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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
Welcome to my 1st guide!

End game with this build racks in 76.4 health regen per/5 seconds. You have over 4k health and can sustain a lane by yourself pretty easily.
You can always substitute these boots with 
This can be substituted with a different enchantment, like alacrity or furor. The boots, along with
Decreases the cool-down time drastically (Unstable matter is 2.6 sec cool-down at full LvL/end-game)
Is a must. Buy it, now.
If you want to replace some of the expensive items (Your text to link here...) with less expensive ones -Yes I know, this build is expensive [14k]- like
feel free too, as most people do not even get 10k in a game. However this build is meant for soloing top so you should have a money advantage over your teammates.

If you want to replace some of the expensive items (Your text to link here...) with less expensive ones -Yes I know, this build is expensive [14k]- like

The reason I chose
is just because I hate
. Flash is good for jumping walls and starting team-fights, when ghost is good for catching up to teammates who are in over their head, runaways and gaining on almost dead enemies (I know, flash does that too)...
I choose ignite just because it is a nice health closer. When you get a champs health half low you can
all the while
. Its deadly.

You have a lot of health, does not mean you are a tank. The health is your mana. You use your health in place of mana, so you need a large amount. When you hit an enemy with an ability it cost 4% of your Current health and when you step on the blob you regain 4% of Max health, which is why he is great for sustaining a lane by himself.
When you do not have
available, play it safe. You should play it safe anyways but when your revive is available you can be a bit more push-y.
Even though you are soloing top, pay attention to your map, your CC can help alot in team-fights.
Zac is great in initiating team-fights, much like Blitzcrank.
When you do not have

Even though you are soloing top, pay attention to your map, your CC can help alot in team-fights.
Zac is great in initiating team-fights, much like Blitzcrank.
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