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Has anyone seen VideoGameDunkey's farewell...

Creator: H4xDefender September 13, 2015 12:08am
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Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 3:16am | Report
And since Riot kept enforcing the meta to the point where it's decided by "teamplay"
I found one part of Dunkey's video really fun, where he "understands" being banned because of playing orianna adc. Riot hasn't ever enforced the meta, and always nerfed any champion that was too powerful (aka, nerfing the meta) or too annoying to play against (here is where lulu top players complain about the nerfs when she was a must pick back in S4 and now that she's healthy in solo lanes forget that they complained). The only people that enforce the meta are players, both pro and their blind followers. If those "off meta" picks (fizz top back when his W dealt on-hit %missing hp damage) were left unnerfed, all that would happen is that they would become meta, only for people to complain that "top lane is boring, always playing against fizz top".

Damn I'm getting salty.
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DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 3:33am | Report
yeah man here at Riot we don't like to enforce meta, but you HAVE to play Kha'Zix as a jungler and Mordekaiser as a bot laner. You also NEED to bring TP if you're top lane or have little to no impact on the game because of how dumb that summoner spell is. We NEVER tried to force people to stop laneswapping. We also never nerfed snowballing through kills and/or objectives (granted FB actually gives gold now compared to some time ago when it was literally worthless). We let the players decide the meta, obviously
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 3:58am | Report
yeah man here at Riot we don't like to enforce meta, but you HAVE to play Kha'Zix as a jungler and Mordekaiser as a bot laner.
Morde top is getting buffs soon (in PBE he can self-cast W now), plus making morde a bottom lane magic damage dealer forces off-meta adc picks in other lanes, which, in turn, does the exact opposite of enforcing the meta. Damn, the very fact that they made a champion thought to stray away from the adc bot meta is a huge deviation from the meta.

You also NEED to bring TP if you're top lane or have little to no impact on the game because of how dumb that summoner spell is.
I don't get this one. Ignite can very well work if you plan on killing your opponent. Plus, same argument as flash for 99% of champions. Also I don't see how Riot "enforces" the use of TP. By not nerfing it? I don't recall buffs to TP.

We NEVER tried to force people to stop laneswapping.
Laneswapping is annoying. The top laner gets **** on and the game is forced to go out of lane phase with everyone on different levels. Also, even after the nerfs, laneswap is still there. Because it's now sort of OK, or else Riot would still be nerfing it.

We also never nerfed snowballing through kills and/or objectives (granted FB actually gives gold now compared to some time ago when it was literally worthless).
Snowballing has nothing to do with the "meta". It's just a thing that decides wether a lane/game will be won at one defined point, and Riot moves that lever wherever they think it's better (and it's a lever that would only give them money if it makes the game more fun, so I don't think it's a problem).
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 4:12am | Report
The 3 competent players + 7 ******s thing is pretty much true, though I'm unsure whether that has ever been different, the game has just become more team-oriented over the years (especially this season). I do feel like it's kinda what you sign up for when going for solo queue though, as frustrating as it can be to climb because of it (struggling pretty hard myself right now).

The fact that he tries to defend himself against the ban by saying that talking **** should be part of the game is absolutely ridiculous. I've read that he's toxic on a regular basis - can't confirm myself since I don't like him / don't think he's funny at all, a.k.a. I never watch his videos - so I guess that would benefit him, but I can't imagine how many people would quit if Riot announced they wouldn't fight toxicity at all anymore. Sharing only one toxic comment while pointing fingers at his teammates for picking off-meta champions and trolling in the game he said that is also downright laughable. Good riddance.

Ekki wrote:
I don't recall buffs to TP.
Reduced cooldown for Teleporting to a tower (300 seconds ⇒ 240 seconds), reduced cooldown when interrupting Teleport (150 seconds ⇒ 100 seconds), reduced channel time (4 seconds ⇒ 3.5 seconds) and - arguably - the addition of Enchantment: Homeguard. Teleport was buffed massively in season 4 and has been standard ever since.

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 4:27am | Report
Ekki wrote:
Morde top is getting buffs soon (in PBE he can self-cast W now), plus making morde a bottom lane magic damage dealer forces off-meta adc picks in other lanes, which, in turn, does the exact opposite of enforcing the meta. Damn, the very fact that they made a champion thought to stray away from the adc bot meta is a huge deviation from the meta.

In his defense, his point was Riot enforcing champions into a spot that is within the meta, with Riot forcing Mordekaiser into bot lane. In your defense, I agree with you in the sense that I'm not a big fan of the Riot is enforcing the meta argument. Personally, I feel that the fact that champions are designed with a specific role in mind opens up opportunities for really interesting interactions. I mean, Kalista being a prime example. The fact that she has a kit that's so heavily catered towards a duo lane partner means that you do get more interesting abilities. I'd say that Fate's Call offers an experience within the game that no other champion's abilities offer, all because she was catered to that bot lane. Now, contrast this to older champions that were designed without a meta in mind. Sure, you have things like Malphite who can play top, jungle or mid, and you have Ezreal, who can play mid and bot, and these are very much flexible in terms where they fit into the meta, but that's because they have such generic kits that you could literally just slightly tinker around the abilities but keep the core of what they are, and then they could just slot into anywhere.

So, yeah, I'm not fussed about champions being designed around the current meta and specific roles, because I see it as an opportunity to do some really unique stuff. I think the bigger issue is the power creep that has just shot up with the most recent patch and more recent champions. There's just too many threats right now, most of which are unpleasant to play against unless you too are playing something that's strong right now.
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career
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DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 6:59am | Report
Ekki wrote:
Morde top is getting buffs soon (in PBE he can self-cast W now), plus making morde a bottom lane magic damage dealer forces off-meta adc picks in other lanes, which, in turn, does the exact opposite of enforcing the meta. Damn, the very fact that they made a champion thought to stray away from the adc bot meta is a huge deviation from the meta.

