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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 7:54am | Report
Updated champion pool as of 17-Apr-2017

Feel like I ran into a wall with Shyvana as soon as I hit Gold 4. Limited early gank potential due to lack of hard CC felt like the biggest issue. And I find it hard to simply stick with one champion game after a few games. With Nautilus I could get one gank off, which might result in a kill, but the enemy jungler would manage to get three successful ganks off. I hate you Graves!

As an aside, I'm pretty sure that Graves is going to get nerfed again, because taking the magic resistance off of Quickdraw only weakened him against some edge cases (read Elise). He is still too strong generally and it seems like builds are adapting by droppin in scaling MR to compensate for the loss.

I've been using Gragas more and more. He provides a unique mix of utility, tankiness, and playmaking ability. If I'm first pick, I'm tending to go with Gragas because of his versatility. He can start Raptors without a leash, though I'm finding more success when I do three camp clear and look to gank.

For carry junglers, I've been having some success with Jax. I try to pick him when they have a bunch of autottackers and we have another tank on our team.

Ivern is becoming my counterpick to nastiness that Gragas or Jax might struggle against. I'm still trying to establish what exactly Ivern's win conditions are and to get his mechanics down, so I am going to spend some time brushing (see what I did there?) up on those aspects of his game. I have found he seems to pair well with divers or in a protect the ADC comps since your shields can do a lot to keep them up and running.

Still monkeying around with Top lane. I've gotten some reps in with Darius, Renekton, Swain, and Tryndamere. Though part of me wants to spend the time learning Fiora because she is one of those champions that I find impossible to deal with unless the rest of my team is popping off to the point that you can simply overwhelm her without her taking too much in return. Though at the moment, I'm still mostly defaulting to Nasus in ranked games because that two or three times I've gotten Top I've been first pick with no one on my team willing to let me counterpick.

For support I've always enjoyed playing Brand and I took some time to understand how to do his combo in order to proc Blaze, so I'm feeling much more comfortable on him than I have since the mid season mage update so I'm adding him back into the list of possibles that I'll play. Nautilus will still be my go to tank option as I seem to do better on him than any of the other tank options.

[rant] I really freaking wish Riot would drop the preset rune page model or allow you to setup multiple rune pages and masteries for each champion. I was really hoping they would change this in the new client. [/rant]

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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 8:30am | Report
What do you think about Amumu jungle? I think he's pretty good right now and he's pretty safe and easy to play imo.

by jhoijhoi
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 10:47am | Report
What do you think about Amumu jungle? I think he's pretty good right now and he's pretty safe and easy to play imo.

I think he is less easy to play than people make out. Bandage Toss is a pretty telegraphed ability and if you miss it pre-ult you gank is most likely a fail. Post ult, it gets easier because the AoE of his Curse of the Sad Mummy is huge. Of course if you have the patience to walk in and apply Blue Smite or Red Buff your odds go up.

That said, his win rate in Gold and below is impressively high given his play rate, which is a good indicator that he is strong.

I feel like he does better verses team fighting compositions than more split push oriented compositions. However, his highest win rate, the last time I checked, is on the grenade Amumu build, which likely means you'll want another tank on your team.

I've played him a time or two and the main thing with him in the early game is to manage your mana because if you use Despair without having Blue Buff you will burn through your mana pool in short order. Amumu with no mana is a sad Amumu indeed. If you start raptors you can start with Tantrum to kill the little ones quickly, but if you start Blue Buff it is better to start Despair. For the lower health camps you should cycle despair on and off to limit your mana usage (not sure exactly how many ticks is most efficient, but leaving it on for three at at time seemed to work okay).

I don't play him much out of personal preference.

A) I find him boring
B) he is one of my fail champions (see my 2016 ranked win rate on Zac)

I fail on him because I always turn off Despair at the most inopportune times. I don't play Cho'Gath for the same reason. Toggles are my enemy.

If I didn't find him boring to play, I would probably try to fix that.

