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League of Legends Forum: Build & Guide Discussion

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Is the guide really published? by NiirB » Aug 14 @ 07:14am Hello there i have written my... NiirB Aug 14 @ 07:14am 1,552 8
Guide Making Resources and FAQ by Mowen » Aug 5 @ 08:04pm 1 2 FAQ: How do I Add icons to my... Mowen Aug 5 @ 08:04pm 23,755 17
Need views/votes. Thank you. by eye-opener » Jan 15 @ 10:40am <Advertisement removed by... eye-opener Jan 15 @ 10:40am 1,046 5
Proof? by DemonSovereign » Jan 6 @ 07:08pm 1 2 3 Hello again! So I want to... DemonSovereign Jan 6 @ 07:08pm 4,283 22
SkullzX Office! (Guide review) by SkullzX » Jun 28 @ 04:59pm 1 2 3 4 5 Hello! Welcome to my office!... SkullzX Jun 28 @ 04:59pm 7,059 42
Berzerk Top Lane Guide Reviews by Berzerk » Jan 3 @ 09:03am Hello everyone I am... Berzerk Jan 3 @ 09:03am 2,025 6
Fail guide spam... by ShortyHUN » Jan 8 @ 02:38pm Okay I've been dashing around on... ShortyHUN Jan 8 @ 02:38pm 1,188 8
How to find a saved guide by Kumlin » Jan 1 @ 11:46am I recently started a guide and... Kumlin Jan 1 @ 11:46am 790 4
Guys versus Girls by DemonSovereign » Jan 2 @ 06:34pm 1 2 Random stupid thought that... DemonSovereign Jan 2 @ 06:34pm 3,234 17
Support Jax? by Jo3HooDYo » Dec 25 @ 11:22pm 1 2 I know he's a hybrid. I've gone... Jo3HooDYo Dec 25 @ 11:22pm 5,163 12
Guide help by TotHeMax » Dec 27 @ 07:08pm Alright, I made a general guide... TotHeMax Dec 27 @ 07:08pm 1,442 5
pepsiM4A1's review shop by pepsiM4A1 » Oct 3 @ 12:30pm 1 2 3 I just opened a review shop, I... pepsiM4A1 Oct 3 @ 12:30pm 4,683 29
Zyra Support guide? by morrkevi » Dec 21 @ 03:27am I've noticed that there are not... morrkevi Dec 21 @ 03:27am 1,450 4
Perseverance by Notorious621 » Dec 18 @ 06:44am Using ((Perseverance)) will... Notorious621 Dec 18 @ 06:44am 1,223 5
Guide Ideas by Banishedd » Dec 14 @ 11:00am I was wondering which champion... Banishedd Dec 14 @ 11:00am 1,028 5
My Warwick Guide: A Question by jhoijhoi » Dec 7 @ 06:49am Basically my Warwick guide... jhoijhoi Dec 7 @ 06:49am 11,663 2
Formatting Help at Guide by FakoHola » Dec 15 @ 03:07am Hello Mobafire, I'm writing a... FakoHola Dec 15 @ 03:07am 1,519 3
Season 3 Guides by SirSpankAlot » Dec 5 @ 12:59pm 1 2 Post your guide here if it's... SirSpankAlot Dec 5 @ 12:59pm 3,178 12
Guide not showing? by Reliquary » Dec 7 @ 04:54pm When basicly i made my first... Reliquary Dec 7 @ 04:54pm 897 2
AD runes & AP runes by tally » Dec 1 @ 03:25pm As 2 rune pages is default on... tally Dec 1 @ 03:25pm 3,564 3
Items in a guide by ev1evan » Nov 29 @ 07:09am Hey guys, I'm making my first... ev1evan Nov 29 @ 07:09am 894 2

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide