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The Fool's Adventures In Scrubdom

Creator: Foolamancer August 28, 2013 8:29am
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 28, 2013 2:09pm | Report
haha :P Good job!

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 9:56am | Report

Well, I guess the winning streak couldn't last forever.

Bans were Kassadin, Amumu, Zac, Blitzcrank, Shen, and Vayne.

The enemy team had Twitch mid and Pantheon top, so obviously I went into this expecting to stack armor. What I didn't expect was for this to be another incredibly frustrating game where I build up a massive lead only for my team to throw it down the drain.

I hate to push blame onto other people like that, and I didn't play perfectly by any means, but really. When I'm 1/0/6 at fifteen minutes, I'm kind of expecting the game to go smoothly. But, alas, it was not to be.

Standard start, but for some reason, Sejuani tried to invade me at my red buff. That didn't go so well for her. I just Smited it away and forced her to burn Ghost to escape. Seriously, though, that was weird.

But I couldn't make anything happen in the lanes for a bit at the beginning. Skarner was shoved to tower and Annie died to Twitch in midlane, so all I did was get some damage down onto him and then take some farm. The first real event of the game was up top, when I came in to countergank Sejuani. No one died, but we forced both Pantheon and Sejuani to burn their summoners.

The first successful gank of the game on my side was against Twitch, and I followed it up by setting up a triple kill for Annie in bot (she Teleported down). A couple more easy ganks later, I was sitting pretty at 1/0/6, but Skarner and Annie were both getting heavily zoned in their lanes and were dying multiple times despite my assistance. Skarner lost his tower early, but I answered by handing Corki a double in bot lane, then taking the bot tower and a free dragon.

It was very close for a long time. I was heavily ahead and we were taking dragons, but the enemy Pantheon was fed due to Skarner, and what this game ultimately came down to was that Thresh and Skarner were both terrible at positioning. I mean, like, they would run off on their own while we were grouping for a teamfight, then come around behind the enemy team when two of us were already dead. So we couldn't win teamfights. The two of them were either never present or got caught out beforehand.

In addition, Annie outright refused to buy Zhonya's Hourglass, or even a Seeker's Armguard, because " Varus does %hp and Thresh does true damage", which made no sense for so many reasons. So despite my early lead and our dragons, Thresh and Skarner never participated in fights and Annie just kept exploding before doing any actual damage.


- There was really only one mistake I made this game, but it was a doozy. At one point I completely tunnel-visioned on the blue buff and didn't realize that there was a teamfight taking place literally right next to me until it was already over. I felt like an idiot. That still wasn't the turning point of the game and we didn't lose much from it, but still, that was dumb.

EDIT: Also, holy ****, I just saw Skarner's build. What in the hell?
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 11:07am | Report

Got my fat *** carried.

Bans were Thresh, Amumu, Kassadin, Blitzcrank, Malphite, and Singed.

This game was so bad on my part, I don't even know. I just couldn't do anything right, kept dying, yadda yadda yadda. Though it was at least partically Graves' fault; Sona and Ashe were in our lane bush at game start, and instead of attacking Ashe to proc my passive and win an easy fight, he shoots Sona and accomplishes nothing while I die.

This game was just about Shen and Xerath stomping the **** out of everyone. They carried my fat *** despite the fact that I kept getting caught out and dying like a complete idiot. I was still able to contribute in teamfights because, y'know, Leona don't need no items, but still.


- Everything, but especially making a call to go for an early dragon while Fizz was MIA. Should have paid more attention.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 11:55am | Report


Don't remember bans, forgot to screenshot the end.

This one can be summed up by the phrase "4v5". Yeah, we should have won that SO HARD. Both top and mid crushed, I got stupidly fed and unkillably tanky, but they simply had more people than we did and could therefore push harder. We got barons, dragons, everything. Didn't matter. Our ADC was AFK at game start, so there wasn't really any way to win.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 12:42pm | Report

Bans were Amumu, Shen, Elise, Blitzcrank, Kassadin, and Thresh.

