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Tryndamere Build Guide by MR.TROLLINGHAM



Updated on August 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MR.TROLLINGHAM Build Guide By MR.TROLLINGHAM 4 4 10,229 Views 10 Comments
4 4 10,229 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MR.TROLLINGHAM Tryndamere Build Guide By MR.TROLLINGHAM Updated on August 17, 2013
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I. About me

II. About this guide

III. Pros and Cons

VI. Tryndamere's abilities

V. Runes

VI. Masteries

VII. Items

VIII. Game play

IX. A few ending words


Hello everyone. This is my first guide. I have been playing LoL for 1 year, and most of my games I picked Tryndamere. I love this champion cuz I think he is a game changer ( like other carries :D).
And there is one more thing, I'M NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH-SPEAKER so please forgive about my poor grammar.

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There are two things you need to know about this guide:
  • I'm only a Gold Division player, and I hate to say this but I spend most of my time playing the normal games (not ranked), so this guide may not suitable for professional players. I think it fits most with players who want to have more experiences about Tryndamere.
  • The reason why I create this guide is to share my experience about Tryndamere to all of you readers, and since my ranked is quite low, I'm looking forward to hear the comments in order to improve my playing skill.
    Hope you guys understand and please don't downvote me just because you think this is a bad guide.
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    + A game changer
    + Bad-azz
    + Ultimate is so OP !
    + Can solo Baron (Yay!)


    - A game changer
    - Right-handed
    - Countered by hard CC
    - Weak early game

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For those who haven't played Tryndamere, he is a very unique champion. His abilities don't have any cost related to them, therefore the use of his abilities is only limited by cooldowns. Instead he uses fury as his secondary bar. Tryndamere starts with 0 fury, and has a cap of 100 fury. He gains 5 fury per autoattack, plus 5 extra fury per critical strike and 10 extra fury per any unit he kills. When out of combat for 8 seconds, Tryndamere loses 5 fury every second.(Source: League Of Legends Wikia). So... you can spam your skill freely and stay in lane for a very long time.

Let's take a look in his abilities:


(Innate) Tryndamere receives 0.35% critical strike chance per fury.

An awesome passive. If he gets 100 fury, he will receive 35 % critical strike chance, which is the highest critical strike chance you could get from a passive.


(Passive) Permanently grants attack damage. Additionally, it grants bonus attack damage per 1% of health he is missing.
(Active) Tryndamere consumes all of his current fury, restoring health equal to a base amount plus extra health per fury consumed.
No Cost
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Base Attack Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Extra Attack Damage: 0.15 / 0.2 / 0.25 / 0.3 / 0.35 per 1% of health missing
Base Heal: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
(+0.3 (+0.012 per Fury consumed) per Ability Power)
Extra Heal: 0.5 / 0.95 / 1.4 / 1.85 / 2.3 per 1 fury consumed

My personal favorite ability. It's passive will give you some attack damage, which is great for trading and last-hitting. When active, you restore some health, which allows you to recover very quickly after trading with your enemy. I suggest max this ability first, for an easy-laning.


(Active) Decreases surrounding enemy champions' attack damage, and enemies with their backs turned also have their movement speed reduced for 4 seconds.
No Cost
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Radius: 400
Attack Damage Reduction: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Slow Amount: 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60%

This ability allows you to chase and close-gap your enemy quicklier by slowing the enemy for a great amount. It also decreases surrounding enemy champions' attack damage, so when trading this ability is very useful. BUT MAX IT LAST !


(Active) Tryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies in his path. The cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds whenever Tryndamere critically strikes.
No cost
Range: 660
Spin Radius: 225
Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds
Physical Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190
(+1.0 per Ability Power)(+1.2 per bonus Attack Damage)

Like Mocking Shout, this ability is also useful for chasing and gap-closing. But it also allows you to escape by "spinning" forward ( Spinning Slash can "spin" through walls, like Flash). The amount of damage you could deal from this ability is not that low. In conclusion ? MAX IT SECOND.


