Decent earlygame opponent, missing your skillshots (especially E and W) will prove fatal. Otherwise she's very squishy and can get exploded easily.
Stronger lv 1 play than you, but you can start out-trading him at level 2 with a Q-E-STUN-AA combo. If your support goes in on the stun, expect even more damage or a kill! btw you can think of syndra as AP draven
You = snowball champ, her = scale champ. Try your best to make her behind. You can make an easy initiate by stunning her from afar. Communicate w/ your support to pressure her at lv 2/3.
Same thing as cassiopeia, but he has a dumber combo that is capable of 1shotting you lategame. Try to make him behind and look forward to earlygame pressure. Initiate with a long range stun if possible for easy damage.
Your abilities can outrange cait's AA range. Squishy and mostly defenseless, she is an easy kill, but her general spacing and E will require you to move up a little more.
You can compare his playstyle like yours. Level 1 and 2 he tends to play more pushed up to land his W's and Q's, which you can then punish his positioning. don't let him walk on you
For most of the time he will just stay by the botlaner. If they engage with braum's Q, and try to rack up his passive, just push them away with a Q-E combo. He will mostly just stop you from killing people.
Small threat. Stay away from units and walls so that you don't get stunned. He's considerably squishy earlygame, so look forward to level 2/3 out-trades or kills.
Access to high MS with his W and has a long, fast hook. You will want to play by minions or your support, and once you hit level 2 you can start scaring him off with a Q-E-STUN-AA combo.
Low mobility champ. His recent nerfs make him more enjoyable to play against. Usually landing any combo will get him to low HP.
He's better than you level 1 and once he starts his root. Once you have E and stun him, you can start out-trading him. Try to look forward to a combo when he gets cocky with his fourth AA and looks exclusively to use it on you.
Miss Fortune
No hard cc, just hard damage. She wont have much MS earlygame, so look forward to early pressure to set her behind. also try to stop her W bonus MS with an aa or Q
Like you, he has long ranged skillshots. His built in flash will be annoying to run from/land abilities. Must he do that, try making your combo and stun initiate unpredictable.
She has a similar kit to yours in terms of E compatibility (her cc can pass through minions) and overall burst dmg. She's more mobile than you thanks to her W active and 3rd empower AA. Not only that, her clone can be used as a source of vision and bait. Be especially careful when you wander around in the jungle. Other than that it's battle of the bullies. you can also shove her away if she tries an R
KING OF CC. He can easily negate your damage and will continue to do so if he builds MR. Play around minions early and look forward to a level 2 or 3 kill pressure to set him behind. or just ban him
Predictable, squishy, and mostly harmless. If she tries a W poke, scare her off with a level 2 combo, or even a level 1 Q AA AA/Q electrocute combo.
Artillery mage and your mobility don't mix well. She has relatively long base CDs earlygame so she becomes low and vulnerable after using skills.
QUEEN OF CC. Her W can negate a lot of your burst. Normally she would run Q and E by level 2, her hook and stun AA. Whittle her health pre-3 so that she becomes an easy kill once you have your full combo.
Super thick. It also doesn't help that he has a magic shield built in his W to negate more damage from you. If he closes in on you, expect to take heavy damage. YOU CAN PUSH HIM AWAY WITH E IF HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF CHARGING AT YOU.
Little bulky, but still killable. He's not the best at range, but makes up for with an airborne dash and on-contact charm ult. YOU CAN PUSH HIM AWAY WITH E IF HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF CHARGING AT YOU.
Compared to other ADCs, her skills can be easily dodged. Squishy and quite lackey in damage early, you can easily whittle her down level 2 and kill her level 3. She will be slightly harder to kill if she can successfully proc ult, avoiding all your burst.
Just like you, he has no mobility at all. Highly squishy, usually the support would also know he can be easily killed level 2. A Q-E-STUN-AA combo should be enough to allow the support to catch the koggers and score a kill.
You will rarely see her play bot/ADC, but she is certainly still going to be hard to fight against due to her mobility. Try to strike first, at the least in a case where she tries to dash on you, you can use your E to counterattack and maybe even kill her.
She can negate your stun and damage with a well timed spellshield. Other than that sidestep her abilities and don't get close to her and you will be fine. Again, look forward to early kill pressure. btw a Q E combo is usually enough to just outright pop the shield and still stun her
Predictable hook if he initiates with it. Other than that, he's on the squishier level of hook champs and can easily get killed early. YOU CAN PUSH HIM AWAY WITH E IF HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF CHARGING AT YOU.
Squishy and usually cocky level 1-2, she makes an easy kill. When she goes for a PNC poke, fight back with a Q-E-AA electrocute combo for big damage. Bonus points if your support goes in on her.
