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Has anyone seen VideoGameDunkey's farewell...

Creator: H4xDefender September 13, 2015 12:08am
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 12:08am | Report

obligatory link for anyone who hasn't yet

Ignoring the fact that he completely deserved the ban (and probably wasn't even really upset considering everything else he says in the video) and the fact that he expected to get unbanned for being a content creator, a lot of what he says actually resonates with me. I haven't played league of legends quite as long as him, but I've played just about the same amount of games as him (probably even more tbh) and I agree with a lot of his points.

The fact that most solo queue games is simply 3 competent players and 7 ******s usually isn't far off. The fact that you group up until someone gets caught after lane phase and loses their team the game (and gets a metric ****ton of flame after it inevitably happens) is absolutely spot on. I've played this game through so many meta shifts, and I've never hated solo queue more than this season. I've always pushed myself to improve and do my best to ignore the trolls that you inevitably meet in solo queue, but every season it gets harder and harder. I peaked at Platinum in Season 2, D1 in S3, Challenger in S4, and Master 400~ LP in S5. I hit Diamond in R5s in S3, and Challenger in R5s multiple times in S4/S5.

The game has slowly shifted to become more team oriented. While it might be helpful for competitive teams... the fact is that 99% of the playerbase doesn't play the game at anywhere near that level, and it makes solo queue games an absolute chore. About 50% of the games at higher ELO don't even get decided by "who is the better team." It comes down to which team has more people that main roles that are needed, and who doesn't tilt. When I was playing solo queue this season while balancing with school, I couldn't break Diamond 2. As soon as my school year finished, I was high master within a month. While the quality of my play had improved since I wasn't tired all of the time, most of the extra games I won were as a result of me having more energy to encourage people not to troll or give up, rather than my play being much better than before, and I can tell you it is absolutely exhausting.

I play league of legends to have fun, not babysit people who are upset that things didn't go their way. I realized after a while that I wasn't enjoying playing the game, I was enjoying winning. And while some of you may not see the problem with that, it stressed me the **** out, and made me get extremely frustrated whenever I had absolutely unwinnable games due to the actions of 1 person on the team. While there are certain lines for trash talk as well, when somebody is absolutely beyond help in regards to continuing to try to win the game, I have to take it like a little ***** boy or I risk getting banned/chat restricted when it isn't my fault in the slightest. Even worse, I can't leave a hopeless game without facing the same risks either. As if losing LP and 30+ minutes of my life wasn't bad enough already. To make matters worse, the volume of reports at high ELO means that players rarely get anything worse than a chat restriction. I could care less.

I can mute toxic raging ****bags. I can't play on my teammates computer to stop him from feeding. And it frustrates me to a point where I don't want to play league of legends at all. The feeling of grinding a full day of solo queue only to lose most of your games to some form of trolling/afkers/idiots and find yourself further and further from your goal is one of the worst I've ever felt when playing a video game.

I continued to play this game solely because I enjoyed challenging myself and playing in a team with other people, but I don't think I'll ever go back anymore because it would require me to grind up to high ELO again, and I just don't think I have the fortitude to do that anymore. The only time I ever enjoy playing this game is when I'm in a 5 man where nobody really cares if we win or lose.

Does anyone else share the same sentiments?
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 1:18am | Report
I understand the point he's trying to make in terms of "my team sucks, I should be allowed to get mad," but at the same time, I'm pretty sure that he's being overly complain-y about being banned for being toxic.

Because, I'm pretty sure that if you said the kinda **** he said in pretty much any other game they'd take action. And, from the few league videos I've watched of his, he's constantly that toxic too.

No, he's not right for being toxic, but I definitely get that ******* players ruin a lot of games too. Although honestly... I haven't had one in a long time.

Also, do you mean there's a low volume of reports at High ELO? I don't get why, if that's the case. You should see enough of someone to know if they're purposely trolling and actually have an impact. But if people aren't reporting because of "muh queue times" then there's probably another problem there.
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 1:25am | Report
I agree with most of this, but at the same time I just really suck at this game especially on my main role. I can't get out of Bronze.

