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Lulu Build Guide by Xtone

Support You'll see more with your eyes closed!!! S6

Support You'll see more with your eyes closed!!! S6

Updated on January 13, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xtone Build Guide By Xtone 1,155,720 Views 0 Comments
1,155,720 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xtone Lulu Build Guide By Xtone Updated on January 13, 2016
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Hi I'm Gabriel Oliveira (aka Xtone), I'm a support main that likes to play really agressively and i love Lulu so I decided to create this guide.

It's still a WIP but I'll make sure to make an awesome guide for YOU that want to learn how to play Lulu and maybe other support champions.
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Armor is always good.
I use AP so I can create early game pressure but if I had the IP I would buy those.

Hybrid pen. so your poke is more effective.

Flat health (or scaling health) so the early game poke isn't as effective(or if you want to be a bit more tanky late game).

Flat CDR (or scaling CDR), so your early game poke is more effective and you have more pressure and your ADC has room for some mistakes that you will quickly shied (or concerning the late game so you can be constantly shielding and speeding your allies late game).
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In the last mastery tree (Resolve), you can choose betwen Preserverance and Insight, in my oppinion Insight its pretty useless in most of the cases so I usually take Preserverance instead.

About the Explorer and Tough Skin, well.... if you want to help mid a lot and keep the river warded ALL THE TIME you can pick Explorer, if the enemy team comp doesn't require that kind of ward pressure or the enemy team has a lot of assasins or a shen as supp then you can pick Tough Skin.

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Every aspect that I wanted to talk about is covered in the item notes.
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Skill Sequence

With the new and OP thunderlord's Decree Lulus poke has transformed in the new factor that make you win or loose, so taking your Q early game and maxing it first is a MUST, and then you have to choose betwen W and E, lets see:
  • W - 30%(+10% AP) MS for your ally 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds! thats nice
    W - Polymorph an enemy champion 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds!? thats OP, heavy CC wins games and you know that.
  • E - Shieds an ally for 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% AP) AND AIDS THEIR AA FOR 6 SECONDS that just broken
    E - Deals 80/110/140/170/200 (+40% AP) AND grants vision THAT YOU CAN USE TO FOLLOW UP WITH Q
Ok, ok then what, should I take W or E, OBVIOSLY W, i know that the shield is broken but using W to get to lane is awesome and using it to setup a gank is even more awesome, don't belive me?

Ex: their supp is a Tham and their ADC is a tryhard vayne, vayne get almost rekt by your ADC and jungler and tham is like "Gotta eat that tryhard vayne!!1!1" and Lulu (you) goes like, "/all NOPE THAM I USE MY CC ON U AND U CANT EAT THE FKN TRYHARD VAYNE MHUAAHAHAHAHAA XD #GET REKT SCRUB" then you win the game and say "/all GG EZ"
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I think that these spells on supps are pretty standard nowadays you can also take tp if you want to create more pressure, but I think its better to stick to the meta
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Ranked Play

If your aiming to use Lulu to get ez elo, you will need to know when to pick her:
  • NEVER instalock

    - Lulu is awesome played in a random team but if your mid laner has some kind of knockup and your top laner is a yasuo (or the other way around) then you wont even need the yasuo to be a skilled player (just kidding), this way your team can create a LOT of pressure: TOP - you are roaming; MID/BOT - Yasuo is roaming Dragon/Baron - during knockups their jungler can't smite and if yasuo ults they will be airborn for quite a long time if timed correctly.
  • Duo Q

    - Always aim for safe Duo-Q partners that you know you can thrust on, that you know that if they say engage they won't leave you to die WITHOUT PURPOSE, and if possible use a third party program like TS or Skype so you can comunicate faster and more effectively.

    - Always think possitively and encourage you allys and enemys not to flame or tilt or any of that, you might as well get some honor at the end of the game if you think AND ACT this way.
  • Manage your team

    - Most ranked players always do this but this it the support function, as a support you don't need to keep focused on farming as much as you can (ADC), or preventing ganks AND keeping your lane pushed but safe at the same time (MID), or keeping baron pressure and trying to snowball as much as possible (and also rift herald pressure nowadays) (TOP), or even manage buff timers for both mid laners (blue) and top laner (red), and keeping gank pressure (aka knowing when the wards expire and knowing where to search for then so you can destroy their wards). But, as a support (in my opinion) your job is to... do it ALL, yes, its easy when you get used to doing it every game 100 games (in a row), but you are a support so apart from that you also need to:
    • Keep map awareness to the team with only 4 wards (3 greens, 1 pink);
    • Poke without get kitted or die;
    • Keeping your ADC alive (carrying (JUST KIDDING XD XD XD));
    • Make good use of your money;
    • And finaly the toughest thing to do as a support... remind your allys to buy trinket upgrades, the easiest way to win a game.
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Pros / Cons

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Team Work


  • Shielding

    - As you know Lulu doesn't have any sustain (like soraka, or morgana (passive spellvamp)), but she has a shield that she can use if she is alive so thats why it is inportant not to die in 1,5 seconds after the teamfight starts NEVER ULT YOURSELF, therefore, you must stay in your team side of the teamfight so you can dive to shield (did you notice I've said shied not damage with your E) and backoff so you don't die.
  • CC

    - In teamfights try to be useful, use slow to gapclose and polymorph when they try to dive in on you (time it correctly).

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Unique Skills

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xtone
Xtone Lulu Guide
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You'll see more with your eyes closed!!! S6

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