The fact that he was originally designed as a bot laner remains, dunno why are you even trying to argue here.
Ekki wrote:
I don't get this one. Ignite can very well work if you plan on killing your opponent.

Sure, but who cares if you are 3-0 and 50 cs up on someone with TP if he can force you into coming to X lane to depush it, TP elsewhere, win a teamfight and secure objective(s)?
Ekki wrote:
Also I don't see how Riot "enforces" the use of TP. By not nerfing it? I don't recall buffs to TP.

Have you played before Season 4 my friend? Might want to check before you argue with facts based on your own assumptions.
Ekki wrote:
Laneswapping is annoying. The top laner gets **** on and the game is forced to go out of lane phase with everyone on different levels. Also, even after the nerfs, laneswap is still there. Because it's now sort of OK, or else Riot would still be nerfing it.

No, it's not "OK" they just don't know how to nerf it to actually stop people from doing it without switching up the whole dynamic of early game right before Worlds.
Ekki wrote:
Snowballing has nothing to do with the "meta". It's just a thing that decides wether a lane/game will be won at one defined point, and Riot moves that lever wherever they think it's better (and it's a lever that would only give them money if it makes the game more fun, so I don't think it's a problem).

No, of course not. I was just saying that they nerfed snowballing = longer games
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RottedApples's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 8:07am | Report
Imo he 100% deserved the ban.

On soloqueue: I don't really play soloqueue. I just play normals, arams, and games with friends. The last time i was inspired enough to play ranked was when runeglaive ezreal was a thing, which i was playing when it wasn't banned (got all the way to last pick in one game). I had one game where some guy was intent on trolling in champ select because our jungler "trolled top lane" last game. This was my last game of promos to get into silver 2/1 (had skipped S4 earlier so i hoped to skip again). I managed to convince him to at the very least just go bot and play the game, if he didn't want to help fine, just don't feed. I asked why he wouldn't dodge, he said he didn't want to lose LP. I explained to him he would lose more if he trolled, which he was stubborn to admit (he thought we could still win, you're not wrong, you're just an *******). I explained why the jungler might not want to gank a lane that has little hope. It was hard, but I managed to convince him to not troll at the cost of putting pressure to carry on the rest of us. (I was playing kat into ezreal so I was relatively ok with this) It was an iffy game at first, their eve was doing a little work and ezreal was playing super safe so i could never kill him. I got a double and blue when they invaded. Roamed bot for some cleanup. I won the game with a 14/0 score but having to convince someone not to troll was not fun. Part of the reason i don't play ranked.

When I play with my friends it's usually premade 5's or customs when we have a lot of people around. I've gotten many comments from them that i play above my level. I've had many games with them where i play something and do extremely well. And I'm impossible to ban out, even if all 6 bans were used on me (if we do customs it's draft pick). They pretty much resort to just banning what they don't want to see. Usually that means teemo is banned (one friend is an irelia main and i destroyed it with my ad teemo, ever since then it's commonly banned and when it's not I'm playing something elsewhere) and/or aatrox (commonly picked that against a friend who despises the champion and did well enough with it to draw a few bans once in a while)

So i usually don't have to deal with trolls much. It is a large problem though.

Also, lol this took 30 minutes to type on my phone.

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 9:09am | Report
If you don't like the game or certain aspects of the game, that's fair enough, but saying that you should be allowed to trash talk because you're losing a game due to other people is just stupid. It's also pretty stupid to expect to get unbanned because you're a pro player or content creator.

I'm a fan of dunkey's but he did deserve the ban and probably deserved to be banned a lot sooner based on the stuff I've heard/seen him say in games.
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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 9:37am | Report
wholeheartedly agree with current league criticism

i really miss season 3 league meta tbh - i absolutely hate this meta right now and I hate how NA plays it.

junglers and supports don't understand their roles - junglers "power farming" and not giving a **** about the enemy jungler at all, supports playing like ****ing budget mid laners

the worst is that people tilt like no ****ing tomorrow. you can't criticize anyone, you can't say anything because once someone tilts they'll just lose the game for you

im kinda fed up with this game lol. i enjoyed this game before because I was able to emulate to some degree what I observed in competitive games and apply them to my game. i don't have the best mechanics - i enjoy playing a supportive role and win through proper teamplay. back when i climbed solo queue in season 3, teammates were responsive and teamfights were coordinated. maybe that's just the difference between cn and na, but i know for sure the ******ed meta isn't helping the cause at all.

the game has gotten too team-reliant that one's impact in the game is so heavily reduced, especially in this ****ing tank meta where you can't punish someone's missteps. in teamfights literally whoever can play the best in a ******ed no-focus environment wins.

diamond is just a ****ing grindfest now. I find it funny how a lot of my friends in diamond 1 and 2 can get stuck in diamond 5 and 4 for the longest time ever.

the only reason i play this game right now is because ive played this game for 5 years

(he deserved the ban btw)
Hatted's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 10:04am | Report
I've been climbing Silver on and off lately but yeah sometimes people are just morons and it's practically impossible to win. One of my last promos we had a Garen that did nothing but split the whole game. He would respawn, go to lane, die, repeat and it inevitably cost us the game because every fight was a 4 v 5. He went the entire game without assists until the last fight where he was running out of base to push and we had a fight in our base.

I'll miss Dunkey's league content but I already watch his videos on a regular basis so whatever.

"Anyone below Diamond 1 is trash" - 4chan
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