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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Garden of Thorns (PASSIVE)
Zyra Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
+ High kill pressure + Strong zone control + High amount of CC + Good disengage/counter engage + Gains vision control from seeds and plants + Auto attack range is longer than average enemy support/ADC (575 vs 550) + High poke in lane |
- Immobile - Squishy - Does not have sustain |
(Magic Penetration Marks) Zyra is heavily enough magic damage that these are more effective than hybrid pen (even though you do auto attack quite a bit during laning phase). |
(Health Seals) The most efficient tank runes for support, will help you survive laning phase. |
(Magic Penetration Glyphs) Since Zyra is a pure damage champion (has no AP scaling with slows or shield or heals or anything) you want Mpen > flat AP. |
(Armor Quintessences) These are the most efficient way to increase your tankyness, and this allows you to play more aggressively and put out more damage than AP quints provides. |
(Passive) Rise of the Thorns |
Be patient with this, if you spam it on death you will likely miss. Try to hit multiple enemies if possible. It has a bit of a charge up after you die before you can cast it.
Deadly Bloom |
(Q) Deadly Bloom Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds |
(W) Rampant Growth Cooldown: 0.25 seconds |
You can make a little camp of these in a bush and wait for someone to come in and have 4 plants up at once.
(E) Grasping Roots Cooldown: 12 seconds |
(R) Stranglethorns Cooldown: 130/120/110 seconds |
Counter Engage: If an enemy team is engaging upon you, throw this down on top of as many enemies as possible, or on your carries so the enemies have to run away from them or get knocked up.
Follow Up: If you land a good Grasping Roots on an enemy (or enemies) you can use this to keep them CC'ed for longer, and force a kill.
Rushing as much magic penetration as possible as fast as possible is the best way to get good results on Zyra.
Spellthief's Edge is extremely efficient and can be left at base for a while.
Sightstone is core for supports and should be rushed.
Sorcerer's Shoes + Haunting Guise is your core, and will make you do a large amount of damage very quickly.
Past the core, their are a lot of situational AP items that are all good on Zyra, such as finishing Haunting Guise into Liandry's Torment, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Zhonya's Hourglass, Morellonomicon, Void Staff. Get the items as you need them.
Spellthief's Edge is extremely efficient and can be left at base for a while.
Sightstone is core for supports and should be rushed.
Sorcerer's Shoes + Haunting Guise is your core, and will make you do a large amount of damage very quickly.
Past the core, their are a lot of situational AP items that are all good on Zyra, such as finishing Haunting Guise into Liandry's Torment, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Zhonya's Hourglass, Morellonomicon, Void Staff. Get the items as you need them.
Against any all in champions (such as Leona) you should only use E to counter engage, and try to keep 1-2 plants available at all times for the counter engage. Use auto attacks and Q+1 plant to harass them down before the engage. Against poke heavy champions such as Sona you can aggressively attempt to fight/kill them with full combo if you are able to land a snare. Only go all in if you know you are safe from the jungler coming and ruining your fun.
At level 1 try to push the lane as much as possible so you can get an early level 2. At level 2 use Q+W to bully out the enemys.
At level 1 try to push the lane as much as possible so you can get an early level 2. At level 2 use Q+W to bully out the enemys.
Zyra is a somewhat effective ganker, but she is mostly a peeler. Her lack of mobility and squishy nature makes it somewhat dangerous to make too many aggressive ganks. If you see any easy ganks you should definitely go and take advantage, but mostly you should be staying with your ADC and peeling for him so he can farm. Try to push down the turret bot lane and harass them under turret with Q + plant.
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