(Active) Tryndamere instantly receives fury and becomes immune to death for 5 seconds during which his health cannot go below 1 health. This move is usable even when stunned, silenced or suppressed. This ability has 0.5 seconds delay before activating.
No Cost
Cooldown: 110 / 100 / 90 seconds
Fury Gained: 50 / 75 / 100 fury

This ultimate is f***ing awesome! By immuning to death for 5 seconds, you can be a litte more aggressive. And the fury you gained will greatly increasing your critical chance due to your Battle Fury. Also, if you health drop to 1, your attack damage would increase a lot due to your Bloodlust's passive. But remember, CCs will prevent you from active Undying Rage, so be careful. To sum up, this is a great ultimate, so MAX IT WHEN EVER IT'S POSSIBLE.

Here is my ability sequence:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

So this is my standard rune choices:

- Greater Mark of Armor Penetration allows you to take down some high-armor tankers.
- Greater Seal of Armor for more survivability.
- Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist for more survivability aganist AP champions. The reason why I don't choose Greater Glyph of Magic Resist is because top-laners usually use physical damage, so ability power is not a threat in early game.
- Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage for an easier last-hitting and strong burst damage, combines with your Greater Mark of Armor Penetration.

Some viable rune choices:

- Greater Mark of Attack Damage: If you find your self difficult to last hit, get this. Otherwise, nope.
- Seal of Attack Damage: If you find your self so f***ing difficult to last hit, get this. Otherwise, nope.
- Greater Glyph of Attack Speed: If you think that you can handle AP champions, I recommend you to get this glyph.
- Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed: Okay, so you decide to trade some attack damage for attack speed. I won't stop you.


-All the lesser and normal runes: Save your IP for greater runes and don't buy these (Remember that you have to be LV.20 to buy greater runes).
- Greater Quintessence of Gold: WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU THINKING ???
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For masteries, I choose 21/9/0 for damage and a little bit defense.


In the OFFENSE TREE I choose between Damage and Critical Strike because those fit Tryndamere most. I also choose Destruction to push a lane even faster. The reason why I don't choose Havoc is because someone told me not to choose it.


I have nothing to say about this tree :(


I don't think this tree fits Tryndamere since he is not a supporter.

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I usually choose a Doran's Blade as an opening item because it gives you health, damage for a better laning. Also its passive helps you to last longer in lane.

I don't recommend this build. But if you have to solo with 2 enemies in your lane (Your enemy team don't have a jungler), you should go for it.

sight ward

So this is the safetiest build. You could place a ward to avoid ganks, and heal yourself when your health is low. Also, the Rejuvenation Bead can be upgraded to Ravenous Hydra. But you will have trouble last hitting and trading with your enemy.


An awesome item. The damage and the lifesteal are great in lane. Also Ravenous Hydra's passive and active could improve your farming by a lot, and if you are being snowballed, you will catch up very fast. I recommend get this item as your first core item.

This item will greatly increases your damage, critical strike chance and critical strike damage. But it costs too much. If you are doing great, then I will recommend you to get this. Otherwise, get it later.

Another good item. The attack speed bonus helps you to push your lane faster, and it also increases your critical strike chance. Its passive allows you to chase your enemy faster since you ignore to unit collision. You should get this after getting Ravenous Hydra.


Sorry, there is no explaining about these items. I'm working on it. :(





This boot reduces CC, increases magic resist and movement speed. If you have to face strong AP carries, get it.

GET IT GET IT GET IT. It increases your attack speed, and most AD carries take it.


Are you a jungler ? You have to gank a lot ? If both answers are "yes", get it.

Get this if Fiora or Master Yi are being fed.

And I recommend Enchantment: Homeguard, Enchantment: Alacrity.

