I see...
Youmuu's Ghostblade is core.
If you can farm it up fast enough, Atma's Impaler and Warmog's Armor are good.
Also, Phantom Dancer and Mobility Boots.
Maybe more than 1 Phantom Dancer.
You're useless come teamfights but, you have a ton of BD power.
Youmuu's Ghostblade is core.
If you can farm it up fast enough, Atma's Impaler and Warmog's Armor are good.
Also, Phantom Dancer and Mobility Boots.
Maybe more than 1 Phantom Dancer.
You're useless come teamfights but, you have a ton of BD power.
I would go with
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Berserker's Greaves
Phantom Dancer
Phantom Dancer
Ghost+ Cleanse
Simply wait till you know where they are. Have your support buy wards/ CV. If you are save, run through their jungle and stay in cover as long as you can. Then Youmuu's Ghostblade+ Highlander that tower. If they come simply pop ghost and if you recieve a stun cleanse it away. Was pretty funny when I played him like that. We were loosing 20/50 they were at our first inhib and aced us 2 times in a row. Then I kinda thought it was game over so I sold my infinity and buyed the items above. Pushed 3 Towers+Inhib while they were pushing our second inhib. As they went back to base I begun to push the second lane. We won simply because they were afraid of backdooring leaving one behind. We were 5vs4 then, acing them(as the 5th came as he noticed im @ teamfight, but it was too late) and pushed their nexus....they were raging so much :>
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Berserker's Greaves
Phantom Dancer
Phantom Dancer
Ghost+ Cleanse
Simply wait till you know where they are. Have your support buy wards/ CV. If you are save, run through their jungle and stay in cover as long as you can. Then Youmuu's Ghostblade+ Highlander that tower. If they come simply pop ghost and if you recieve a stun cleanse it away. Was pretty funny when I played him like that. We were loosing 20/50 they were at our first inhib and aced us 2 times in a row. Then I kinda thought it was game over so I sold my infinity and buyed the items above. Pushed 3 Towers+Inhib while they were pushing our second inhib. As they went back to base I begun to push the second lane. We won simply because they were afraid of backdooring leaving one behind. We were 5vs4 then, acing them(as the 5th came as he noticed im @ teamfight, but it was too late) and pushed their nexus....they were raging so much :>
If I could help you +rep me ;)
J'amuse mon monde mais le monde va mal
J'amuse mon monde mais le monde va mal
The key is to make sure team can handle a 4v5 team fight.
I would rather say "the key is to make sure team can keep all 5 occupied when they are in 4 so you can safely splitpush/backdoor
Here is what I'm thinking:
Berserker's Greaves
Sword of the Divine
The Bloodthirster
The Black Cleaver
Phantom Dancer
Shouldn't I only buy items that avoid useless stats like Crit Chance/Armor Pen which have no effect on turrets? So I'm not wasting my gold when i could be buying a pure AD/AS item
BTW: Does Thornmail's passive affect turrets?
Berserker's Greaves
Sword of the Divine
The Bloodthirster
The Black Cleaver
Phantom Dancer
Shouldn't I only buy items that avoid useless stats like Crit Chance/Armor Pen which have no effect on turrets? So I'm not wasting my gold when i could be buying a pure AD/AS item
BTW: Does Thornmail's passive affect turrets?
Yeah, your tought was really good. Black cleaver, I think, don't affect turrets, same for thornmail
But, you will fight sometimes... so IDK
good as item: wit's end... 42 magic damage to each hit, 40% AS and gives you MR...
youmuu is an awesome item, but you can't get it for first one, I think. If you do, you will be without AS and without AD, you will depend on your ultimate and the passive... without it will be hard to farm and kill
But, you will fight sometimes... so IDK
good as item: wit's end... 42 magic damage to each hit, 40% AS and gives you MR...
youmuu is an awesome item, but you can't get it for first one, I think. If you do, you will be without AS and without AD, you will depend on your ultimate and the passive... without it will be hard to farm and kill
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
PapaSmurfROFL wrote:
Here is what I'm thinking:
Berserker's Greaves
Sword of the Divine
The Bloodthirster
The Black Cleaver
Phantom Dancer
Shouldn't I only buy items that avoid useless stats like Crit Chance/Armor Pen which have no effect on turrets? So I'm not wasting my gold when i could be buying a pure AD/AS item
BTW: Does Thornmail's passive affect turrets?
Since Master Yi is far from an offtank, I would suggest pushing lanes to backdoor, rather than soloing towers. It's usually too inefficient. Therefore, you will not need an armor item like Thornmail, and can focus purely on tower-killing.
Personally, I find Sword of the Divine to be a bit lack-luster unless I'm fighting a Jax, but I'll leave that one up to you. Youmuu's Ghostblade should probably replace Thornmail though, because it fits in perfectly with Yi, and is very helpful when pushing towers.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the sig!
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Can you guys recommend 6 items that I should use? I'm thinking:
Attack Speed
Attack Damage
Crit Chance
Life Vamp
Any help?