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Rex's Journey: Getting Carried To Gold

Creator: Re4XN July 30, 2015 3:59am
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Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2015 3:59am | Report
Hellow, and welcome to this amazing thread where I post videos stuff about my ranked journey (where I get carried hard to Platinum).

Season 5 was a complete failure and I got stuck in Silver III. Season 6 was a complete stomp and I finished Gold IV, thanks to (mainly) Pantheon and at the very end of the season, Gangplank (finishing with a win rate of 64% and 63%, respectively).

Since then, my game knowledge has improved quite significantly, especially regarding Top/Mid Lane. Last Season, I only played Pantheon seriously (for the most part), this Season, I decided to expand my champion pool a bit.

Top Lane:
Mid Lane:

I spent quite a few weeks learning Gangplank and it really has paid off, so let's see how far he can carry me. Bot lane, as per usual, is to be avoided, though if the situation forces me into the role, I can decently play Blitzcrank, Miss Fortune and Jhin. Let's hope we never get there, tho... since I am a complete nO0bz bot... jungle is a mixed issue, I have a few champions I can play decently there, but again, not my preferred role.

The Backup Crew:

The Renegade band, only here to fill in the gaps for when Pantheon or Gangplank are banned (Rito knows why would you ban these garbage champs, but w/e) or "unavailable" (let's just say... when the enemy team comp is too good to take him). I will also, most of the time, pick Sion top in case Gangplank is banned/too unreliable to take (which seems to be a daily occurence nowadays). I will only pick Pantheon top to counter specific people (like that naughty Headmistress Fiora ).


they see me climbin' dirty
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2015 5:02am | Report
Da heck, Season 5 will end in October!?
I wanted to cry... Even when I'm Silver 1 I'm struggling to climb at least Gold 5 T~T

Anyway, good luck to your ranked journey! Hope you'll get to Gold faster!
Thanks to winston gergill (muh Valentine in 2016)for the sig!

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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2015 6:35am | Report
Yeah, I am not sure, they say it ends in the fourth quarter of the year (Oct., Nov., Dec.) so I'm assuming the worst xD

Anyway, thanks :)
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2015 8:36am | Report
Game 1, Silver III (26)

Fantastic start! If it keeps going like this, I'll be Gold this very weekend...

When the game started, I thought I'd be up against Aatrox, not a good matchup (certainly not a bad one either), but I was surprised to see Elise in the top lane with Smite and Teleport. Terrible, terrible decision on her behalf. I don't understand why would she go top against Pantheon, but I'm not complaining. Annie scored first blood at level 1, I killed Elise at level 2 and bot lane got some kills after Yi started to gank. Very easy game, Annie snowballed super hard (up to the point where she could kill Katarina with one Q and some autos from Tibbahs), I snowballed super hard as well ( Elise had no chance whatsoever, my Spear Shots were too much for her to handle and I also rushed a Hexdrinker so that I could take some of her damage). In the end, all we needed was a Baron to annihilate their base and claim victory.

The Good:
Snowballed super hard and shut Elise down (me and my team were level 9 by the time she hit level 6); helped my team when they needed me with my Grand Skyfall. There was a lot of communication in our team. We were always (most of the time) coordinated and functioned like a well oiled machine.
The Bad:
Farm. Master Yi finished with the same farm as me and he was the jungler... *shame* WARDS! After laning phase ends, I always forget to upgrade my trinket and I stop buying wards...
The Ugly:
I need to stop being greedy. For real... using Flash to get kills costed me 2 deaths that could easily be avoided if I had it ready

Game 2, Silver III (56)

Champ select: Alistar insta-locks. Enemy team support in unsure whether to pick Annie or Blitzcrank and switches to the latter at the very last seconds. Needless to say, their bot lane got shrekt.

I insta-lock Dr. Mundo. Enemy top laner picks Darius (with Ignite)... figures... I really don't know why people pick Darius, he's so useless...