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Top lane Tryndamere is very strong. You will win every trades easily, and recover after trading very fast. SO BE AGGRESSIVE ! Attack your enemy when he/she nears your Spinning Slash range. Also try to get some kills. If you get 3 or 4 kills on your first recall, you could carry the team.

Try to last hit as much as possible. Also, you should last hit minions, not attack them, because if you do that, your lane will be pushed near the enemy turret, which is NOT SAFE. But if your lane is being pushed, then you should attack and last hit minions. By using this technique you could avoid most ganks. If you still confused when to push and when not to push your lane, allow me to demonstrate:You should also let your lane to be pushed a little bit when your jungler is about to gank, so that he/she could gank easier.

If you want to push your lane hard, then you should buy Sight Wards. With wards, now you can push your lane freely. But you must always keep your eyes on the map! The enemy jungler will come and gank you anytime, and remember that your life is very important, since you are an AD carry. Also there is one more thing, DON'T TRADE YOUR LIFE WITH A TURRET. I can see that some people just keep attacking the turret because it has low health, don't even care that he/she is being attacked by that turret or by an enemy. And when the turret has been destroyed, his/her has already dead. Worth it??? NO !


The mid game starts when you reach to Lv.6. Now you should try to get a kill in your lane or destroy a turret (if you haven't). And when you have, you should gank other lanes. Remember that when you are ganking, keep an eye on your top lane. If you see that your lane is being pushed very hard, come back to your lane or ask someone to push it back. Also, when you are going to another lane to gank, you will pass by some jungle camps. You should clear those camps to get some money, regain health (By Bloodlust's active or some life steal items like Ravenous Hydra, Vampiric Scepter) before going to that lane and gank.

If you have fallen behind in your early game, then ganking is not a good idea. You should stay in lane and farm, avoid ganks, or ask your jungler to come and gank so that you could get some kills. Just don't worry when you have fallen behind, because Tryndamere could catch up very quickly.

When your team and the enemy team start a fight, remember that you MUST BE THERE. Without you, your team might lose that fight, and that sucks. If you are too far from your team, then you should ask your team to try to avoid as much fightings as possible, so that you have enough time to get to your team. You could also ask someone to place a Sight Ward, then teleport to it using Teleport.

In conclusion, to dominate your mid game with Tryndamere, just remember one thing: YOU ARE GOD.



Usually the game ends in 30 minutes. If it isn't, that's mean it is scaling to LATE GAME. In late game, the team that got an ace will like basically win the game. So only one mistake could cause your team to LOSE!!! Here are the few things you should know in late game:
  • Try not the die. You could be killed if you get caught going alone by the enemy team. So always stick together with your team. You are very important in a fight because you are an ADC. Without you your team might lose. So don't get yourself killed.
  • Watch out for Baron Nashor. In late game, both teams could easily take down this monster, so ask your support to place a ward near its camp. Also don't try to kill it when the enemy team is still alive. It's not worth to risk.
  • In a fight, your main target are the squishy enemy champions, such as AD, AP carries or some Supports. If you finish all of them, tankers will be no problem since the whole team could easily takes down them, and your team is victory!!! Sounds easy but it's really hard to do that. While trying to get to those champions, you might suffer really hard CCs, and probably will die before touching them. So the key is the surprising attack. You and your team should hide in a brush, and when the enemy team get nears you, BAM! Because it's a surprising attack, the enemy team won't have enough time to response, and when they do, they already dead.
  • Warding is very important in late game. If you know the position of the enemy team, it will bring to your team a huge advantage. Usually the warder is the support, but you should ward to! It's everyone responsiblility.
  • Last but not least, buy an Elixir of Fortitude to make you a little bit stronger. Don't worry if your inventory is already full. Just click buy and you will automatically use it.

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You know that I'm not a god, so things won't happen exactly like I said in this guide. I only help you half the way, and the rest is up to you. Thank you for reading my guide. Hope you will find it a little bit useful. Bye.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author MR.TROLLINGHAM
MR.TROLLINGHAM Tryndamere Guide
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