Honestly, this was an exceptionally boring game for me. Malzahar and Caitlyn kept their lanes pushed to tower all day erryday, and the enemy Wukong was feeding Lee Sin hard. I just wandered around in circles, farmed, and occasionally took dragons.

There was nothing they could have done. Lee Sin got too fed and Udyr did not have the tools necessary to save his lanes. Orianna was the only person on their team who could put up any sort of resistance, and without a proper frontline, she was helpless.


- Honestly, this is another game where I can't think of anything. Both of my deaths were during teamfights after I had initiated and already locked down the important targets, so that's sort of my job. I honestly didn't have to make any real plays this game, so my opportunities for mistakes were severely limited.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 3:45pm | Report

Bans were Blitzcrank, Hecarim, Elise, Fizz, Amumu, and Kassadin.

Ugh. Just... ugh. Everyone on this team but me and Nami was incredibly toxic and ragey all game.

It started out fine. Nami gave up First Blood, but I killed Miss Fortune immediately afterward and evened out the lane. I got a kill on Thresh soon after, though I died to one Vi gank, leaving me at 2/1/0 and even in farm with their ADC.

Master Yi actually got some stuff to happen in the other lanes and got some successful ganks, but he was constantly harassing the rest of the team. To make matters worse, this had actually started in champion select, when he had accused Gangplank of being bad because he was not a tanky initiator, and when it was pointed out to him that this was usually the jungler's job and that Gangplank had no way of knowing that he wanted to jungle Master Yi, he just accused us all of being idiots. For some reason, this is common for Yi players.

So we were even coming out of the laning phase, at least in my own lane. Gangplank, however, lost his tower early and Master Yi failed a gank bot, which gave the enemy team a free dragon. Jax was snowballing out of control, Veigar had been disconnected for about eight minutes and came back into lane three levels too low, and on and on and on.

And Veigar, Master Yi, and Gangplank were all throwing abuse around like it was confetti.

Master Yi did what all Yi players do: dive headfirst into a 1v5, feed, then rage at the team when killed. Veigar *****ed at Gangplank for using his ult to "KS" from across the map during teamfights (as Gangplank never grouped with the team and just sat in top lane all day). And Gangplank himself was just accusing everyone of being stupid.

Yeah, my score this game sucked. No one but Nami ever attempted to get the enemy Vi and Jax off of me during teamfights; they were both just free to dive onto my face. In fact, I repeatedly got accused of being stupid because I attacked them during teamfights just because they were murdering me. I couldn't keep both of them off of me by myself, so all I did out of the laning phase was die over and over, not from poor positioning (though it definitely wasn't perfect) but because everyone ignored the people who were actually killing me in favor of the Miss Fortune who was not autoattacking anyone.

So yeah. Just another game with incredibly, incredibly ****ty teammates, and really aggravating ones at that. This might be my last game for the day, as I am now thoroughly on tilt, but it depends on how I feel after a short break.


- I died twice to Vi during the laning phase. The first time was just me overextending; the second was because Master Yi was coming in for the countergank but I overestimated how fast he would get there. Both of my early deaths were my fault.
- Actually trying to stand and fight during skirmishes. I really should have just run away any time it looked like Master Yi was going to go in. There was just no way to win those fights and all I did was feed them more kills.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 7:55pm | Report
Eh, forgot to take a screenshot again, it's late and I'm tired. I was Leona, lost again, down to 0 LP.

Bans were Tristana, Vayne, Corki, Blitzcrank, Zed, and Ahri.

I was convinced to give it a shot for one last ranked match today, duo with Dante Smith, the Gold III I played with earlier in the thread. Because he's Gold and I'm Silver, I was last pick, which means that I was stuck supporting.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind supporting in and of itself. But it's games like this that make it so frustrating. Our Graves kept trying to all-in even after I missed Zenith Blade, and since the enemy AD carry was Caitlyn he just got constantly kited and kept at one-third health. Combine that with the fact that the enemy Rammus was ganking constantly in every lane, while our Nasus just occasionally walked directly up the lane and tried to toss Wither at anyone nearby, and you don't have a recipe for a good time.

