TheJohn wrote:
@Bernarnar: Abyssal sure is a great item. It gives AP and MR, but FoN has more MR and has the HP regen, so its better to get FoN first. Mordekaiser has no CC, and Rylais gives a good AP and CC, so its better to get Rylais first.
I think items like Abyssal and Hourglass are great, but they can be done after some more important items.
There is hardly EVER a time you can say "It's always better to get X before Y" because every game has different teams. What if you're fighting 4 ADs + Soraka and your team has adequate CC? You shouldn't need the Magic resist from FoN and your 15% slow is balls if youre packing say Nunu Veigar and Rammus. I'd likely get Abyssal before Rylai's in this situation.
Nevertheless, that's just a nitpick.
TheJohn wrote:
Mordekaiser isnt being used correctly if you get Hextech Gunblade or/and Will of the Ancients.
Hextech Gunblade is a hybrid item and Mordekaiser is an offtank. But I'll not let you without anything, you can play as Jax, Akali and Katarina if you want to get hextech. OK, no more jokes.
+60 AD: Its useful and isnt. Getting AD depends more on the player.
+75 AP: I'm sure that Rylais gives more AP and has CC, so why you need only 75 and no slow?
>_< !
TheJohn wrote:
+20% Life Steal and +25% Spell Vamp: I dont really think that any kind of regen excluding HP regen is necessary. I'll get FoN no matter what happens, you dont need neither lifesteal nor spellvamp.
Will of the Ancients:
+80 AP: Rylais gives 80 AP too and has slow
+25% spell vamp: No need, you have FoN
Dont you agree with this?
Not Entirely, having damage isn't really a bad thing, and spell vamp is by no means comparable to HP.Reg. However, I'd get a Morello's any day over WotA (Unless I'm AuraBotting a caster heavy team with Abyssal and WotA) because CDR is more important (Hence Frozen Heart / Randuins > Thornmail / Sunfire)
TheJohn wrote:
Mordekaiser was made for me. The first time I played as him, I got surprised, perfect champion. That happened an year ago and I still play as him, I cant stop.
When I started, my friends taught me how to become invincible and I still use the old tank build. But I was checking some guides and they are good, many builds have a certain balance between defense and attack. Yet players are just ignoring everything and getting full AP. I saw some builds full AP too.
I saw just one build that has the best option: Force of Nature, Randuin's Omen and Rylai's Crystal Scepter. These are the best items ever for Mordekaiser, yet people prefer to get Hextech Gunblade or Will of the Ancients and just ignore defense.
Why that happens? What can be done so people truly learn how to play as Mordekaiser?
Rylai's is a flawed item.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter should only be involved in AP heavy anti-carry builds.
An example
An Anti-Carry build the likes of AP Poppy.
Will and gunblade are so amazing, because once you combine them with items like Thornmail, FoN, and other super high resist items, you can psuedo-initiate team fights because of your immense tankiness.
orochinagi wrote:
@Peachtaco: dead man does no damage
Mordekaiser has the best base tank in the entire game.
Highest EHP @ level 18 by about 10%
I Just wanted to point out though, that Spell Vamp Morde is amazing.
If you are in the enemy base, and at their nexus, with spell vamp morde on your team, you win the game.
I can sit there and spell vamp off the three waves coming in at once, and i'm unkillable.
200+ Resists, getting over 1000 hp/5 and sitting there beating on your nexus.
Tri lane for life.
Here is my thing. And I have personally made this mistake several times myself...
Have you extensively tested it?
Point being... if you have tested it out a lot and don't like it... then don't worry about it. Play what works for you and your play style. But don't dismiss something because it is not what you run. Or even if you have killed mirror matches that use that set up. Try it. A lot. You may be a very good player who is carrying a sub standard build and not even know it because you have yet to try out a better build. Or you could be ahead of the curve and know what is best for the character and are waiting for the rest of the community to catch up. Either way play what you feel best with.
Have you extensively tested it?
Point being... if you have tested it out a lot and don't like it... then don't worry about it. Play what works for you and your play style. But don't dismiss something because it is not what you run. Or even if you have killed mirror matches that use that set up. Try it. A lot. You may be a very good player who is carrying a sub standard build and not even know it because you have yet to try out a better build. Or you could be ahead of the curve and know what is best for the character and are waiting for the rest of the community to catch up. Either way play what you feel best with.
Did I manage to assist you in any way? Hook me up by hitting that nifty +Rep button.
All guides have been archived due to my not being able to play LoL currently. The information is still there and is good but until I return they will be archived. I am able to keep them updated and current though.
Vladimir's Blood Resource. Designed for beginner's and beyond.
Vladimir's Blood Resource: Post Nerf Edition.
The Exemplar of Tanking: Jarvan IV .
Making a Guide by jhoijhoi This is everything you need to know about making a guide. Amazing.
...and Buffy staked Edward. The End.
All guides have been archived due to my not being able to play LoL currently. The information is still there and is good but until I return they will be archived. I am able to keep them updated and current though.
Vladimir's Blood Resource. Designed for beginner's and beyond.
Vladimir's Blood Resource: Post Nerf Edition.
The Exemplar of Tanking: Jarvan IV .
Making a Guide by jhoijhoi This is everything you need to know about making a guide. Amazing.
...and Buffy staked Edward. The End.
Wait there. Hextech has slow? Here's that written? Hum, now I found it. You have to use it's active effect to slow. But check this:
Rylais: Every skill slow the enemy
Hextech: 3 secs slow with a 60 secs cd
Yeah, rylais is really better.
Who said Mordekaiser has no HP regen? Oh, I see. I forgot that I get Warmogs, FoN and have 2 quints of HP regen.
If you like, its ok. Its your build, you are the one whos playing. The most idiot part is the boy coming, first item is hextech and he thinks he'll kill someone.
Spell vamp is great? Why? Make your skills almost costless? Ridiculous. You have HP, passive, HP regen, armor and MR. Your skills are almost costless because it's tough to break that shield and HP regen can heal you before anyone start hitting you because of your passive.
BUT, there's still hope. Jax, Akali and Katarina are great champions and hextech helps them a lot.
Rylais: Every skill slow the enemy
Hextech: 3 secs slow with a 60 secs cd
Yeah, rylais is really better.
Who said Mordekaiser has no HP regen? Oh, I see. I forgot that I get Warmogs, FoN and have 2 quints of HP regen.
If you like, its ok. Its your build, you are the one whos playing. The most idiot part is the boy coming, first item is hextech and he thinks he'll kill someone.
Spell vamp is great? Why? Make your skills almost costless? Ridiculous. You have HP, passive, HP regen, armor and MR. Your skills are almost costless because it's tough to break that shield and HP regen can heal you before anyone start hitting you because of your passive.
BUT, there's still hope. Jax, Akali and Katarina are great champions and hextech helps them a lot.
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BTW: Hextech Gunblade has a slow, which is stronger as the slow of rylais.