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Lulu Build Guide by Zydico

Support Yup, That Tasted Purple! - A Lulu Support Guide!

Support Yup, That Tasted Purple! - A Lulu Support Guide!

Updated on November 27, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zydico Build Guide By Zydico 22,663 Views 2 Comments
22,663 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zydico Lulu Build Guide By Zydico Updated on November 27, 2017
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Summon Aery
The Ultimate Hat

Font of Life


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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IGN: Zydico
Rank: Diamond 4

Hello, I'm Zydico, a long time Diamond Support main on the NA server. Lulu has been my favorite champion since her release, and I hope to share how I play her with you all, and that you enjoy playing her as much as I do!

Lulu has a very flexible kit that allows her to be both aggressive, or defensive, depending on the situation. She is a very strong lane bully, helping your ADC get ahead in lane, and usually transitions into a utility support during mid and late game, buffing your teammates and peeling enemies off of them at the same time. As a result, she is a great support that can go with most, if not all ADCs.

+ The best peeler in the entire game
+ Very good CC
+ Can be used both offensively and defensively
+ Very strong early game pressure
+ One of the best laughs in the entire game
- Requires good decision making
- A little difficult to help allies last hit under

This is the general rune page that you would take for most situations. It boosts your defensive capabilities, while also increasing your damage, allowing you to become a great lane bully. However, when going against all-in supports like Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Leona, consider taking the Resolve primary rune page listed below if you'd prefer playing very safely.
Summon Aery This rune has just gotten nerfed, making it deal less damage than before. However, it is still quite a good rune for poking, and you would want this to be able to compete with the enemy poking support. The way it works is that when it is available, damaging an enemy champion sends Aery to deal damage after a brief delay, while using a spell that buffs or heals an ally would send Aery to shield that ally. After doing damage or shielding a target, Aery will move back towards you, accelerating the longer that he has traveled. Only after Aery has returned to you will you be able to use it again. Something to keep in mind is that Aery can be easily reapplied with damage over time. For example, if you had Red Buff, attacking an enemy will send Aery to the target, and if Aery comes back to you when the Red Buff is still applied to the enemy, Aery is sent to that target again.
The Ultimate Hat Lulu's Wild Growth is an extremely good ability, and you want to make sure to have this up as much as possible. This rune stacks multiplicatively with cooldown reduction, resulting in 49% CDR on your ultimate at max stacks with 40% CDR. The reason that you do not take Manaflow Band in this rune slot is because Lulu has fairly low mana costs, and if managed well, you should never have mana issues. Nullifying Orb is viable when going against very strong AP supports like Zyra or Brand, but even then I would still take The Ultimate Hat just because it is so good on Lulu.
Celerity Everyone seems to be going crazy over Transcendence, but I believe that rune to be incredibly overrated. Transcendence only activates after you hit level 10, which is a very long time for a support, and even then, supports have so many items that let them hit 40% CDR. Absolute Focus is bad for Lulu because you will be constantly trading and getting minion aggro from autoattacks. Celerity will give Lulu 343.2 movement speed with no boots, 369.2 movement speed with tier 1 boots, and 462.8 movement speed with Mobility Boots. This rune is very gold efficient, even without the bonus AP, which is quite small but still a nice bonus.
Scorch Scorch takes this spot, no competition. It's base damage early game is absolutely insane, and even though it does not scale very well, the amount of extra damage that this rune provides in the early laning phase is very impactful.

Font of Life Lulu has a lot of CC, enabling her to mark enemies easily and letting your allies heal. Although you do not build that much health, the healing is still decent, but the main reason why this rune is so good on Lulu is because it works with Ardent Censer, allowing all of your allies to get the buff by attacking the marked enemy. If you do not have anyone on your team who will benefit from Ardent Censer, this rune is still decent, but you can replace it with Iron Skin or Mirror Shell to make your laning phase easier if you want.
Revitalize This is a good rune for Lulu because it increases how much damage that she can shield, which already has a pretty high base value. This rune also affects Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari substantially. Alternatively, you can replace this rune with Second Wind if you think you will get poked in lane too hard (think Caitlyn or Sona).

I would take this rune page when going against a bot lane with a lot of all-in potential and you will be unable to poke them reliably. For example, I would definitely take this when going against a Alistar or Leona. The extra shielding will be of great help when your ADC gets engaged on, and you're going to be thankful for taking this rune instead of Summon Aery. While Summon Aery gives you more poking power, when going against all-in supports, trying to poke with your auto or Help, Pix! will generally put you right within their engage range. Summon Aery also provides you with some bonus shielding on a lower cooldown than Guardian does, but that's better against poke supports, as they harass too often for Guardian to be optimal.

