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quite obvious why.
eventually IF you get fed, or she gets quite behind you may dual or even tower dive her with r. CAN kill you all stages of the game if even. make sure someone is out vaynespotting. (no, i mean cc'ing the vayne). eventually your q cooldowns will become her bane. use e REALLY REALLY carefully.
poke and slow pretty good vs jax. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6.
traps are annoying, headshots pretty much need to be dodged. has q to harass and r to follow up with her support. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6.
insane auto damage, can't dodge them all; anti stick with movespeed boost to escape e stun, self peeling q'cancel e ablity. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6 with r but care damage potential since you want e to be up as long as possible but also stun. if necessary q first and trade, attempt to bait e, then use your e as a mean of turning.
can't really kill you all that easily without a good support setup, q can be dodged with your e, e can be followed up with your q. don't give too much gold via kleptomancy, don't take unnecessary poke. if ez gets iceborn you have to dodge the first q and attempt a stun, requiring his e to be down or flash to stun him. good ez is annoy af so, Farm and outscale. can solo kill most time with high cdr on your part. never underestimate damage when he is decently built; double tear build damage just goes to show how well he abuse mage item.
almost a completely support depending ADC. very telegraphed. avoid poke and Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6. trap slow can be of cockblock, cdr is good to have but not a prerequisite.
don't give his supp a easy engage because you will take some crazy burst and ignite to your ass.
will poke with rocket when you cs. skillshot slow is easily dodgeable, traps are easier to dodge than Caitlyn traps. ulti does do big damage and can be problematic if she gets one reset on passive. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6. prepare to dodge alot of slows, but even then it's quite easy to do so.
has good damage on q which can't be dodged, plasma deal hella dmg as well. even so she has no business solo killing you. can run away from you with inv+speedboost but later on 40% cdr she is free. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6. she has potential, so don't underestimate if she is slightly better off than you in terms of items. guinsoo powerspike.
tenacious passive, very strong early game. don't underestimate mid game unless you have all your tricks up no cooldown. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 11 if not confident on your part. don't give her damage too much credit either given her passive damage need her support. don't take many unnecessary free auto for her to rend. she can all in like crazy with the passive so use q sparsely to escape if needed. watch out for botrk slow.
has really high damage potential, gets his powerspike earlier then you. maybe able to return kill with passive. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at triforce.
really try to dodge the r, his range is quite insane so use e to dodge and cs if needed and worth (for multiple minion or cannon).
could be fair calling him the "Talon of ADC's". which is why he is good right now. watchout for early damage and avoid getting press the attack proc with e. will try to poke with q when you cs, prepare to either dodge (kinda hard) or bait (easier, require good timing on minion damage to not miss the minion). r does good damage do it's wise to hold off dualing until say essence reaver, by getting e cdr back with autos and stun him. watchout for earlier finished items like black clever.
Miss Fortune
really annoy damage/poke in lane, speed boost to run from you, slow to cockblock and give vision, ulti which still do tons of damage when you have e up. engage with caution. q can be dodged. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 11. with essence reaver and second tier boots killing her isn't too hard, but watch out for ghostblade active and her ability to kite you for days before execute with r.
cancerous lane anywhere. try your best to survive but know what cs you can and cannot take. junglers help would be nice but watchout for counter ganks. Farm and outscale. can solo kill with r at 6 (but watch out if she has finished legendary item). ping your lane fast when she is missing after 6.
q poke, w poke when you cs is very annoy and can't be dodged. spell shield can shield your stun. ulti to run or kite you.
Farm and outscale. can solo kill at triforce. better idea is to kill at essence reaver if you fear getting outplayed. she really need item to do damage as well so you are in for a good time if you pop her spell shield with w. (instead of e q auto w you q e wait and auto and w before e goes off)
jumps everywhere. can't really kill you but might be able to poke you when she cs. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6. don't jump in with e and get outplayed, save e for her bomb stacking.
can out damage you lv6 if you underutilized your e. Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6 if you can look for a good 1v1 and activate e when your second q is about to be up in 2 or 3 second. if you get ahead he is free, if he is ahead chances are he CAN have the damage potential to kill you but CANNOT engage on you. baiting his r is viable but a dangerous game.
meta abuser champion, thank lord hashinshin for ad nerf. q poke, e poke so watch out for his autos as his damage on poke is deceptively high. the r self peel is really effective against you so you want to bait it out and either r or e it and wait for another opportunity to engage. worth trading r since Jax R has short cooldown. guinsoo powerspike.
auto-based champion with decent enough mid game damage. take care to avoid unnecessary poke and root. don't engage early as she can easily r out of situations and root for counter attack. can bait/force r when she is alone. extra care if xayah/rakan combo with ignite.Farm and outscale. can solo kill at 6 with wise defensive usage of e.
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