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My 3 Day Ranked Journey

Creator: CrimsonSkyz November 3, 2012 9:09am
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 1:50pm | Report
7th ranked game:
My team: Alistar, Blitzcrank, Malphite
Enemy team: Rengar, Jax, Vladimir
No clue why they banned these^

Top: Shen vs Darius
Mid: Diana vs Orianna
Bot: Graves & Taric(me) vs Ezreal & Lulu
Jungle: Maokai vs Lee Sin

Forced to play support again :/. I've been getting a lot better on Taric so the reason we lost wasn't because I was a bad support. Most of the blame went to our ADC, Graves. Even he admit he was doing horribly and fed the other team. Which is why he said, "Report me." Although I admit the Lee Sin was really good. Either that or he was REALLY LUCKY.

The rest of the enemy team weren't great either. Ezreal got fed because Graves tried to 1v1 him a lot and failed because Lulu kept turning Graves into a squirrel. All I could do was keep damaging Ezreal but he kept using Arcane Shift and got out of melee range. I healed Graves a lot because of how reckless he was. It only took a few seconds for him to lose more than half his hp. Graves' first item was Zeal. Yep Zeal. He didn't bother buying Doran's Blades when he was behind in farm and level.

During the laning phase Maokai tried to gank but failed pretty much every gank. It was because of all the wards Lulu put and Ezreal's mobility with Arcane Shift. Eventually we finally caught Ezreal off guard and killed him. It was one time and would only be that one time. Lee Sin was built tanky so he dove me and Graves a lot. Graves always died first and I used everything I had on Lee Sin. I used Shatter, Dazzle, Radiance, even Exhaust!!! Lee Sin took a lot of damage each time but he always used Safeguard / Iron Will and escaped with like 20hp THAT LITTLE FACKER (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!! ;-; This happened three times with each time Lee Sin getting a double kill o-o...

Then on the third time Diana and Maokai saw us getting dived so they came to help us. They were in the tribush at bottom of river by the time we died. They started fighting Lee Sin, Lulu, and Ezreal. I noticed Orianna] and Darius coming thanks to my wards :D! So I told them to run away but they didn't so they died. Shen tried using his ulti on Diana but once he came Diana was dacapitated by Darius. Then the enemy team burst Shen down and they got an ace.

Eventually we surrendered because of how badly they were beating us. Lost the Elo I gained from my last match ;-;
Unleash the Beast
Currently on vacation~
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 2:02pm | Report

7th ranked game:
My team: Alistar, Blitzcrank, Malphite
Enemy team: Rengar, Jax, Vladimir
No clue why they banned these^

Top: Shen vs Darius
Mid: Diana vs Orianna
Bot: Graves & Taric(me) vs Ezreal & Lulu
Jungle: Maokai vs Lee Sin

Forced to play support again :/. I've been getting a lot better on Taric so the reason we lost wasn't because I was a bad support. Most of the blame went to our ADC, Graves. Even he admit he was doing horribly and fed the other team. Which is why he said, "Report me." Although I admit the Lee Sin was really good. Either that or he was REALLY LUCKY.

The rest of the enemy team weren't great either. Ezreal got fed because Graves tried to 1v1 him a lot and failed because Lulu kept turning Graves into a squirrel. All I could do was keep damaging Ezreal but he kept using Arcane Shift and got out of melee range. I healed Graves a lot because of how reckless he was. It only took a few seconds for him to lose more than half his hp. Graves' first item was Zeal. Yep Zeal. He didn't bother buying Doran's Blades when he was behind in farm and level.

During the laning phase Maokai tried to gank but failed pretty much every gank. It was because of all the wards Lulu put and Ezreal's mobility with Arcane Shift. Eventually we finally caught Ezreal off guard and killed him. It was one time and would only be that one time. Lee Sin was built tanky so he dove me and Graves a lot. Graves always died first and I used everything I had on Lee Sin. I used Shatter, Dazzle, Radiance, even Exhaust!!! Lee Sin took a lot of damage each time but he always used Safeguard / Iron Will and escaped with like 20hp THAT LITTLE FACKER (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!! ;-; This happened three times with each time Lee Sin getting a double kill o-o...

Then on the third time Diana and Maokai saw us getting dived so they came to help us. They were in the tribush at bottom of river by the time we died. They started fighting Lee Sin, Lulu, and Ezreal. I noticed Orianna] and Darius coming thanks to my wards :D! So I told them to run away but they didn't so they died. Shen tried using his ulti on Diana but once he came Diana was dacapitated by Darius. Then the enemy team burst Shen down and they got an ace.

Eventually we surrendered because of how badly they were beating us. Lost the Elo I gained from my last match ;-;

sad 2 see graves build LW 1st...
+malad on diana? <.<

the bans fit the darius pick. cud have been countered with yorick/, malph.

Sig made by Hogopogo
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 3:01pm | Report
Pheyniex wrote:

sad 2 see graves build LW 1st...
+malad on diana? <.<

the bans fit the darius pick. cud have been countered with yorick/, malph.