Guardian A pretty underrated rune at the moment in my opinion. This rune shields more than Summon Aery does and shields both you and an ally at the same time. The downside is that the cooldown is pretty long (45 seconds), but when going against an all-in bot lane, you want to have bigger shields when the moment calls for it. You also both get a significant movement speed buff when the rune is triggered, which will help either one of you run away after a Blitzcrank pull for example.
Font of Life Lulu has a lot of CC, enabling her to mark enemies easily and letting your allies heal. The main reason why this rune is so good on Lulu is because it works with Ardent Censer, allowing all of your allies to get the buff by attacking the marked enemy. If you do not have anyone on your team who will benefit from Ardent Censer, this rune is still decent, especially since you went into Resolve primary, making this rune heal for more than it would have if you had gone into Sorcery primary.
Iron Skin A very underrated rune in my opinion. This rune gives a flat +5 armor from level 1, and a small armor increase when you use a consumable. When going against an all-in bot lane, you want to do everything you can to make sure that you survive if you make a mistake and get engaged on. Not only will this rune reduce damage from the enemy ADC and support, but will also reduce damage from enemy minions, which do quite a lot early game. The reason you do not take Mirror Shell is because when going against mage supports, you are better off taking the Sorcery primary page. You do not take Conditioning because the laning phase is crucial for a support, and this rune does not kick in until ten minutes, which is generally when laning phase is about to end.
Revitalize A very good rune for shielding and healing supports. It also buffs the actives for Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari. Second Wind is also a good rune, but as you are going Guardian which is also affected by this rune, this rune is just superior in the long run. I could understand taking Second Wind against a poke support, but at that point, you should be running the Sorcery primary rune page.

The Ultimate Hat Lulu's Wild Growth is an extremely good ability, and you want to make sure to have this up as much as possible. This rune stacks multiplicatively with cooldown reduction, resulting in 49% CDR on your ultimate at max stacks with 40% CDR. The reason that you do not take Manaflow Band in this rune slot is because Lulu has fairly low mana costs, and if managed well, you should never have mana issues. When going against all-in supports, making sure your ult is up as often as possible is extremely important, as it is one of the best defensive abilities in the entire game.
Celerity Everyone seems to be going crazy over Transcendence, but I believe that rune to be incredibly overrated. Transcendence only activates after you hit level 10, which is a very long time for a support, and even then, supports have so many items that let them hit 40% CDR. Absolute Focus is bad for Lulu because you will be constantly trading and getting minion aggro from autoattacks. Celerity will give Lulu 343.2 movement speed with no boots, 369.2 movement speed with tier 1 boots, and 462.8 movement speed with Mobility Boots. This rune is very gold efficient, even without the bonus AP, which is quite small but still a nice bonus. Having the extra movement speed is also very important when facing all-in supports, as they usually rely on a skillshot to engage ( Blitzcrank Hook, Leona E, Thresh Hook).

Flash Like most champions, you always take Flash. Flash enables you to do many things, such as flashing to get into range of enemies or allies to use your spells, flash ulting yourself on top of enemies, escaping over walls, and more.
Ignite I usually prefer to take Ignite, as it helps Lulu's very strong early game to be even more oppressive. It also applies grievous wounds, reducing heals on the enemy. When going against a Dr. Mundo, Swain, Vladimir, or Soraka, Ignite is a very good choice. However, when facing assassins like Talon, Kha'Zix, or Zed, consider taking Exhaust instead.

Exhaust I usually take this when the enemy team consists of a lot of burst damage. For example, I would take this when facing against a Zed, Talon, Kha'Zix, Akali, Rengar, and other similar champions. Keep in mind that Exhaust reduces the enemy's movement speed, allowing you to escape easier, or chase after an enemy.
Heal Only take this when your ADC wants to go Barrier. This combo isn't that popular anymore, but you still see it from time to time. This Summoner Spell heals your nearby target ally champion, or the closest ally champion in range if you don't have a valid target, and increases both of your movement speeds. Keep in mind that the healing is reduced on champions that have grievous wounds, such as from Ignite or Executioner's Calling.

Spellthief's Edge Take this when you know that you will be trading with the enemy a lot. The stats it provides is really great.
Ancient Coin Take this instead of Spellthief's Edge when you know that you want to play passively during the laning phase.
Health Potion Start with three of these, instead of taking a Refillable Potion. This is because the start of the laning phase is extremely important. Having an extra potion over the Refillable Potion gives you that much more staying power before your first recall.
Warding Totem Try not to use this to ward your jungle early on, unless the enemy decides to invade. It's important to have it available for when you start trading with the enemy support early on, as bush control is extremely important. You will be switching this to a Sweeping Lens once you get your Sightstone.