Anyway, in game I poked Darius so hard he had to Flash at level 6, lucky for him Lee Sin was around and killed me first, which set me back a bit. Laning phase was pretty quiet, not much going on, besides poking and farming. Darius attempted to kill me twice, failed both times. Got a kill after following him to mid lane at the expense of our jungler's death. Team fights were pretty solid for our team, Alsitar's peel was enough to keep anyone away from Vayne who proceeded to kill EVERYTHING. For some reason, people started wandering around the map and dying which annoyed me a bit, because we were wasting our time and we had the power to end the game. After some minutes, someone figured that out and we killed Baron Nashor and finished the game. eZ as always.

The Good:
Didn't feed Darius, he was so useless during teamfights I don't even...
Splitpushing was strong on my behalf, top lane was always pressured, even managed to push a turret and an inhibitor while both teams were poking each other.
The Bad:
Farm. Once again, farm. TERRIBLE farm this game. But then again, I really couldn't farm side lanes, because we were in constant teamfights, so I was needed there. Still, not a good excuse.
The Ugly:
Only thing ugly this game is my CS, but I already mentioned that. I should probably leave some kills for the ADC too.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2015 2:32pm | Report
Game 3, Silver III (74)

Champion Select: "I was chosen" to ban champions, so I banned Nasus, Vayne and Azir. Asked everyone what role they'd like to play. Rengar said he was jungle main, so I picked Pantheon with the intention of going Top. Enemy instalocks Katarina and Malphite. I ask if someone would be willing to pick a top laner and swap lanes with me in-game, so a very kind guy picked Cho'Gath and agreed. Best. Decision. Evahr!

Things in-game went very smoothly, we suffered a first blood to Graves, but Varus and Blitzcrank fixed that after getting back to lane. Katarina had to Flash at level 5, I immediately posted its timer in chat and Rengar ganked shortly after resulting in my first kill. Laning against Katarina was pretty easy, Hexdrinker rush and I was k, while she took tons of harass from me ( Spear Shots OP). Super easy to kill her, she jumped on me and I interrupted her ultimate with my Aegis of Zeonia, so that was 2/0/0 (and 1st tower down for my team). Our Rengar was a very good player, I think he even deserves the title of RENGOD, he was a constant map presence and helped every single lane snowball. I was 6/0/3 when I got shutdown by Graves if I recall: Morgana landed a very sneaky bind, I tried to put up a fight, but they managed to take me down and walk away with ~200 HP each (my team killed them and I got 2 ***its). Rest of the game was pretty standard, we just kept pushing and won the game. I got executed trying to splitpush, because I was looking somewhere else and didn't notice I was taking LAZOR damage from the Inhibitor Turret... shameful...

The Good:
Swapped lanes with Cho'Gath, best decision ever, I'd have a really hard time laning vs Malphite, but instead both me and Cho' won our lanes.
Shut Katarina down, she had mediocre damage by the time we took out their inhibitor (she was 0/6/1 if I recall).
The Bad:
I don't think I did anything bad in this game.
The Ugly:
I got executed to a turret... *shame* need to pay more attention.

I don't know why, but I only won +22 LPs this game, which is really bad, because I now have to win +26 to get to 100. If I get anything below that, I will end up with 95-99 and I risk getting shutdown (I won 7 rankeds in a row). Let's see how it goes...
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2015 5:54am | Report
Game 3, Silver III (95)

Not a good game, but it was decent enough. I went jungle Pantheon because Maokai wanted to go top and he asked nicely, so I let him. Started Krugs > Red > Blue > Top Lane gank and that resulted in a kill on Cho'Gath, after that Maokai snowballed pretty smoothly. We suffered first blood ( Kalista died) but our Blitzcrank was a god (he was actually one of the best Blitz player I've ever seen) and he started roaming EVERYWHERE, so I took that opportunity and ganked alongside him, resulting in some very nasty kills. The enemy jungler got a little bit fed and she was doing a very decent job splitpushing, so I was busy cleaning up her mess some of time, which resulted in some of my teammates dying, but there really wasn't much I could do: at least they didn't take towers... Cho'Gath leveled up VERY fast and I did not notice, so I got "executed" by him a few times while ganking, which in retrospective was a really bad idea. In the end, we just had to kill 3 out of 5 of their team and it was a smooth push. Was I carried? Maybe a little bit, but I certainly did my job decently enough. 8th win in a row.

