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Has anyone seen VideoGameDunkey's farewell...

Creator: H4xDefender September 13, 2015 12:08am
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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 5:20am | Report

I think this is definitely the most extreme cases you're talking about here. I mean, while theoretically, it sounds like all of these would happen, it really just doesn't happen. I mean, only to touch on a few of those, no one's going to report you for negative attitude for trying to give criticism if it delivered in a reasonable manner. People don't report you for being quiet during a game, only if you're quiet and refuse to listen to what the team wishes to do and just play your own game, jeopardising your team's chances of winning. No one is going to report you for picking an off-pick and then doing well on it. I just think that these are just the most extreme cases, and definitely an exaggeration.

Of course, that doesn't mean that your words have no merit. Some of it is sadly true.

Even if you get reported, they won't get you banned for it.
Guercino's Forum Avatar
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Sep 12th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 7:32am | Report
Dunkey is absolutely right... But I guess this is it.goodbye you glorious bastard
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 10:59am | Report
I don't think Dunkey deserves special treatment because he's a famous youtuber or promoted League of Legends, he was also promoting himself, he deserves the 2 week suspension most likely. But I will say that he made a number of really good points. League of Legends is by far the most toxic gaming community out there, the only gaming community that really rivals it is probably the CoD community, which in its own right is a ****ing joke filled with tools and a bunch of kids who are eTuff (but thats another story). This toxicity doesn't just come from anywhere, it's entirely because Riot allows and quite frankly breeds a culture of toxicity. I'm so ****ing tired of Lyte's ******** and all his statistics without any context. If majority of league players aren't toxic then why are the overwhelming majority of my games a ****ing terrible experience? I'm so ****ing tired of having 80% of my games ruined by trolls and feeders. Is it really any wonder that people decide to lash out after 8 out of 10 games are filled with **** like feeding malphites, support rivens, bards mid, ap skarner mids, etc. It's a complete ****ing joke, Riot has far too long focused on verbal toxicity as opposed to toxicity with gameplay. There are so many ****ing toxic players that will troll a game and intentionally ruin it because there is virtually zero punishment. To say the tribunal is ineffective is an understatement, to say RiotLyte is incompetent is also an understatement. Every single season of League has gotten worse, more trolls, more feeders, and the game experience has continually declined and quite severely. It's not fun to trudge through the ****ing hordes of players that try (and often do) ruin the gaming experience. I can deal with a flamer, I can press 2 buttons; tab and then click the mute button and I no longer have a problem. I cannot ****ing deal with that top lane Yasuo hero who decides he thinks he wants to be bjergsen today but instead goes 0/10 in the first 15 minutes or the guy that decides to intentionally feed or play support Vladimir because he didn't get his role. Why the **** would anyone even want to continue playing solo queue if the majority of games are like this? Goodplays asked me the other day why I don't play ranked, that's the reason, I don't want to have to deal with the sheer volume of ******** that goes on in solo queue, I much rather enjoy the game in normals with 3 or more friends than have to listen to 4 other teammates argue about which one of them is going to feed as a mid laner. RiotLyte has done **** all to solve this problem and that's why it's gotten worse. I could go intentionally feed 10 games in a row before I even got a punishment, which would likely be in the form of a minor suspension (like 4 hours) or a chat restriction. The system is broken and RiotLyte has no ****ing clue how to fix it which is why he hides behind his mathematically impossible statistics (yes, some of the **** he throws out is quite literally, mathematically impossible, especially in regards to toxicity).

The game isn't fun anymore for multiple reasons but I think toxicity is the main one. I mean the state of balance in this game is a complete ****ing joke, I was actually pretty impressed over the last 2 or so seasons that the balance of the game was pretty good, but then the balance team releases ******ed **** like Skarner, Mordekaiser, Garen, Darius, and Fiora all in the same patch (not to mention Tahm Kench) and I lose all ****ing hope that they have any ****ing clue what is going on in there game. Hell, Miss Fortune is on her 4th rework, they clearly don't ****ing understand the game that they are trying to balance and to complicate that you get *******s that want to ruin your game. This game is a complete joke and a far cry from where it was in season 1 through season 3. I'm not saying there weren't *******s and I'm not saying balanace was perfect, but at the very least the game was fun. League isn't fun anymore and I doubt it ever will be.

I'm not saying I'm the shining beacon for behavior on league, in many ways I'm an ******* and a flamer, but you know what I've never done? Intentionally feed or intentionally ruin the integrity of a game for my own enjoyment. It is so ****ing annoying to have to deal with people that want to play the game at your expense and if I didn't have friends that still played the game, there is not a ****ing chance in hell I would ever log onto this game
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 11:27am | Report
Just a quick comment to state that I think the meta before the juggernaut patch was actually really good, once they bring these juggernauts back to earth the meta will be pretty fun.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 11:43am | Report
The point was it shouldn't take a ****ing rocket scientist to figure out that those champions were utterly broken and going to be broken as ****. Thats what I find most disappointing
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 11:49am | Report
Mooninites wrote:
If majority of league players aren't toxic then why are the overwhelming majority of my games a ****ing terrible experience?
Because there are 10 people in the game. Say 80% of your games have one toxic player (which is probably an exaggeration, as I doubt you even made the counting), that would mean 8 in 100 players were toxic in those games. Riot always pointed out that the amount of toxic players was somewhere less than 10% (I don't remember if it was 2, 4 or whatever), so yeah, it's not mathematically impossible. It actually makes sense.
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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 11:52am | Report
The only champion that people immediately recognized as OP was Skarner, most people (including pros) thought that Fiora, Mordekaiser and Darius were pretty **** upon rework. Taking that into consideration, it doesn't surprise me that Riot failed to recognize that too.
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 12:41pm | Report
Vynertje wrote:

