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Sejuani Build Guide by The next meteosx



Updated on March 17, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The next meteosx Build Guide By The next meteosx 3,429 Views 0 Comments
3,429 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The next meteosx Sejuani Build Guide By The next meteosx Updated on March 17, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Hello I am a Platinum 1 player on NA and main jungle I have been using Sejuani for many of my rank games and never disappointed by how well she synergizes with most team comps hopefully you use my guide and it helps those who want to use her well and it is my first guide on mobafire so it probably wont be the most in depth
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pros and cons

strong initiation
natural tank
high damage while building mainly tank
good escapes with Q
Excellent team fight potential
Not very mobile
Weak early game
not a super fast jungle clear
Prone to counter jungle
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When i jungle

Most people who use sejuani tend to start blue well thats fine for blue side but i start red on right side so i can allow my bot lane to get to their lane faster so adc does not fall behind on farm of course some people may do otherwise.
I always like to gank from behind aka lets say mid lane instead of entering from river i enter through their turret side it usually leads to a successful gank gaining a kill or a flash especially with the pressure sejuani has when she does engage successfully.A good thing to do is get scuttlecrab as much as possible gives vision and mobility it helps when enemy jungle may be ganking from river and the wards i purchase i use it to ward key areas of the enemy jungle so i can go and clear enemy jungle if possible and gives me a idea on where the enemy jungler may be.
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well thats all from me

Sorry it isnt the best guide but i will do changes to it when i can and learn how to use this system better hopefully it gives a idea on how i jungle and see if anyone who is similar to me can enjoy it as much as i do.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The next meteosx
The next meteosx Sejuani Guide
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