The Good:
I had a very good early game, my ganks were pretty strong.
I had good objective control, did Dragon whenever possible, was even able to do Baron without enemy team reasilizing it.
The Bad:
I need to be more careful with my ganks. Although most of them resulted in a kill, I died in 2-3 of them, because the enemy laner was of a higher level than me.
The Ugly:
There was nothing outrageous this game, apart from my score. I died way too many times.

Just as I feared, I didn't win +26 LPs, which leaves me in a bad spot. I now have 95 LP and need one more win to enter promotions. Wish me luck.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2015 6:18am | Report
Game 4, Silver III (100)

Boring victory, not worth posting (we won by 19 minutes)

Game 5, Silver III (X _ _)

If this wasn't a promotion game, I would've dodged it (I wasn't sure if I could or not do this, so I didn't). Our Lee Sin didn't listen to any of us (I told him to ban Vayne, guess what he did, guess who the enemy picked) and didn't do **** in the game. Nidalee got SUPER FED, despite dying at level 1 in our jungle ( Infected Bonesaw OP) and ended up snowballing all lanes. I picked Dr. Mundo and the enemy picked Warwick, which I have never faced, despite having way over 70 games as Mundo. Lee Sin ganked me at level 2 and got me killed (though it was partially my own fault, greed is real) and that was it for me.

The Good:
Managed to perma-slow Nidalee at level 1, resulting in a kill for Lee Sin
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Everything else was very, very ugly... we lost the game, our Lee Sin wouldn't stop flaming...

Game 6, Silver III (X X _)

Champion Select: Enemy picks Darius, as Cho'Gath was already locked in, he switched his Teleport to Smite and told us he'd be going jungle: What. The. Fvck. Is it a bad pick? No. Are there much better picks? DEFINITELY. I wish I had recorded this game just to show you how bad this Cho'Gath was.

In-Game, laning against Darius wasn't too hard. It was a real pain levels 1-4, but after that, the drill was always the same: dodge his Decimate and poke him to death. Eventually, I was 4/0/0 and right when I was about to kill Darius again, Elise came in and killed me. That timing... I told Cho'Gath to finish Darius off, since he was super low on HP (~200), but he managed to die. It was both funny and heart-breaking to watch Darius enter and exit the godddamn brushes, making Cho' miss all his skillshots... Darius was actually not dumb and he started roaming pretty hard, turning Fizz into sushi.

Elise kept snowballing, Cho'Gath started flaming, I was the only one with damage on the team, but everyone was focusing Nautilus in team-fights... I mean... I have damage, but I am squishy as f if you focus the wrong people (I was getting constantly focused by the enemy). Ultimately, they managed to push very hard and we lost the game, meaning I lost my promotions. 74 LP left, which is actually not too bad...

The Good:
Got slightly fed, managed to get some important kills and turrets.
The Bad:
Lost lane: I had more kills than Darius but he was slightly ahead in CS and got my tower first.
The Ugly:
Couldn't carry. Lost game. Lost promotions. Better luck next time.
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2015 9:19am | Report
Hope you get to Gold faster, we have to grind more than we could!!

I got the hardest time here. Schools starts to kick in hours from now and there's a torrent of tears flowing off my eyes because I may not be unable to get that icon for the Bilgewater event.T^T
Thanks Vapora Dark for the sig!
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2015 11:01am | Report
Thanks for the incentive :) I went through Silver V blazing, skipped an entire division, blazed through Silver III, but I got shutdown in my promotions... I was honestly expecting it. No way Rito would allow me to get to Silver I just like that (because if I had won my promotions, I'd skip Silver II, my MMR [was] high enough for that).

By the way, where do you live? School here (college in my case) starts mid-September only, so I have about 2 months to grind my way up. Hope you get there as well ;)
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2015 6:47pm | Report
Glad to see you're climbing so quickly when you like just started this year. And the fact that you already understand that you aren't a God is super good :) (one of my best friends still hasn't figured this out even though he's been playing for like 2 years). Good luck getting back up to promos and stomping them.
"A wild Soaz appeared! He uses arrogance, and it's very effective."


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