
Core Items
When You're Ahead or Want Some AP
Time to Get Tanky
Different/Situational Items
Zeke's Herald | Zeke's Herald is an extremely situational item that you should only build if you have a double AD comp with like a Zed or AD Ezreal Mid lane. It will be great cause it gives them additional AD and lifesteal which along with your shield will be a great boost. It also gives Janna cooldown reduction. |
Laning Phase
During laning phase, you should keep your ADC protected from poke by shielding him appropriately. You can also try to poke with autos or even shield yourself and then auto for better poke. Against CC or engage bot lane, try to keep your adc protected by disengaging the enemy champions using your Howling Gale and when they're walking away slow them with Zephyr and try to auto them a few times. You shouldn't really try to engage with your kit, just make sure you and your adc are safe and try to trade back if the enemy goes for them. Also, don't forget to ward river or tri bush.
Past Laning Phase
Once laning phase is over you should stay with your carries most of the time. Usually when team fights breakout, shield your adc if they're taking any damage, or shield your engage so that they can go in confidently. If an enemy jumps on your carries and they're in danger, ult the enemy away if you're in a good position or use your knock up to allow your carries to re-position.
Be very careful when using your ult as some champions will not synergize well with Janna, for example if Orianna is about to ult the enemy and you push them away. And also try not to use it prematurely, wait for when its really needed and use it. For example, if Leona uses Zenith blade and jumps on someone on your team, don't use your ult right away. Evaluate the situation, if the enemy team starts to pile on and jump in, then it would be a good time to use your ult.
Make sure to always shield those who need it and stay in the back so you can peel for the backline. You should be capable of positioning yourself easily with the high movement speed and move to the front line and shield those who need it there, and then go back to a safe position. If a team fight goes bad you should be one of the people to die last not first. That is not to say to leave your team and run, but don't be at the vanguard of the fight. When someone needs your help, your passive will allow them to come to you if they're escaping.
Some good tricks with Janna's ult, is using it when people tower dive and you push them more towards the turret and the rest of their team away.Obviously don't do this if someone on your team is low and is trying to escape the dive. Another thing you can do is ult people away or out of dragon/baron pits when your team is trying to secure them.
Don't be afraid to go for catches if you find one. If you know the rest of your team is behind you, and you can get a good catch, don't hesitate to flash q for knock up (this is assuming you have a slightly tanky build and not just AP items). Your team will catch up thanks to your passive.
Janna is the best peeling support in the game and she's my personal favorite. She is very strong and is seeing a lot of competitive play because of that. She can keep carries protected and peel for them all day long. With Janna you will blow your enemies away without them knowing what cam on.
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Follow me on twitch to see this build in action:
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