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Zed Build Guide by PaoComSalame

Assassin You call that armor? ZED 6.6

Assassin You call that armor? ZED 6.6

Updated on March 28, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PaoComSalame Build Guide By PaoComSalame 32,994 Views 0 Comments
32,994 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PaoComSalame Zed Build Guide By PaoComSalame Updated on March 28, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hello I'm PaoComSalame from EUW and this is my first guide. I finished Gold 3 this pre-season, and I'm currently Gold 5. I love playing Zed, because he isn't a braindead champ, and you can do some cool combos with him + he's a ninja :) I have around 65 games with him this season 6, with a winrate of 65% and 10.5/6.5/7.3 KDA.
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Pros / Cons

+ Great burst damage
+ High mobility
+ Strong Early/Mid game
+ High outplay potential
+ he's a ninja!

+ Meh LateGame
+ Can be quite hard to get back into the game, once behind
+ Can be countered fairly easy with a lot of items and spells
+ Depending on some champions, he may get demolished
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Laning Phase

In your early levels (1-2) your Q to farm safely(if the enemy laner has high harass) and your W to escape ganks. When you reach level 3, is when the Thundering starts, use your W on top of the enemy, E right after to proc the slow and 1 stack on Thunderlord's Decree, and hit both Q's on the enemy(its quite easy because he's slowed), and you prof Thunderlord's, dealing half of the enemy's HP with 1 unique combo. Continue with that harass untill you get a kill, or you get lvl6.
After reaching lvl 6, ult the opponent, slow them with your E, use your W right after to dodge an incoming spells, and finish it off with your Q's, that should do the trick if you hit the combo. if they flash out of your combo but you think ignite will take it, use it instantly.
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Wait for the harder CC to be used, and when you have an openning, rush for the enemy ADC or midlaner. If he's well protected, use your ultimate, slow him with your E, ignite him, teleport back to your R's shadow and hit your shurikens on him(from your shadow). in that stage of the game, it should be enough to get the kill, even though you weren't close to him to do much.
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I hope you enjoyed, and that my guide was somewhat helpful, thank you for reading, and I hope you get plenty of "WTF" in the chat after you deal half of the enemy's health with your ultimate proc :) (still adding more stuff)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PaoComSalame
PaoComSalame Zed Guide
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You call that armor? ZED 6.6

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