[gripe] Riot really needs to make it more obvious when Despair is active for game clarity, not just so I can tell. Nothing like standing next to someone that is melting your health bar with % health damage over time and not being able to tell amidst all the other chaos going on in a teamfight.[/gripe].
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Jan 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 11:18am | Report
What is your main goal in playing ranked League of Legends?
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the awesome PsiGuard-loving sig!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 12:46pm | Report
FatelBlade wrote:
What is your main goal in playing ranked League of Legends?

Initially my goal in playing ranked was simply to unlock the end of season rewards by achieving Gold.

Once I got there I had the option of just leaving the account where it was at until the end of the season, but November is relatively a long way off so I decided to see how far I could get.

More broadly

A) Develop a champion pool that I enjoy playing and can win with consistently
B) Learn more about the game
C) Work out strategies that enable to me to keep winning consistently as the game changes

I choose ranked to test my skill against people who, on average, are as serious about the game as I am, because normals weren't offering a way to benchmark my progress.
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Nov 10th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 1:10pm | Report
When you play jungle try to buy a pink ward every time you back
If your top lane is tank and the enemy too like the garen match up don't bother gank it because it will be hard for you to kill him and you will then open a path for enemy jungler to gank a lane more strategic like bot or mid or simply empty your jungle.
Just tell your toplaner to farm safe and gank when really you have nothing else to do or when you pass by

Also tell yourself that an enemy jungler will need at least 30 sec to go from bot to top so if you see him bot you have 30 sec to empty his jungle top
He will maybe get a kill or an assist but will loose farm and xp and gold
Once you clean his jungle top ( if he was bot ) go straight to bot because most probably this jungler will head either base then jungle top or straight top if you midlaner not to aggressive
And gank your bot lane :)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 8:12pm | Report

Our Bot lane got destroyed. Fiora did okay with some help from me in the early game. I should have just shadded to that side of the map for the rest of the game. I keep having this idea that I need to get all my lanes going and Bot side is a weak point for that because Dragon is there. I in fact did give my Bot lane some help after being stymied by their warding and movements. But come team fighting Miss Fortune just melted us. Fiora tried splitting but she built no MR so she couldn't really deal with Evelynn stealthing in to give her laner an assist.

Between Fiora and myself we managed to put Evelynn pretty far behind, but damn if I could get away from her once she had Rylai's Crystal Scepter and that despite having Mercury's Treads.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2017 9:28pm | Report

I didn't play the lane very well. I kept getting snuckered by Lucian hiding in the lane bush. Not used to the ADC doing that. Zyra would run out of lane then run back into the lane and snare from the side then Lucian would use that opportunity to unload on me. Ashe yelled at me for it and then did the same thing about two minutes later. Ashe did pretty much nothing. She got into a pissing match about it with Lee Sin. Then she just split Bot the rest of Mid game. Most of her asists she picked up with arrows from long range. Illaoi went full on ****** a couple of times after winning a lane. Lee Sin was getting chased all over his jungle because we had no pressure in Bot lane or Mid so Amumu could invade him at will. Kind of a clown fiesta.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 18, 2017 9:20pm | Report

Another clown fiesta. Karma Mid with no Flash. Jarvan IV just camped her. Morgana went to screw with them in their jungle. Ended up dying and setting me behind because I didn't get a good leash. So I didn't get to gank for Riven early. Riven was kind of a bright spot but this one one got our of hand more than she was ahead.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 18, 2017 10:19pm | Report

Fortunately our Vayne was only marginally challenged. Their Graves pretty much only splitpushed the whole game. He was annoying enough that we had to send two people to deal with him, but when we did that we didn't manage to deal with him in almost every case. We were somewhat on our back foot what with having to deal with Graves, but Gnar and I interfered with them at Baron and managed to pick up a kill or two which sent them scrambling out of the pit with Baron on about 1/3 health. I pinged my team and we finished it off. Twisted Fate and Gnar ran to Top lane and took out their base turret and inhibitor. I then healed them up from afar with Redemption, then we were able to take out their Nexus. It wasn't the easiest win in the universe, but we pulled it off. I may have to try this Ivern thing some more. It feels weird not to be specifically designed to kill things, but I like the results and ability to counter jungle more easily than with most junglers.

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