Da heck, Season 5 will end in October!?
Anyway, good luck to your ranked journey! Hope you'll get to Gold faster!
I wanted to cry... Even when I'm Silver 1 I'm struggling to climb at least Gold 5 T~T
Anyway, good luck to your ranked journey! Hope you'll get to Gold faster!
Thanks to winston gergill (muh Valentine in 2016)for the sig!

Yeah, I am not sure, they say it ends in the fourth quarter of the year (Oct., Nov., Dec.) so I'm assuming the worst xD
Anyway, thanks :)
Anyway, thanks :)
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Game 1, Silver III (26)

Fantastic start! If it keeps going like this, I'll be Gold this very weekend...
When the game started, I thought I'd be up against

The Good:
Snowballed super hard and shut 

The Bad:
The Ugly:
I need to stop being greedy. For real... using 
Game 2, Silver III (56)

Champ select:

I insta-lock

Anyway, in game I poked

The Good:
Didn't feed 
Splitpushing was strong on my behalf, top lane was always pressured, even managed to push a turret and an inhibitor while both teams were poking each other.
The Bad:
Farm. Once again, farm. TERRIBLE farm this game. But then again, I really couldn't farm side lanes, because we were in constant teamfights, so I was needed there. Still, not a good excuse.
The Ugly:
Only thing ugly this game is my CS, but I already mentioned that. I should probably leave some kills for the ADC too.
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Game 3, Silver III (74)

Champion Select: "I was chosen" to ban champions, so I banned

Things in-game went very smoothly, we suffered a first blood to

The Good:
Swapped lanes with 


The Bad:
I don't think I did anything bad in this game.
The Ugly:
I got executed to a turret... *shame* need to pay more attention.I don't know why, but I only won +22 LPs this game, which is really bad, because I now have to win +26 to get to 100. If I get anything below that, I will end up with 95-99 and I risk getting shutdown (I won 7 rankeds in a row). Let's see how it goes...
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Game 3, Silver III (95)

Not a good game, but it was decent enough. I went jungle

The Good:
I had a very good early game, my ganks were pretty strong.I had good objective control, did Dragon whenever possible, was even able to do Baron without enemy team reasilizing it.
The Bad:
I need to be more careful with my ganks. Although most of them resulted in a kill, I died in 2-3 of them, because the enemy laner was of a higher level than me.
The Ugly:
There was nothing outrageous this game, apart from my score. I died way too many times.Just as I feared, I didn't win +26 LPs, which leaves me in a bad spot. I now have 95 LP and need one more win to enter promotions. Wish me luck.
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Game 4, Silver III (100)
Boring victory, not worth posting (we won by 19 minutes)
Game 5, Silver III (X _ _)

If this wasn't a promotion game, I would've dodged it (I wasn't sure if I could or not do this, so I didn't). Our

The Good:
Managed to perma-slow 

The Bad:
The Ugly:
Everything else was very, very ugly... we lost the game, our 
Game 6, Silver III (X X _)

Champion Select: Enemy picks

In-Game, laning against

The Good:
Got slightly fed, managed to get some important kills and turrets.
The Bad:
Lost lane: I had more kills than 
The Ugly:
Couldn't carry. Lost game. Lost promotions. Better luck next time.
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Hope you get to Gold faster, we have to grind more than we could!!
I got the hardest time here. Schools starts to kick in hours from now and there's a torrent of tears flowing off my eyes because I may not be unable to get that icon for the Bilgewater event.T^T
Thanks Vapora Dark for the sig!

Thanks for the incentive :) I went through Silver V blazing, skipped an entire division, blazed through Silver III, but I got shutdown in my promotions... I was honestly expecting it. No way Rito would allow me to get to Silver I just like that (because if I had won my promotions, I'd skip Silver II, my MMR [was] high enough for that).
By the way, where do you live? School here (college in my case) starts mid-September only, so I have about 2 months to grind my way up. Hope you get there as well ;)
By the way, where do you live? School here (college in my case) starts mid-September only, so I have about 2 months to grind my way up. Hope you get there as well ;)
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Glad to see you're climbing so quickly when you like just started this year. And the fact that you already understand that you aren't a God is super good :) (one of my best friends still hasn't figured this out even though he's been playing for like 2 years). Good luck getting back up to promos and stomping them.
"A wild Soaz appeared! He uses arrogance, and it's very effective."
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videosstuff about my ranked journey (where I get carried hard to Platinum).Season 5 was a complete failure and I got stuck in Silver III. Season 6 was a complete stomp and I finished Gold IV, thanks to (mainly)
Since then, my game knowledge has improved quite significantly, especially regarding Top/Mid Lane. Last Season, I only played
I spent quite a few weeks learning
The Renegade band, only here to fill in the gaps for when