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Champion Build Guide
Best Build Patch 14.10
Hello, I'm and EUW player my rank is Bronze but i still try hard to climb, i play Yasuo a lot and for the Past 3 days i was working on finding a new build and i finally did so i decided to share it wih everyone.
Anyways, so patch 14.10 came out and it had a HUGE effect of Yasuo and Yone, removal of LT, Item changes and nerfs, so basically almost every yasuo player nowadays thinks that Yasuo and Yone are NOT PLAYABLE anymore, well FLASH NEWS dawg this build is all u need to keep playing them.
let's first talk about runes :
PTA is probably the MOST OP rune on Yasuo this Patch - coming in 2nd place is Fleet - since Yasuo's Q stack the PTA it's a good for business rune, aside from that it give u insane damage.
Fleet Foot is the 2nd BEST rune for Yasuo thanks to the Healing and MS it gives you. -not much to talk about it since i didn't try it much-
Conquer comes in the 3rd Place as PTA is better then Conq at this moment.
now let's talk about Items :
so basically the Kraken NERF had a HUGE effect on both Yasuo and Yone that made it kinda useless to build, u can still build BORK ofc but.... the Kraken insane damage is no longer good to go, so what do we build this Patch ??!!
The Answer is sustain Yasuo, Stride Breaker gives AS, AD and Health which makes it a good item to build on Yasuo, Yun Tal Wildarrows as 2nd item to give Yasuo more of power spike thanks to the AD and Critical that it gives, and ofc Infinity Edge as 3rd item to get Yasuo to it's full damage shape, the buff-nerf that Infinity Edge got still puts Yasuo in a good place to buy it, as for the rest of the build it's made for sustain and damage at the same time.
That's pretty much all to cover this build, but no worries i will keep updating this build the more I play, but as for now... ENJOY
Anyways, so patch 14.10 came out and it had a HUGE effect of Yasuo and Yone, removal of LT, Item changes and nerfs, so basically almost every yasuo player nowadays thinks that Yasuo and Yone are NOT PLAYABLE anymore, well FLASH NEWS dawg this build is all u need to keep playing them.
let's first talk about runes :
PTA is probably the MOST OP rune on Yasuo this Patch - coming in 2nd place is Fleet - since Yasuo's Q stack the PTA it's a good for business rune, aside from that it give u insane damage.
Fleet Foot is the 2nd BEST rune for Yasuo thanks to the Healing and MS it gives you. -not much to talk about it since i didn't try it much-
Conquer comes in the 3rd Place as PTA is better then Conq at this moment.
now let's talk about Items :
so basically the Kraken NERF had a HUGE effect on both Yasuo and Yone that made it kinda useless to build, u can still build BORK ofc but.... the Kraken insane damage is no longer good to go, so what do we build this Patch ??!!
The Answer is sustain Yasuo, Stride Breaker gives AS, AD and Health which makes it a good item to build on Yasuo, Yun Tal Wildarrows as 2nd item to give Yasuo more of power spike thanks to the AD and Critical that it gives, and ofc Infinity Edge as 3rd item to get Yasuo to it's full damage shape, the buff-nerf that Infinity Edge got still puts Yasuo in a good place to buy it, as for the rest of the build it's made for sustain and damage at the same time.
That's pretty much all to cover this build, but no worries i will keep updating this build the more I play, but as for now... ENJOY
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