jhoijhoi wrote:
I would think that Janna would get absolutely owned in lane due to her squishiness.
janna has to much peel to get owned, it's really hard to do anything even with jumps.
also why are we mentioning sion wrath? I don't see any mention of him in the thread :o
disagree with ryze being wtf tier, also urgot pls and talon +1 tier
y u delete my comments then change ur list???
WTF Tier: Kayle, Lux, Ryze, Akali
Tier 1: Twisted Fate, Anivia, Rumble, Syndra, Nidalee, Orianna, Katarina, Kha'zix
Tier 2: Kassadin, Wukong, Diana, Ahri, Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Zed, Evelynn, Zyra, Cho'Gath, Cassiopeia, Pantheon, Gragas, Ziggs, Master Yi, Fizz, Janna
Tier 3: Karthus, Veigar, Annie, Morgana, Brand, Xerath, Sion, Teemo, Mordekaiser, Talon,Zilean, Swain, Vladimir
Tier 4: anyone else
-Ryze not tier 1, can't do anything against high ranged mids, (Orianna, Anivia)
-You put Cass in front of Karthus, when Cass sucks now because of her vulnerability and risk of being useless in teamfights if CC'd
-Janna mid is fine, maybe just a lack of damage later
-Anivia needs to be lower than Orianna, since she does more than the slow bird.
Other than that, I think your list is fine.
WTF Tier: Kayle, Lux, Ryze, Akali
Tier 1: Twisted Fate, Anivia, Rumble, Syndra, Nidalee, Orianna, Katarina, Kha'zix
Tier 2: Kassadin, Wukong, Diana, Ahri, Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Zed, Evelynn, Zyra, Cho'Gath, Cassiopeia, Pantheon, Gragas, Ziggs, Master Yi, Fizz, Janna
Tier 3: Karthus, Veigar, Annie, Morgana, Brand, Xerath, Sion, Teemo, Mordekaiser, Talon,Zilean, Swain, Vladimir
Tier 4: anyone else
-Ryze not tier 1, can't do anything against high ranged mids, (Orianna, Anivia)
-You put Cass in front of Karthus, when Cass sucks now because of her vulnerability and risk of being useless in teamfights if CC'd
-Janna mid is fine, maybe just a lack of damage later
-Anivia needs to be lower than Orianna, since she does more than the slow bird.
Other than that, I think your list is fine.
what do you mean delete your comments? wtf
Cass doesn't really suck now =/
Also yea Ryze is pretty easy to beat, fixed.
And someone mentioned sion...
Cass doesn't really suck now =/
Also yea Ryze is pretty easy to beat, fixed.
And someone mentioned sion...
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
wRAthoFVuLK wrote:
what do you mean delete your comments? wtf
Cass doesn't really suck now =/
Also yea Ryze is pretty easy to beat, fixed.
And someone mentioned sion...
uh sry, I'm dumb
Cass doesn't really suck? Hecarim/Maokai with CC/Mobile middle laner says hello. not to mention late game one cc she die
Sion wtf
Sure cass does that, but there are more champions that do that just as well as her and are much more safer in terms of picks. Im pretty sure the example that you want to use his 'cass owns ryze'. ori and anivia performs just as well and brings more to the table in terms of utility and throughout the whole game.
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He has an incredibly strong late game and he can "roam" quite well ( Teleport), but I wouldn't place him in wtf tier based on your description.