Another one of the cocky supports level 1-2, you can easily scare her off like janna. Her ult will make it harder to burst targets down, but generally it shouldnt be too problematic.
%HP damage in his Q, and a taunt dash, you do not want to get close to this guy. Look for long range poke and only commit to an electrocute AA if you stun him.
You vs his windwall. Out of your entire kit, your W and Q can bypass his windwall. Try to make him stupidly use up his windwall so that you can start a combo uninterrupted, or if you just hate him that much you can just ult him off the bat, shotgun stun, and then explode him with a Q and W electrocute. Stay away from and watch your minion wave, because he will use them to close gaps on you.
Similar to lux, hes highly vulnerable once his W and E are burned out. Xeraths will usually move up as they aim their Q, which is a perfect time for you to set up a combo uninterrupted.
Spammy artillery mage, but his abilities are relatively easy to avoid. Going off of a long range E stun will greatly help you set up a combo.
His PNC GA ult can instantly stop you from killing anyone. However pre6 he makes a great snack. Just make sure to keep running since his bombs' range of pickup is incredible and you don't want to get stunned.
Another artillery mage, he spams a lot more compared to the others. However there's many things you can do to counter him such as going for a long range E stun and then going off of that.
His ult can entirely shut down your purpose. Post6 it's either you kill him or his partner as quickly as possible or else you have to wait a long time before you can deal damage to them agian. coordinating with your support to 1shot the adc is good enough to make him nothing
Immobile and almost like you, you just need to stun or slow him to start exploding him. Remember his Q deals double damage if it hits only one target, so if you think you're getting hit, just keep running or be near a minion to negate the extra damage.
Very easy to kill early. She's going to heavily rely on her support for peel and consistent CC.
Highly mobile due to her passive, she can easily dodge your attacks as long as she Q's or has something to AA. Try looking for long range poke combos and make sure she's out of range to AA something such as a minion or support before doing so.
High poke and has a PNC tether root. Because of this she will play cocky. Try to stun her as she plays cocky and then combo her for big damage, rinse and repeat until she's dead.
Somewhat immobile, your earlygame combos can easily destroy her.
Thick and he's going to make facechecking uncomfortable. Most you can do is play for earlygame and try to kill him then. Otherwise it will require your support to pitch in a lot of effort to take him down as well.
Almost like vayne, he can easily dodge your abilities, usually initiating as he does so. Keep your E unless you are making a long range poke combo on him so that in case he does close on you, you can push him away or stun him. Earlygame his dash has a long CD, so if he uses it early catch him with a stun combo. You can pressure him to use his dashes earlier by using W, has basically the same psychological effects like E
Not very hard to deal with since she's highly immobile and cocky. Meta keystones on her involve onhit procs such as glacial and grasp, which then she usually greeds for a passive stack or grasp stack. Catch her out when she does this so that she doesn't mess with you again.
Support sett with omnistone, hexflash, and nimbus cloak alongside his thick shield he can get with his big punch can easily negate your damage and catch you out. Keep your distance from him and never facecheck brush.
He will be a very annoying support to go against. However he's squishy so usually a stun can lead to him dead, and if you both are level 6 ult him before the stun runs out so that you can basically identify the true one's location and also pitch some extra damage in.
She can easily dodge your abilities with her tumble. Try to make her burn it off through a Q poke, pretty easy to kill after she's immobile. also make sure to stay ahead and keep setting her behind to minimize her impact.
Look forward to killing him pre6 so that he doesn't be as problematic, because his Q poke + lethality (if he still builds it) will really hurt if he keeps landing them.
Squishy and easy to kill when he's not stealthed or lv 6. Once you have ult and you stun combo him, try to use it as fast as possible so that he can't invis out and make you lose the chance to PNC him.
Very pokey champ, but catching her out will usually lead to her dying. Look forward to an initiate and comboing her once she starts stepping up to poke, but just watch out for her silence as you do. (most sorakas just throw out the silence when poking for some reason so thats pretty cool)
Like soraka, she will poke a lot with her Q. She has to walk up in order to do this, so just combo her out once she chooses death.
Her spellshield can negate one magic attack from you. Slam your keyboard once you stun her. If she negates the stun, you can still do some serious damage with Q-W-AA-Q, and ult once you're 6.
Later on he can get thick and tank your burst pretty effectively, so just try your best to kill him early. When he throws his hand and you're in the path, walk up to him and sideways instead of back; his hand will only root coming back to him so you walking up and sidestepping will buy you more time to dodge it. He becomes vulnerable once his hand is down.