IKR! They didn't even build much armor ;-;

8th ranked game:
My team: Blitzcrank, Alistar, Amumu
Enemy team: Shen, Malphite, Warwick

Top: Jayce vs Vladimir
Mid: Ahri vs Wukong
Bot: Vayne & Taric(me) vs Twitch & Kayle
Jungle: Hecarim vs Lee Sin

WHY ARE THERE SO MUCH BAD PLAYERS IN 1300~Elo?!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
So apparently NO ONE on my team could "support" so once again I was forced to support 4th time in a row... I said," pref top, mid, or jungle", and then one by one each spot was called and I was left with either ADC or support. So I called ADC. Then a player who didn't call any lane just locked in as Ahri. The last player, who called mid, had to choose support but the teammate said,"I don't support." He didn't even choose a champ and the timer was running out so I said,"Okay I'll support you go ADC." And so the teammate chose Vayne.

Jayce gave Vladimir first blood after a gank from their Lee Sin. Then he kept on feeding Vladimir -_-... As for Ahri she was doing horribly against wu kong early game and got him fed. Vayne couldn't farm at all and fed Twitch. Hecarim was doing okay in the beginning but everyone fed Lee Sin. I fed too because I was killed after trying to protect Vayne as the Lee Sin, Twitch, and Kayle tower dove us. I stunned whoever was chasing/attacking Vayne and Exhausted anyone who got too close. SHE DIDN'T EVEN LIVE ;-; Then I was the only one left so they targeted me and killed me.

Eventually the enemy kept tower diving me and Vayne so everyone came to help. I did my best and Vayne got some kills but I still died and she died soon after. Ahri came and was able to pick up the kills. Ahri got fed but the enemy Lee Sin, wu kong, Vladimir, and Twitch were still more fed. Then I had to spend all my gold warding the entire jungle because the enemy team were all over in our jungle and no one on our team but me bought wards. NOT EVEN OUR JUNGLER , Hecarim, bought wards even though he was getting COUNTER JUNGLED HARD BY Lee Sin.

What made me sadder was that Vayne rushed a Bloodthirster even though she was dying a lot and couldn't even farm and stack it! We lost the game and I lost even more Elo ;-;
Death Has Arrived
Currently on vacation~
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 4:14pm | Report
9th ranked game:
My team: Shen, Amumu, Blitzcrank
Enemy team: Alistar, Malphite, Rengar

Top: Rumble vs Teemo
Mid: Anivia vs Diana
Bot: Ezreal & Leona vs Graves & Sona
Jungle: Maokai(me) vs Shyvana

I was able to jungle as Maokai this game. Early game I had several successful ganks and got my teammates early kills. Then Teemo became level 6 and harder to gank because of his evil little shrooms. Diana was getting owned by Anivia thanks to an early gank and got first blood. Ezreal & Leona fed Graves early so I went down to gank them. We got Sona but Graves was able to dash out of range of my Twisted Advance so we had to get Sona.

Then during another gank at bot(in the river), Leona, Ezreal, Anivia, and me almost killed Graves but he Quickdrawed and dashed through a wall( Rumble was at top pushing hard). We kept on the chase through the pathway in front of the dragon towards the purple team's blue buff spawn area. Then we were in a straight line and Sona blasted us with a Crescendo and stunned everyone. After that in came Diana, Shyvana, and Teemo. Shyvana transformed into a dragon and dove at us. Graves used Collateral Damage and blasted us from far away. We took a lot of damage so we tried to run but we were killed. Then the enemy team got a free dragon.

Diana was losing to Anivia early game so she bought a Negatron Cloak. Then after those teamfights she successfully got some kills and rushed a Rabadon's Deathcap and Lich Bane. In short she got fed, was tankyish, and still did a cr@pload of damage. All of my team's ultis were magic damage so the Negatron Cloak really helped her. NERF Diana PLZ! ;-;

We were grouped together a lot so the enemy team could split push. I had to roam a lot going from place to place to defend/cover a lane, and lost a lot of gold income. Shyvana got fed from shutting down Anivia and Rumble who were destroying their lanes early game. There was a lack of wards so Shyvana got fed by successfully ganking Rumble and Anivia. She also got a few kills off me during the teamfights.

Then there was a teamfight near the enemy base. They aced us and we didn't get a single kill D:
Then they got baron buff and won the game. Lost some more Elo and now I'm on a losing streak :(
Unleash the Beast
Currently on vacation~
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 5:30pm | Report
Depressed that my Elo went from reaching 1400 back down to 1278...
Dream of getting gold is slowly getting crushed ;-;
Darkness is Eternal
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Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 5:52pm | Report
no offense but I think you should gaine some more knowledge before you start blaming everyone else for losing or saying stuff you don't really know about. I mean no offense but take a look at your own score. You might not be the sole reason your team lost, but you're definitely a reason.

In order to win low elo games, you have to maximize your own impact on the game, going 2/6 or 0/7 minimizes your impact on the game since you won't have much gold and experience, whereas the enemy will have more experience and gold, it just snowballs out of control. Just saiyan.

sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 5:59pm | Report
To be honest, it sounds like you should have dodged a fair few of those games, considering what went through the champ select.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 6:05pm | Report
Supporting is also a pretty bad idea imo unless you're duoing. :P
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 7:01pm | Report
I carried myself to 1500 elo by supporting solo queue, jus saying.

Support plays an incredible role on your team, if you are good enough you can win botlane easily by your actions and decide the rest of the game with your team fight influence.

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 4, 2012 7:11pm | Report
You're absolutely right and you can do it, but I'd say it's easier/faster to play a carry and feed on baddies unless support is your main role.

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