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Zac Build Guide by HoserHead

Top ZACchaeus the wee little blob that hordes health. (A solo to

Top ZACchaeus the wee little blob that hordes health. (A solo to

Updated on March 31, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HoserHead Build Guide By HoserHead 1,798 Views 0 Comments
1,798 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HoserHead Zac Build Guide By HoserHead Updated on March 31, 2013
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Welcome to my 1st guide!

If anyone has any criticism or tips feel free to post in the comments.
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These are just an obvious choice when you are looking to deal magic damage. Marks are pretty cut and dry 90% of time, I really don't think there is a stronger option for any Zac build.

Since Zac is based around magic damage these are really powerful runes.

Armor is a must early game, especially if you are soloing.

These can really help with Zacs mobility problem, there are soooo many champs with move speed buffs that not having one really hurts.
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I use this masterie for Cho'Gath and other tank-y summoners and it helps a lot in the Defense
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End game with this build racks in 76.4 health regen per/5 seconds. You have over 4k health and can sustain a lane by yourself pretty easily.
You can always substitute these boots with
This can be substituted with a different enchantment, like alacrity or furor. The boots, along with Decreases the cool-down time drastically (Unstable matter is 2.6 sec cool-down at full LvL/end-game)
Is a must. Buy it, now.

If you want to replace some of the expensive items (Your text to link here...) with less expensive ones -Yes I know, this build is expensive [14k]- likefeel free too, as most people do not even get 10k in a game. However this build is meant for soloing top so you should have a money advantage over your teammates.
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The reason I choseis just because I hate . Flash is good for jumping walls and starting team-fights, when ghost is good for catching up to teammates who are in over their head, runaways and gaining on almost dead enemies (I know, flash does that too)...
I choose ignite just because it is a nice health closer. When you get a champs health half low you can + + all the while . Its deadly.
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What and why you do what you do

You have a lot of health, does not mean you are a tank. The health is your mana. You use your health in place of mana, so you need a large amount. When you hit an enemy with an ability it cost 4% of your Current health and when you step on the blob you regain 4% of Max health, which is why he is great for sustaining a lane by himself.

When you do not haveavailable, play it safe. You should play it safe anyways but when your revive is available you can be a bit more push-y.

Even though you are soloing top, pay attention to your map, your CC can help alot in team-fights.
Zac is great in initiating team-fights, much like Blitzcrank.
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This is my first guide, so feel free to make the WORSTMEANESTHURTFUL comments, and to down-rate like crazy. Good luck with Zac and enjoy him while he is OP~
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HoserHead
HoserHead Zac Guide
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ZACchaeus the wee little blob that hordes health. (A solo to

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