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Lvl 12 woes- how to build WITHOUT RUNES

Creator: Knigrowedamus October 25, 2011 12:25pm
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 4:11pm | Report
Diablo 2! *Clapping*
Knigrowedamus's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 4:15pm | Report
listen to this luls
i just lost a game agains alitar, kayle and morgana .
i was morgana.
this was my build

hextexh gun, abadon cap, rod of ages, void staff,ionian boots, frozen heart.
nice right?
no. i pushed top and killed an inhibitor in 10 minutes. SOLO
in that time my team 2v2 on bot lost all the way up to last inhabitor.
i just spent 50 minutes defending the base alone and not dieing.
when i did die, i would get triple teamed. why? agyer i black sheild in, take no damage, stun morgana, ult errbody else, stun them, get them down to a ****ING SLIVER, my teammate both run off......
again, i did this for almost an hour....
i went 8/5/12
sigh...this game is fun , but want to find a champ that can carry but is not soo squishy like yi

with this build i killed a very stacked alistor with q>r>wait >w>ignite>q>w... auto attack
Calibern's Forum Avatar
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Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 4:29pm | Report
You seem to like AP champions a lot. Try out some others. In my opinion Ad champions are better for runeless summoners. They tend to need more farm early game, and are better mid to late game. But you need teir 3 runes, they make such a big difference throughout the game. Try Garen he a great character right now, and doesn't need runes to be effective early game. He deals a lot of damage, and is incredibly tanky at the same time. Just to day I walked to the entire enemy team q+e their carry and then ulted her to get the kill. They must have thought I was baiting because the all ran from me. Either way try not to just stick to only ap carries, try a couple of other roles like offtank, tank ,and ranged carry.
Xin Guide
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Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.

Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 4:55pm | Report
Want my sincerely opinion?

Started playing this game:
****ing excited, wow I was with around 7 champs unlocked already (noob xD)
The week changed, I noticed that was a rotation... Level 3, free Rammus
Played rammus for a week
Bought rammus
used rammus A LOT, SERIOUSLY, A LOOOOOOOOOOOOT, until level 18, every ****ing game building tanky, taunt + defensive ball curl + ultimate = kill anyone, and push any turret, you can almost every single time leave alive and deals TONS OF DAMAGE (phreak xD) I mean, 200 armor and 200 magic resist, Defensive Ball Curl, puncturing taunt, Soaring Slam, Powerball gives high mobility to cross the map in seconds, can tank turrets easily, can take down turrets easily, can disable the AD enemy and quickly get him down, can "silence" an AP carrier enemy by taunt... just awesome... on 3x3 fights, making them 3x2 and hit every enemy ( Soaring Slam) for something like 800 damage - full time staying on Soaring Slam... what more can you ask for?

This on treeline, I always got raped on sumonners rift... then I changed to summoners rift and tried to learn... rammus don't work really well on lane, hard time getting harassed and cant counter harass, only if taunt an enemy... but now I just play sumonners rift...
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Knigrowedamus's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 5:01pm | Report
what do u mean by ad?
i play ranged / ap champs because they are slower to process. i have no hand to eye coordination.
Knigrowedamus's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 5:02pm | Report
but anyway, what items can use to make me get some wins and reach lvl 20 hmmmmmm?
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 5:19pm | Report
Its not the items you should really be worried about, buying the recommended items most of the time is the way to go when you're just starting out man.

Just focus on learning how to farm, push obj's ( dragon, braon, blue / red buff ) and winning your lane.
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 5:23pm | Report
Like joob said just look at a build (not always the recommended items, sometimes they suck) and then focus on game mechanics. At your level, the better player wins the game. Champions and builds don't have as big an impact.
Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
Knigrowedamus's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 5:28pm | Report
i see. i guess ill have fun with mordikiezah , morgana and anne for now
DePyro's Forum Avatar
Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2011 10:28pm | Report
GrimmFate wrote:

Oh dear..... Ohh dear....

You think.... it gets better?

Oh my..No... It only get worse..

Like I said in the QQ thread awhile there are 3 or 4 people I play with all the time, and that's because out of the 100's of people in my friends list They to me, are not idiots, I can have fun playing with them AND still win games.

And the randoms only get worse... You best be finding yourself one or two people at the very mimimum to start playing with

Sadly this is the closest I've seen to the truth.

From my personal experience with Akali (no runes) Boots of Speed first with 3 Health potions. The one thing that will help you as ANY champion as far as growing and build completion.LAST HIT MINIONS!!!! This is very important especially for Akali since right after the boots you just want to save up for Needlessly Large Rod. I know, I know, it seems stupid but realistically Akali a huge pushover without that AP and if you go through the game and don't die more than you kill until you get that Rod (as long as your allies don't feed which brings in the above quote) you will be able to feed on the squishier champions with little or no CC as long as you are lvl 6 or higher. Your Q is your main nuke using this tactic like always but DO NOT actually engage until you have Needlessly, once you get needlessly finish your boots build tri force and finish rabadons get some spell vamp and as long as you and your buddies didnt feed youll be able to nuke on some tankier champions.

NOTE: This is what works with MY play style when I'm already aware I'm lacking in an important build area with Akali.

REMEMBER: EVERYONE plays different and has different types of things they like to use when it comes to building, stradegy, presence, etc. however the TWO things that are the most important for Summoners to know is MAP AWARENESS (not everyone calls MIAs so this way they don't need to call them) and FARM MINIONS WITH LAST HITS (as a Summoner you need to be more greedy with minions early game than your opponent the more YOU farm the better) AKALI's Q is GREAT for getting those last hits in.
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