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Ezreal Build Guide by Oriven Kenobi

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Updated on March 24, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Oriven Kenobi Build Guide By Oriven Kenobi 2,370 Views 0 Comments
2,370 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Oriven Kenobi Ezreal Build Guide By Oriven Kenobi Updated on March 24, 2015
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hi guys,
It´s my first guide and I tried to show you as good as possible what AP-Ezreal is like.
Ezreal is one of the most difficult midlaner I´ve ever played. I don´t play LoL that´s long that´s why I can fool some expiercend player between us.

I can tell you that Ezreal is not for everyone. He/It has only skillshoots and it´s too hard for the inexperienced player.
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Ranked Play

You should not play rankeds with Ap-Ezreal before u haven´t got played more than 100 games with him. I speak from expierence that Ez needs a lot of practise.
When you decide to play Ezreal mid, you sould only take him when you have a tanky team and your enemies are squishy. The explantion follows...
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Pros / Cons

PRO: -very strong poke

-ungankable (flash and E)

-scalling on each Skill is very high, especially in lategame

-unstopable Wombocombo

-global spell (ultimate) with too much dmg :D

-unfeigned Champ, nobody knows how to counter you

CONS:-very very very squishy

-with a bad positioning he is useless

- a all-or-nothing playstyle

-if he isn´t feeded he is useless

-it exist better and more simpler Midlaner( Malzahar, Annie, Fizz,...)

- ultimate is his single waveclear
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Team Work

Ap-Ezreal is only a effective midlaner when you have a tanky team, which protects you or keep you safe. As Ezreal you need cc, because Ez has "only" tons of dmg. A good teamcombo is:
Toplane: Malphite (or another tank)
Jungle: Sion (or another tank)
Support: when you want or need more porttection than; Leona or Thresh but normaly Morgana, Janna, Brand
ADC: Ashe (no mattaer what for a ADC but Ashe has a global Ultimate too)

I advise you to don´t pick Ezreal against a tanky-team. Ezreal is a champ who can oneshoot in lategame and it is inpossible against a tanky team. Care!
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Ezreal don´t have a waveclear like the most midlaner. This mean that´s you will be pushed 24/7 and only with the help of your jungler you won´t be pushed as hell.

As Ezreal you must try to roam as often as possible beacause farming the whole game makes no sence. You may snipe and try to kill and get feeded.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Oriven Kenobi
Oriven Kenobi Ezreal Guide
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