I +rep Luther on your behalf then :P
Yay, almost 200 ;D
Also I give -rep to NightHawk for posting pony ****.
*looks around forum, sees only max 10 replies on other topics and wonders why girls get so much more attention*
Also I give -rep to NightHawk for posting pony ****.
*looks around forum, sees only max 10 replies on other topics and wonders why girls get so much more attention*
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
Dayum, another girl in the Mobafire/LoL scene; should be fun. :P
Anyway, welcome to mobafire ^^.
About your champs:
OMFG you've picked a champ that is absolutely not recommended for noobs; Viktor is hard, really hard to play! Nevertheless, a really fun one and could really win you some games. Tips regarding playing him:
Anyway, welcome to mobafire ^^.
About your champs:
OMFG you've picked a champ that is absolutely not recommended for noobs; Viktor is hard, really hard to play! Nevertheless, a really fun one and could really win you some games. Tips regarding playing him:
- Go Flash + Ignite once available. Heal and Exhaust are both great summoners. Ghost is rather useless on him. Surge isn't too bad as well.
- Max Power Transfer first, it's the best way to deal consistent damage. Also, Death Ray is just hard to hit; you said it yourself :P.
- Augment: Death is probably the best augment for you to get, as it doesn't require additional tactics: it is a damage boost. Once you know how to play this guy, experiment with the Augment: Power and Augment: Gravity.
- A good build is to start of with Boots + 3x Health Potion and then get 2 Doran's Rings. Follow up with a Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff.
- In the beginning, you'll probably best off when duo laning due to your (presumable) lack of skill. After that, try to claim the mid lane. That is the best lane for this one.
- HAVE FUN! It's a game, and you have chosen a badass fun to play champion.
GrandmasterD wrote:
Dayum, another girl in the Mobafire/LoL scene; should be fun. :P
Anyway, welcome to mobafire ^^.
About your champs:
OMFG you've picked a champ that is absolutely not recommended for noobs; Viktor is hard, really hard to play! Nevertheless, a really fun one and could really win you some games. Tips regarding playing him:
- Go Flash + Ignite once available. Heal and Exhaust are both great summoners. Ghost is rather useless on him. Surge isn't too bad as well.
- Max Power Transfer first, it's the best way to deal consistent damage. Also, Death Ray is just hard to hit; you said it yourself :P.
- Augment: Death is probably the best augment for you to get, as it doesn't require additional tactics: it is a damage boost. Once you know how to play this guy, experiment with the Augment: Power and Augment: Gravity.
- A good build is to start of with Boots + 3x Health Potion and then get 2 Doran's Rings. Follow up with a Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff.
- In the beginning, you'll probably best off when duo laning due to your (presumable) lack of skill. After that, try to claim the mid lane. That is the best lane for this one.
- HAVE FUN! It's a game, and you have chosen a badass fun to play champion.
Wow! ... I'm speechless.. thank you SO much for this comment. It is really gonna help me, I know it! :)
Ya, I thought Viktor was hard and that it wasn't just me :P. And indeed he is so cool and deals a lot of damage; or at least I think so.
Again, thanks and +rep earned. ^^
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Go away MissMaw I saw her first.
I don't know what you are implying, good sir. But in any case, if you look at the time stamp of my post you shall see that it was indeed me who has seen this new mobafire memberstore.solomid.net