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Nasus Build Guide by ShadowStealer94

Top Your a wizard Nasus! (AP Nasus guide)

Top Your a wizard Nasus! (AP Nasus guide)

Updated on August 28, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowStealer94 Build Guide By ShadowStealer94 21 4 114,775 Views 10 Comments
21 4 114,775 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowStealer94 Nasus Build Guide By ShadowStealer94 Updated on August 28, 2023
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Time Warp Tonic

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Note: the rest of the in depth guides are on their way.

Table of Contents

Guide Details
x Welcome to Dogwarts
x Choose your Wizard
x Conclusion
Ulitmate Wizard
x Overview
x Runes
x Items
Ice Wizard
x Overview
x Runes
x Items
Fire Wizard
x Overview
x Runes
x Items
Welcome to Dogwarts Summoner

Which Wizard will you choose?

Choose your Wizard

Ultimate Wizard - Oneshot enemies left right and center bringing absolute annihilation to the rift.
Ice Wizard - Stop your enemies in their tracks and use the power of ice to bring order to the rift.
Fire Wizard - Burn your enemies to a crisp. Produce flames so intense the rift will never forget you.
Posion Wizard - Drain your enemies life force and watch as they slowly perish before your might.
Air Wizard - Float past your enemies with ease and grace whilst simultaneously bringing chaos all around.
Earth Wizard - Use your spells to cause tremors across the rift so everyone will know your strength.
Ultimate Wizard

Once you master all the different Wizard forms you can attempt to master the most powerful of all - Ulitmate Wizard Nasus Combine all the elements into raw explosive power and dominate the rift with total annihilation. Beware without complete mastery and control over the elements the power of the Ultimate Wizard can cause more harm than good
For the Ultimate Wizard Power build Luden's Tempest. This allows you to channel your power and dominate the rift. Luden's Tempest gives you the ability to oneshot your foes with ease. This mythic complements the power of the Ultimate Wizard perfectly and should always be built using the setup
Take Sorcerer's Shoes most games as they allow you to deal the maximum damage even to enemies that build magic resist. This improves the strength of the Ultimate Wizard into tankier matchups which is especially useful in the top lane where there are mostly bruisers and tanks
Shadowflame is a great second item as it provides great versitilty as it allows you to deal significanly more damage not only to tanks, using the magic penetration given, but also to mages and other champions that build health items. This means shadowflame always has great value regardless of enemy composition
Horizon focus is a great purchase as the item vastly increases the damage of your E as it is non targeted which means the damage dealt subsequently to the intial E damage is greatly increased for the next 6 seconds so the portion of E damage dealt over time is greatly increased as well as any other magic damage.
The most important item of all, Rabadon's Deathcap. With this item the Ultimate Wizard build truly comes online. Rabadon's Deathcap gives you bonus ability power based on your total ability power so its a perfect 4th full item as it gives you a massive boost in power.
Finish off with Void Staff as it allows you to deal the maximum damage even to enemies that build magic resist. This improves the strength of the Ultimate Wizard into tankier matchups which is especially useful in the top lane where there are mostly bruisers and tanks
Ice Wizard

The Ice Wizard uses magic to freeze enemies and stop them right in their tracks. Combining the powerful wither along with multiple items and runes makes it nearly impossible for foes to escape your grasp. You might not do as much damage as the other forms but it is more than made up for by the controlling capabilities. You are able to whittle enemies down over time whilst they are helpless trying to escape your clutches.
The Ice Wizard should always build Everfrost as the mythic as the active ability perfectly complements the slows of the build as it allows you to lock down enemies even more by rooting them. It allows you to have even more control in lane as you can stop enemies from jumping onto you
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are a must as they allow you to not only cast your abilities more often, which means that you can slow your enemies more and do more damage with your E, but also gives you item haste so you can use your Everfrost more often.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is perfect for the Ice Wizard as it amplifies the slowing power as it also makes your E slow them as well as your Q. This means that if you W the enemy and then E or Q they will be practially unable to move anywhere allowing you and your team to deal tons of damage to them.
Horizon focus is a great purchase as the item vastly increases the damage of your E as it is non targeted which means the damage dealt subsequently to the intial E damage is greatly increased for the next 6 seconds so the portion of E damage dealt over time is greatly increased as well as any other magic damage.
Archangel's Staff gives you a lot more mana which allows you to cast more ablilites before running out of mana. This is essential as you have a lot of ability haste so you cast abilites more often and so run out of mana quickly. Archangel's Staff also gives you a sheild when you are low which increases your survivability
Finish off with Rabadon's Deathcap as it gives you a large boost to your damage, which can be lacking compared to other Wizard builds as the items and runes are focused on the slowing effects. Rabadon's allows you to continue to be a threat even late into the game.

Fire Wizard

The Fire Wizard uses magic to burn enemies and scorch them to a crisp so that they never forget your might again. Watch as your enemies slowly perish, helpless to stop the flames that have engulfed and are slowly devouring them. This is second only to the Ulitmate Wizard in terms of raw power and is not to be take lightly and it is recommended you have at least a decent knowledge of Wizard Nasus before picking up the Fire Wizard
Liandry's Anguish is perfect for the Fire Wizard as it gives him the maximum burn out of all the mythics. It is very good against tanks which are common in the top lane. The burn passive continues to be reset until your enemies leave your E so it increases your damage over time which is what the Fire Wizard is all about.
Take Sorcerer's Shoes most games as they allow you to deal the maximum damage even to enemies that build magic resist. This improves the strength of the Fire Wizard into tankier matchups which is especially useful in the top lane where there are mostly bruisers and tanks
Demonic Embrace is a great second item as it gives him even more burn on top of Liandry's anguish. It is very good against tanks which are common in the top lane. The burn passive continues to be reset until your enemies leave your E so it increases your damage over time which is what the Fire Wizard is all about.
Shadowflame is a great third item as it provides great versitilty as it allows you to deal significanly more damage not only to tanks, using the magic penetration given, but also to mages and other champions that build health items. This means shadowflame always has great value regardless of enemy composition
A very important item, Rabadon's Deathcap. With this item the Fire Wizard build truly comes online. Rabadon's Deathcap gives you bonus ability power based on your total ability power so its a perfect 4th full item as it gives you a massive boost in power to both your damage and burn.
Finish with Lich Bane as it's unique passive gives you Q significantly more damage as it empowers the next auto after using an ability so it happens when you use Q. You can buy sheen early if you have spare gold to make stacking easier. But remember to stack consistantly throughout the game to maximise the value.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowStealer94
ShadowStealer94 Nasus Guide
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Your a wizard Nasus! (AP Nasus guide)

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