Doesn't help that Dante, while a great player mechanically, is heavily snowball-reliant. And, in this game, he did not get fed. He always plays as though he is fed, though - constantly attempting 1v2s and so on, attempting to splitpush without wards, et cetera. A non-fed Jax can't really do these things.

And, ultimately, that's what lost us the game. Bot lane was fine, but not great. Our jungler had no idea what he was doing, though, and our midlane was getting camped by Rammus as a result, while Jax just failed to get kills against Singed up top. And because he kept attempting to splitpush without wards, he got caught out constantly and gave the enemy team three free Barons in a row.


- I can't really think of anything, except in that I was playing when I knew I was on tilt and in a role I didn't really want to be playing. I stopped maining support specifically because I was tired of having to support ****py randoms, and while Graves wasn't horrible, he was far too eager to all-in without any proper setup for it. Combine my tiltedness with the fact that the rest of the team was not doing so hot, and there wasn't really any other way this could have turned out.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 1, 2013 9:01am | Report


Bans were Teemo, Master Yi, Garen, Shen, Thresh, and Vayne.

This was just incredibly frustrating. Everyone on our team knew what they were doing... except our first pick Kassadin.

Who went Clarity. And had 17 cs at 20 minutes. And had 70 cs TOTAL at the end of the game. And who literally watched several teamfights happen without contributing anything. And who constantly roamed the enemy jungle and got caught out.

And this guy was rated higher than me. Ugh.

Anyway. Getting ahead of myself again.

Standard start. Yorick died to a Riven all-in just before I arrived, but I was easily able to pick up the kill on her and take two full waves of minions. After that, I went to midlane and attempted to gank the enemy Ahri, but Kassadin decided he wanted to Flash into the tower and get Charmed. So.

Bottom lane was handling itself, so I alternated between ganking top and mid. Even though Kassadin very obviously sucked on toast, I figured that I could at least keep him in the game a little, because their Ahri was not very good. It didn't work out, but I did get Yorick ahead in lane, at least (though he fell behind after the laning phase), and took the top tower early.

Everything was looking good. Zac attempted a very, very poor invade on my blue buff, which gave me a double kill on him and Sona, then allowed us to take a free dragon in the bargain. Riven got our top tower, but we answered with mid and bot.

And then teamfights rolled around. Oh lordy, teamfights with this Kassadin were fun. He literally did not contribute to them. He stood at the edge, behind a wall, and literally did nothing. Like, he consciously pressed S. I'm hesitant to say that he was outright trolling, because he seemed sincere enough, but Jesus he was bad.

And that was pretty much it. Me, Yorick, Corki, and Blitzcrank all knew exactly what we were doing. We took Barons, dragons, towers, everything. But the enemy team could just splitpush all day because we were essentially fighting a 4v5 due to this Kassadin.


- Again, I can't really think of anything. As you can see from the score, I had more kill participation than anyone on the team except Corki, and fewer deaths than everyone but him as well. Since I was the initiator for the team, I don't really think I did that badly.
- Okay, no, I take it back. I did make some mistakes this game. These were making engages when Kassadin was nearby and expecting him to help. I don't say this to bash on Kassadin, but because I honestly should have known that he wouldn't contribute anything and have not made those engages.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 1, 2013 9:53am | Report

Bans were Hecarim, Amumu, Blitzcrank, Kassadin, Thresh, and Shen.

This game started out badly, but I honestly think that's when I do my best. I know how to recover from ****py openings.

It started off simple enough. I knew Udyr was going to want to invade me, so I started red (we were blue team). Lo and behold, he does, but at the first camp rather than the second.

That isn't what made this start badly, though. Oh, no. I was having technical issues, starting with my resolution being set to 800x600 at game start for no apparent reason.

And then the inability to move my cursor to the right.