Some of these things sound more like you being salty than actual constructive points. Points one up to three never happen to me and although I see 4-5 happening occasionally, it's more an exception than the rule itself. It can obviously happen that you get reported in such a game, but as long as you don't fully lose your temper multiple games you won't ever get banned/restricted for something like that. Especially the 'refusing to communicate' thing, never heard of anyone getting banned for that.

Everyone is making this such a big deal. It's just another toxic guy getting banned, nothing else

It's a big deal because he does a really good job at summarizing why a lot of people don't find the game as enjoyable any more.

Constructive points or mere experience? This is not being salty, this is just what happens, daily or in exceptional circumstances, in the community. I think due to the ambiguous nature of the structure of my wording you've probably thought those 5 points were 5 points you can get banned for, but actually they're just what you can get reported for with the exception listed. And they're all from my experience over the 5 seasons, and are a select few of the reasons why I don't enjoy the game as much as I used to.. I think its unfair you've suggested I am "salty" in regards to expressing valid views. I'm not angry.

I think this is definitely the most extreme cases you're talking about here. I mean, while theoretically, it sounds like all of these would happen, it really just doesn't happen. I mean, only to touch on a few of those, no one's going to report you for negative attitude for trying to give criticism if it delivered in a reasonable manner. People don't report you for being quiet during a game, only if you're quiet and refuse to listen to what the team wishes to do and just play your own game, jeopardising your team's chances of winning. No one is going to report you for picking an off-pick and then doing well on it. I just think that these are just the most extreme cases, and definitely an exaggeration.

Of course, that doesn't mean that your words have no merit. Some of it is sadly true.

These can be defined as 'extreme cases' but they're cases that are pretty much the norm. You state "it really doesn't happen", but it has, it has happened to me... You can ask a wide selection of people whether they've been reported for "refusing to communicate" despite they were communicating, and you'll be surprised at the answer. I have been reported for negative attitude for constructively telling a Shen to take Randiuns rather than thornmail because the item was more beneficial against the team we were facing. Obviously the shen took it to heart as me trying to damage his "play". His response was along the lines of "Don't teach me how to play my own champ, im better than you at shen, so please stfu, reported". Now these are rare occasions, but it happens. You can't say one thing to another player without them taking it the wrong way... even small things like "Support can you ward please, we need vision, and you've not been warding for past 6minutes" can be deemed as 'negative attitude' to some players.

As for the other issues they do happen but it is rare - "I just think that these are just the most extreme cases, and definitely an exaggeration." Well if they're most extreme cases, and do happen, and theoretically can happen, then its not an exaggeration. The 5 points I listed are from my experience, and relate closely to the undermining message Dunkey is expressing.

I believe its my own error in the way I worded the post, I'm not saying it happens all the time E.g. every-time I give constructive criticism I get reported, but it does happen :) And only reflects how poor this community is, especially in Season 5. And as you've pointed out it is "sadly true".

@Mooninites I agree with some elements of what you've posted. I don't think anyone is a shining example of a star pupil under Riot's eyes, we all have our days, our bad games and moments where we type some negative words to a team-mate... in essence we're all "toxic", but that word seems to be thrown around like kalista throwing annie around. Theres levels of toxicity, and we all start at the bottom, just some players are at the top of the toxicity leaderboards.
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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 12:44pm | Report

you've probably thought those 5 points were 5 points you can get banned for, but actually they're just what you can get reported for with the exception listed

What does getting reported matter if you're not getting any bans off of it anyway?
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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2015 12:54pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
Because there are 10 people in the game. Say 80% of your games have one toxic player (which is probably an exaggeration, as I doubt you even made the counting), that would mean 8 in 100 players were toxic in those games. Riot always pointed out that the amount of toxic players was somewhere less than 10% (I don't remember if it was 2, 4 or whatever), so yeah, it's not mathematically impossible. It actually makes sense.

It's true, the majority of players are 'neutral' players, the sum of their behaviour isn't negative or positive.

The thing that causes games to spiral out of hand (in terms of toxicity) is when one player starts going off on another, it causes a negative atmosphere that can carry over to other players. People don't just ignore the one toxic guy, they respond to him and that causes even more flame/****talk etc.

Also humans have very selective memory, we tend to highlight those negative experiences and we forget about all the neutral ones.

Finally, I'd like to argue that sometimes, you as a player are the common factor and cause of those negative experiences without actually being toxic yourself. In other words, one could be a 'neutral' player but having a wrong approach in dealing with toxic players, flame or criticism. You may be adding fuel to the fire by starting an argument instead of ignoring, etc. I'm not calling out anyone specific here, but I know it happens to certain people (myself included).

Sorry for double posting here but I wanted to make a completely separate point.
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