She will be latched to the botlaner for most of the time, which means two things; you cant kill her until you kill the botlaner, but the botlaner becomes an easy target as well. When she looks for a passive AA shield fight back and stun her if you can. She is one of the squishiest champs in the game so one commitment with you and your support will usually kill her quickly.
Her root can pass through minions like Neeko and she can grow slow-inducing plants if bulbs are near it. However she becomes an easy kill once her root is down. Just beware of the other plants she can grow with her Q which can proc keystones like dark harvest/electrocute/comet.
She only has one form of CC which is her sleep. She will usually throw this through a wall for extended range, so stay away from them. Other than that she is actually pretty immobile, even post 6 if she ults you can just dodge her stuff and then set up a stun at her origin cast for an easy kill.
if he dares use his grapple hook you can simply just E him and it will push him away and cancel the action. other than that he's pretty ez to kill and just watch out for possible wits end
good early game, good mobility, just about as burst as you are. YOU CAN PUSH HER AWAY WITH E AS SHE ROCKET JUMPS so
melee adc lol, keep a good distance so that she has zero opportunity to dive you. you are able to shove her away if shes about to dash at you.
Renata Glasc
kinda like zilean but you can easily suppress her by 1shotting and running. Her R also is basically just cc since your autos deal no dmg
Her easy slows and ult stun make landing combos much easier. Alongside that she deals AD so it would slightly force the enemy comp to build more armor, less mr against you. However unless she's running some crazy tank kit she is squishy and will not be able to peel for you in terms of taking damage. maintain a safe distance together
You have many ways to initiate and create combos. Your push & stun from E and slow from W, alongside your ability to cast Q and W while moving really helps with self-peel and kiting. Not only that, if you land a CC, with electrocute and ult, expect to deal fatal damage. Generally you should play for earlygame and snowball. Look for kills level 2 and 3 with your support. REMEMBER, YOU ARE MOSTLY A LEVEL SPIKE CHAMP. ex level spikes - 2, 3, 6, 9, 13.
you can make easy setup or easy followup by using your slows on W and stuns on E. enemy escape is unlikely with your much easier-to-land-than-other-mages abilities
does anyone like playing against him? good zoning/damage output/carry potential
watch for his ult because you don't want to be following up by missing everything except R (or just R and then combo easy stuns)
you wont be making the most out of braum's passive because of the low attack speed nature of mages but nevertheless great peel and engage
the 1shot family :D
he's slow in general but good for setups, followup, and execute
she's awesome man trust me, she's like support and burst mage combo
long range CC ftw (pretty similar to your kit imo) i rate her synergy among top 3
when he runs at and cc's the enemy duo 😍
very good with mages in the botlane
Easy follow up and easy to be followed up, her cc passes through minions aswell
One of the best enchanters, but she is still much better with kill pressure supports
syndra prefers more kill pressure supports but the steroids and extra AP are pretty good too
idk what to put here he's great, just make sure to keep track of his displacements because i miss a few skillshots playing alongside him
great lockdown and has 2 hook attempts
Her easy slows and ult stun make landing combos much easier. Alongside that she deals AD so it would slightly force the enemy comp to build more armor, less mr against you. However unless she's running some crazy tank kit she is squishy and will not be able to peel for you in terms of taking damage. maintain a safe distance together
You have many ways to initiate and create combos. Your push & stun from E and slow from W, alongside your ability to cast Q and W while moving really helps with self-peel and kiting. Not only that, if you land a CC, with electrocute and ult, expect to deal fatal damage. Generally you should play for earlygame and snowball. Look for kills level 2 and 3 with your support. REMEMBER, YOU ARE MOSTLY A LEVEL SPIKE CHAMP. ex level spikes - 2, 3, 6, 9, 13.
you can make easy setup or easy followup by using your slows on W and stuns on E. enemy escape is unlikely with your much easier-to-land-than-other-mages abilities
does anyone like playing against him? good zoning/damage output/carry potential
watch for his ult because you don't want to be following up by missing everything except R (or just R and then combo easy stuns)
you wont be making the most out of braum's passive because of the low attack speed nature of mages but nevertheless great peel and engage
the 1shot family :D
he's slow in general but good for setups, followup, and execute
she's awesome man trust me, she's like support and burst mage combo
long range CC ftw (pretty similar to your kit imo) i rate her synergy among top 3
when he runs at and cc's the enemy duo 😍
very good with mages in the botlane
Easy follow up and easy to be followed up, her cc passes through minions aswell
One of the best enchanters, but she is still much better with kill pressure supports
syndra prefers more kill pressure supports but the steroids and extra AP are pretty good too
idk what to put here he's great, just make sure to keep track of his displacements because i miss a few skillshots playing alongside him
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