And then the inability to buy items.

And then dying to red buff because, even though Udyr was easily repelled, I didn't realize at first that it hadn't registered me buying my items until it was too late and I was unable to click away from the buff.

So! That's my one death for this game: executed by the buff camp. That was embarrassing, and relegated me to the role of power-farming for the first ten minutes to catch up. Fortunately, Udyr didn't invade my blue and couldn't make anything happen in the lanes. Ryze was getting kicked around in mid, and bot was a slaughter on both sides.

But, after farming enough to catch up (mostly) in levels, I noticed that the enemy Morgana was very lax in her warding. Garen was returning to lane with multiples each time, and even warded the lane bushes, while Ryze was constantly too low to receive ganks, but I was able to take advantage of bot lane and get fed off of Tristana and Morgana. This had the very welcome side-effect of getting Vayne and Nidalee in the lead as well, particularly after one gank that let us take their bot tower and a dragon afterwards.

While we were taking dragon, Aatrox got the top tower (apparently Garen went back at the wrong time), which gave us a massive lead. From there, we grouped up in mid and took that tower, plus the one behind it, putting us well ahead.

The one shaky part of the game occurred at about the twenty-three minute mark, when Aatrox and I went up top to get that inner turret. We got it, and got away alive, but were left very low, and the enemy team made the call to rush for Baron. Fortunately, Udyr hadn't really accomplished anything during the early game and thus they didn't really have the damage to burn it down quickly, and the early lead our Nidalee got allowed her to poke them down enough that they had to disengage.

That was game. We were ahead enough to start tower-diving despite their Morgana's crowd control (especially because she kept wandering out on her own and dying, letting us push for free), which meant there was nothing they could do to stop us.


- Holy **** that opening. I should have paid more attention and realized that it had not purchased the items after I clicked on them. I felt like a ******.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 1, 2013 11:34am | Report

Bans were Zed, Thresh, Zac, Blitzcrank, Kassadin, and Shen.

This one went downhill in champion select and never recovered. Our first pick had called mid, but grabbed Amumu "because he was open" when I had explicitly said that I would be jungling Jarvan IV. I am not comfortable enough with my Amumu play to use him in ranked, and anyway, he kept saying that he was going to go Amumu mid.

Then our second-to-last pick locked in Nidalee and said that they were going mid no matter what, because mid Amumu was bad. Our Amumu, meanwhile, said that he was going to go mid.

I convinced Amumu to take Exhaust and just try to support in bot lane rather than throw the game due to a stupid argument. But it didn't help.

During my standard start, again, Garen died to the enemy Riven just before I got into lane, but I was able to mop her up and take two waves' worth of creeps. Then I headed down to mid and killed Orianna, putting me 2/0/0 during the first five minutes. I snatched Mobility Boots to try and abuse my ganking presence, since no one on the enemy team bought any wards, but it didn't matter.

I mean, just look at the gold and CS for our team. Garen was the only one with any decent farm, and that was because he just splitpushed all game. I had more minion kills and gold than any of the other laners, and, again, more kill involvement than anyone but Garen (who, again, was splitpushing).

Amumu and Miss Fortune both fed their counterparts insanely. Garen somehow managed to lose lane to Riven, though he did get his tower at one point because Riven was roaming. And Nidalee died all the time as well.

I got good ganks in on every lane, but there was no way to stop the snowball. Garen was somewhat competent and at least knew how to splitpush effectively, so we got some towers, but we couldn't stop the enemy team from just bulldozering through our base. Every one of their lanes had succeeded without any help needed from Nasus, so Nasus just farmed the **** out of the jungle and built tanky so that he could dive towers.

I did my best, but it wasn't enough to stop them.


- At one point, after bot had lost its tower, Miss Fortune was all by herself and getting chased by Sona and Caitlyn. I E-Q'd over the wall to try and kill Caitlyn, but stepped on a trap and thus just barely failed to do so. And I died in the bargain. Need to keep an eye out for those things in the future.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett

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