Frostfang The upgraded version of Spellthief's Edge. Upgrading to Frostfang gives you 10% CDR. Once your quest is fully completed, you get an additional passive, granting you a burst of movement speed whenever you consume a tribute stack. This is what you usually get with your first back.
Nomad's Medallion The upgraded version of Ancient Coin. Upgrading to Nomad's Medallion gives you 10% CDR. Once your quest is fully completed, you get an additional passive, granting a movement speed buff to allies that are running towards you. This is what you usually get with your first back.
Sightstone I usually tend to get this after I get the second tier of my support item. However, you can get this item before upgrading your support item if you need the health. When you get this item, make sure to switch your Stealth Ward into a Sweeping Lens, and then upgrade your Sweeping Lens at level 9 into an Oracle Lens.
Boots of Speed Consider getting this item early when facing a Blitzcrank, Thresh, or Morgana. The early movement speed really helps to dodge their important skillshot, allowing you to take advantage of the cooldown and pressure the enemy.
Eye of the Watchers The final form of the Spellthief's Edge line. Just in general a really solid item.
Eye of the Oasis Eye of the Oasis The final form of the Ancient Coin line. Just in general a really solid item.
Boots of Mobility I like to always take this boot over any other boot, simply because it helps me ward very quickly and safely. You can run away easily when you see an enemy while warding. The extra movement speed also comes with the benefit of not leaving your ADC by themselves for too long while you are warding. Additionally, Mobility Boots greatly increases your roaming power, letting you do a surprise gank on mid or top lane, though it is generally better to coordinate this with your jungler.
Mikael's Crucible A very underrated item in my opinion. The stats are pretty good, but the active is the main reason to get this item. The active allows you to instantly remove any CC, minus suppression from a target ally (including yourself). Keep in mind though that you cannot use the active if you are currently CC'd. The active also comes with two small bonuses. The first bonus is that whoever you use the active on gets slow immunity for 2 seconds. The second bonus is that if you successfully remove a CC from your target, the target also gets 40% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. You would want to get this item after your completed Eye of the Watchers or Eye of the Oasis when going against teams with a lot of CC. For example, consider taking this item when going against Thresh, Morgana, Ahri, Swain, Lux, and other such champions.
Ardent Censer Even though this item got heavily nerfed, it is still a great item. Consider taking this item when playing with an ADC can utilize the attack speed bonus ( Kog'Maw). If your ADC does not benefit much from attack speed ( Jhin, Ezreal), then you can still get this item if there is someone else on your team that greatly benefits from it ( Azir, Jax). Otherwise, you're probably better off not taking this item.
Redemption An amazing item, even after all the nerfs. Build this item if you don't think Ardent Censer and Mikael's Blessing will be good for your team. When you get this item, make sure to use the active, as it's very powerful, especially for teamfights.
Locket of the Iron Solari Although this item is better on tanks, and this item does not provide any CDR, the active is so strong that I still end up taking item a lot. Use the active when you expect a bunch of damage to come in, especially during teamfights, as it provides the shield to everyone around you. This item is generally good for all situations, but definitely take it when going against enemy team comps that have a lot of AOE ( Miss Fortune, Brand, Rumble).
Zeke's Convergence A very underrated item. It gives decent stats, albeit tanky ones. When attached to your ADC, using your ultimate will create a storm around you for 10 seconds that slows. During this ten seconds, your attached ally, which is usually your ADC, will deal an additional 50% magic damage on their autoattacks over 2 seconds, which is pretty huge. If they attack an enemy that is in your storm, your storm starts to deal damage and slows for even more. Generally, you would want to take this item when your team does not need any more defensive stats and you want to make your ADC deal more damage.
Athene's Unholy Grail A decent defensive item that also gives you some pretty good stats, including AP and CDR. After dealing damage to your enemies, you store up some of that damage, which get consumed when you shield an ally, healing them for the same amount. There is no cooldown on this, so over a teamfight you can heal for a substantial amount.
Knight's Vow A support item generally meant for tanks. Even though this item has reduced effects for ranged champions, you can still take some of the damage for your ADC. It's a fine defensive item, but you usually want to take this only when there are no other better defensive items for your team.
Health Potion Make sure to use this during fights if you have them. Buy them if you don't have the gold for a Refillable Potion, but if you have say, 120 gold, consider waiting for the extra 30 gold to buy the Refillable Potion instead.
Refillable Potion This item is very cost efficient, and pays for itself very quickly. Try to get this early, as you get more value out of it the earlier you get this item. Don't be afraid to sell it though to finish an important item.
Control Ward Make sure that you always have a Control Ward up on the map. If you don't have one in your inventory when you are at the fountain, make sure to buy one or two. There will be more information in the warding section on how to use these effectively.
Elixir of Iron Become tankier, while also creating a trail behind you that speeds up allies. Get this when the enemy team has a lot of CC. Make sure to get this only when you are at full build, or think the game will end in one last teamfight and you do not have the gold to finish an upgrade.
Elixir of Sorcery The other viable elixir option. The extra AP makes your ultimate and shield stronger, and you deal a little more damage. Get this when you don't need the tenacity from Elixir of Iron. Make suer to get this only when you are at full build, or think the game will end in one last teamfight and you do not have the gold to finish an upgrade.