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DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 1:31am | Report
ive been slowly getting away from league for the same reason, i used to dedicate a whole day to playing just solo queue and now i barely want to play a single game even with friends once a week because it just got to the point where if i lost during that one day a week it would just demotivate me from the game for a long time, and ive been playing so long that ive had moments when im in champion select just staring at the screen because absolutely none of the champions seem fun to play as, honestly i only have fun playing as two champions in this game now, skarner whos banned forever and when i go into team builder or blind im a dirty skarner picker that only won because of the champion and nautilus but i get bored of them and when that happens i just dont even want to play

plus having to deal with brats all the time isnt fun in any way at all, i know riot is cracking down on "toxicity" but that wont stop my low silver elo games being full of riven tops yi jungles and zed mids all trying to be the solo queue hero wondering why we lose every fight and getting mad to the point that they just afk or feed

and it feels like i know ive improved but it never feels like it in this game because its too team oriented and youre only as strong as your weakest link assuming everyone is generally the same skill (inb4 lol ive carried silver players its ez!) so you can play a really good game but still lose because some guy is getting out of position and doing stupid things he shouldnt

which is why ive been playing smash bros a lot more, you can really tell how much you improve because what you see every time you play is -you- not red team or blue team and losing a set in smash is 100% your fault and it feels like progress is being made even if there is no true elo system in the game it just makes it more rewarding to play instead of league of legends where one game can ruin your whole day


Lugignaf wrote:

Also, do you mean there's a low volume of reports at High ELO? I don't get why, if that's the case. You should see enough of someone to know if they're purposely trolling and actually have an impact. But if people aren't reporting because of "muh queue times" then there's probably another problem there.

i think i remember Lasty or throatslasher talking about this a long time ago about high elo, the problem is that if youre the guy thats reporting people for things word would get around because there is so few people up there that you keep playing against the same people all the time and it can just cause some ********, like you remember back when fabbby could just troll any game he wanted to? he could get away with it because no one wanted to be the guy that got fabbby banned, not to mention most of the people in high elo have smurfs that are also in high elo and can easily make another smurf to get to high elo again even if they get banned
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Kazega's Forum Avatar
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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 1:36am | Report
I kinda understand where Dunky comes from here. the whole 3 decent players and 7 ******s is a bit of a stretch but at the same time SOlo Q needs to be fixed I feel. Last season when I play with you guys you consistently gave me feedback about how I knew things that put me above my Silver League peers. I knew how to team fight. I knew vision control. I knew effective trading, CSing and a little bit of how to lose a lane. I was told that I could make it to Gold or even higher but something always kept me back for some reason.

I tend to feel it was the team at times. it's just simply amazing how a First blood can snowball an entire team these days.
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 1:37am | Report
I'm away from League because of this basically.
Nobody seems to have mentioned that Dunkey politely asked Riot to unban him because of how popular a streamer he is and and they said no, which from what i gathered really really pissed him off.

Basically MOBAFire.
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 2:13am | Report
Legend of Gamer has also quit League, he made some decent points as well. I am not going to express my opinion yet, because I am using my phone and it's a ****ton of work to type.

Do check his video, tho.
BigBoxGamer's Forum Avatar
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 2:22am | Report
We don't take kindly to those who mash the "post reply" button around here.
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DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 3:05am | Report
League has become more like a chore than something you do with your time when you want to have fun. And since Riot kept enforcing the meta to the point where it's decided by "teamplay" aka worst player being a bigger factor than the best player it's really frustrating when someone (consider it a blessing if it's only one person) on your team does not realize your win conditions at some point of the game and keeps doing **** all
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 3:06am | Report
Kazega wrote:
SOlo Q needs to be fixed I feel.
I really wish it was possible, but I totally think that it can't be done. League is a team game, I guess we can all agree on this, so being matched with random people just goes against the very essence of the game.

You can't have a healthy matchmaking because there will always be that dude that is really good at winning lane and then doesn't know what to do late game (or the other way around). On top of that, you can always have the "main X champion/X role", who will probably suck at playing anything else, while stomping when maining comfortably (this would also create the illusion on the other team that their teammates are worse than average). The game was thought to be played with 5 people with good communication, but it had to have a matchmaking system because finding 4 other people to play the game with you was the reason why DotA (original) didn't get as popular in the first place.

Unfortunately, I can't blame Riot for not being able to solve a problem this big. And there has been lots of improvement where it could be done. Master tier introduction, leagues+divisions to make the ELO climbing less boring, every change to make your tier be closer to your ELO (skipping promos/divisions) and probably more stuff that's to come (afaik, ranked team builder will be a thing and there may be easier promotions next season).

Back on the ban, being as toxic as he is and expecting to get away with it just because you're a content creator is the kind of attitude that makes me think that Dunkey is a douche IRL too, so I can't feel bad for the guy. I also enjoyed every other video of his more than his league ones.
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