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Creator: Rice Noodle Chan March 23, 2015 11:39pm
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Rice Noodle Chan
Rice Noodle Chan's Forum Avatar
Mar 23rd, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2015 11:39pm | Report
Hi guys, i know you have all heard this before, but i am going to show you why elo hell is real. I was placed in bronze 1 last season, and climbed to silver 3. no real problems, i just played my best. however, for some reason, although i won 6 placements this season, i was placed in bronze 5. i was like, "fine, ill just climb." and after 120 frustrating games, im in bronze 4. i thought that i had just gotten worse at the game, or maybe other people had gotten better, etc.. but then, i got a smurf account to 30 and played my placements. i won 9/10. placed in silver 5. within two weeks im now gold 4. and after 50 MORE GAMES on my main account, im bronze 4. literally cannot climb out of this.

reasons why elo hell exists:
1.) first off, yes, you can climb out of elo hell. but its still elo hell. and i know you say, "its not much better in silver or gold," but having a b4 acc and a g4 account, thats complete bs. yes, you get trolls and feeders in gold, and yes, you get bad players, but its not the same. because the absolute WORST player can play ranked and get into b5. ill play a bronze 5 ranked game and have people flip **** on me because, "shaco can go invisible," or "how did i not see evelyn in my lane?" (stealth champs are op in bronze.) these arent trolls. they are actually just that new to the game.

2.) this is the real reason why i cant get out of bronze 5. champion synergy. nobody in bronze has any understanding of champion synergy. i frequently, and like, i mean, FREQUENTLY, play games on my bronze account where I gank every single lane, give the laner a kill, get kills, counter jungle, get every single dragon from 8 minutes in, and get decently fed while im at it. I push towers, and I try to coordinate with my team. however, the enemy has a kat and a j4, mf adc, and blitz supp with voli top. i may be playing, idk, vi, hecarim, shaco, lee, it doesnt matter. it doesnt matter because no matter how hard i snowballed lanes, and no matter how hard i took objectives, my adc is STILL going to run to the front, get pulled pulled by blitz, then the rest of team is going to let j4 get a 4 man ult kat wombo and ace our team. neither team was thinking about that in champ select, they were just playing who they thought was OP. but now, because i cant solo kill the entire enemy team, solo take every tower, and solo take the nexus, i cant win. its basically just the luck of whoever had the better team comp.

3.) bronze players dont know how to get carried. my favorite champion is shaco, ( not that good for carrying but still). now, i might say, gank every lane and get a kill. however, right after doing so all of my laners will just immediately back, without csing or pushing their lane or getting xp. then the enemy will return to lane, and be exactly even with my laner. EVERY TIME. then, since we are ahead in kills my team gets cocky, runs around in the enemy jungle and dies. like getting my team fed backfires because they stop trying. ive actually lost ranked games as jax, twice, where i was legendary, 40 minutes in to the game, got a ****ing PENTAKILL, ace, died, and the 4 remaining members of my team, all with half hp, and no one to attack them, with lanes pushed up to the inhib tower, all just back. i sit there and beg them to attack the tower, while there are 40 sec death timers, but no, they all just back. idk why. they just refuse to push their lead. killing the entire enemy team 40 minutes in late game is literally not enough to win in bronze.

4.) basically, in low bronze you aren't playing league. a lot of players who would actually do fine in a silver or gold elo are completely ****ed in bronze. they watch high elo streamers, they learn how the game works, etc.. but when they are in a ranked bronze match its totally different. things dont fall into place like they expect. it is harder for me to win a bronze match than a gold match. consistently. my win/loss is about 50% and my KDA is about 3/1/6 on my main.

All i am trying to say is, elo hell is real. it is possible to climb out of, but it exists. i play in it every day. i would define it as " a mmr in league of legends where anybody's conventional understanding of the game is generally useless; a point in the league ranked system where your maximum potential influence on the game is at it's lowest, and because of that, personal decisions and skill level have little to do with the outcome of the match."
Sirnikolai's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 12:31am | Report
You should know this already the majority of bronze users are kids Age 20 and under & they can't play worth ****. My recent Aram matches were just **** because I was with kids whom don't know their champions. I also fed some matches because the matchmaking is just terrible. You got to find a party of serious adult Bronzers WHOM know what to do & such. If you continue to solo like myself we are going to be place in with children who suck. example Jinx mid lane WTF!
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 1:19am | Report
I never really understood the whole discrimination-by-age from some gamers. BestRivenNA hit challenger when he was like 14. There are guys who got into the LCS while they were still in high school. There are also plenty of older adults who suck. Age has little to do with skill. Though it might have an impact on maturity, there are plenty of immature players of all ages.

@OP I wouldn't call it Elo Hell but I see what you're getting at. Luck is a greater element in the game if you aren't taking command of the low skill level and inexperience of your fellow players -- teammates and enemies. While in a Gold game you might be able to play relatively consistently and have a good win rate, the same tactics may just be too passive for low bronze if you expect to win a lot.

If you want to get out of low elo, you have to learn how to generate a significant advantage every game. It helps to play champions like Riven who can secure and abuse big gold and experience leads. If you're capable of getting to Gold, playing at low bronze should feel like a stomp every game, save for the few that are too much trouble to carry. If you have trouble winning with Shaco, maybe try another champion that's a bit more of a one-man-army and can shoulder more of the weight of your team.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Sirnikolai's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 6:59am | Report
Fair enough, but don't you understand the game ratings, "T" Teen "M" for Mature.I'm a console gamer as well, so i have to realize they are going to be 12yr olds playing Call of duty Advance Warfare and you can put GTA 5 in that category as well. Sorry that's just my experience, we have to accept these terrible matches:(.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 8:52am | Report
The most perfect counter-claim to 'Elo Hell':


Seriously, give this a watch, all 1 hour and 20 minutes of it. Maybe you'll learn something.

Age honestly doesn't matter. Vyn hit Masters and he's just turned 18 or something. My duoqueue partners both hit Diamond at the age of 16 and they're both quite mature.
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 9:26am | Report
Maybe you should consider the fact that you got lucky on your gold account. When I was gold 5, I smurfed my friend from bronze 5 to silver 5 in a week at most. That was playing champions I didn't even own on my account. And I think I only had 4 losses the entire way. People in low bronze are so ridiculously bad that if you know what you're doing, it's incredibly easy to repeatedly kill everyone over and over and carry every game on your back.
Sirnikolai's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 10:05am | Report
I can't wait to breeze through bronze & silver lol.
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 10:40am | Report
OP is just not willing to admit he sucks at carrying games and would rather blame his teammates for why he's stuck in the elo he's in.

I believe where you are now is where you deserve to be. No exceptions.
IceCreamy wrote:

(1:07): I prefer your balls over ***hol

Foxy Riven
Foxy Riven's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 10:44am | Report
I had so much fun playing in bronze 3, you should cherish those moments. Elo hell is a fairy tale though. Never played easier games and my CS was always twice of everyone else's.
Thanks Emikadon for the sig!
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
<Crowd Favorite>
Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2015 11:02am | Report
If you aren't good enough to carry your team to win you belong in that elo

That's how League of Legends works.
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