Lulu's faerie friend Pix follows her around, shooting three magic projectiles at any target that she autoattacks. These projectiles are blocked by any enemies that are in the path between Pix and the target. This passive makes Lulu's autoattacks do a lot of damage, but it does make it a little hard to help your ADC last hit under tower. When Pix is attached to an ally, the passive no longer applies when you autoattack, but from when your ally autoattacks. Tips for this will be shown in the ability tips and tricks section.

From this clip, you can see that I start off with my autoattacks applying my passive. However, once I attach Pix to an ally, my autoattacks no longer apply my passive and instead apply whenever the ally that Pix was attached to autoattacks. Finally, you can see that even though the shield was destroyed by the dragon, Pix was still attached to my ally until the duration expired, which is when Pix comes back to me and my autoattacks finally apply my passive again.

Lulu and Pix both shoot a projectile towards your target area. This projectile passes through all enemies, slowing and dealing damage to all targets hit along the way. Any enemy hit after the first one hit will take 70% of the original damage instead. If both bolts hit the same target, the target is dealt up to 100% of the original damage (in case one of the bolts dealt reduced damage). Since this ability provides the same amount of slow at all ranks, this ability is maxed last. Tips on how to use this ability will be provided in the ability tips and tricks section.

The first clip is a demonstration of how your Glitterlance projectiles are dependent on both your position and Pix's position. When Pix is following someone who is moving, Pix will lag behind the target, so you should keep this in mind when shooting your Glitterlance. The second clip is a demonstration of how the damage of your Glitterlance for all targets hit after the first one. You can see however near the end of the clip that the target in the back took the full damage since one of the bolts was not hit by the target in the front.

This is an ability that can be used on either an ally or an enemy. When cast on an ally, you immediately increase their movement speed and attack speed for a duration. When cast on an enemy, you shoot a projectile (can be blocked by Braum wall and Yasuo wall) that polymorphs the enemy into a small critter that can hop around, but is unable to do anything else while they are polymorphed. This is a great utility spell, as the duration on both the speed up and the CC is very long, which is why we opt to max this spell first after putting a few points into your E. Tips on how to use this ability will be provided in the teamfighting and ability tips and tricks sections.

This is an ability that you can use on either an ally or an enemy. When cast on an ally, you immediately grant them a shield and make Pix follow them, making your passive now work off of your ally until the spell ends. When cast on an enemy, you immediately deal damage to the target, granting true sight, revealing stealth and giving vision of the target, and making Pix follow them for the duration, almost guaranteeing that your passive does not get blocked. This spell is great when combined with your Glitterlance, as you can shoot from different angles and from further range. Tips on how to use this ability will be provided in the ability tips and tricks section.

Lulu's ultimate is a great ability that allows you to immediately increase the size of a target ally, granting them bonus health and knocking up all enemies near them. Additionally, for the duration of the ultimate, the enlarged target constantly pulses out an AOE slow. Because this ability grants bonus health, it is not reduced by Grievous Wounds, and is not benefited from Heal and Shield power. Because the ultimate knocks up and increases the size of your target, it is possible to knock enemies over a wall with your ultimate. You may see this happen when playing against a Jarvan IV, but otherwise, you won't see this happen very much. Tips on how to use this ability are provided in the ability tips and tricks section.

If you have any questions, or want to have a discussion, feel free to leave a comment! I am very open to changes, so if there's anything that you disagree with, please let me know and I may put it into the guide. Of course, if you see any typos or mistakes, let me know as well. Thank you for looking at my Lulu guide, and I hope you have fun with the best Champion that the game has to offer!

  • 11/19/2017 - Created the guide
  • 11/20/2017 - Added Support matchups
  • 11/20/2017 - Added Items
  • 11/21/2017 - Added secondary rune page against all-in bot lanes
  • 11/21/2017 - Reorganized everything into tables
  • 11/21/2017 - Added abilities
  • 11/22/2017 - Started adding in video examples of the abilities
  • 11/24/2017 - Fixed webm
  • 11/27/2017 - Added video for passive

    To do next: Add Ability Tips and Tricks

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Zydico Lulu Guide
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