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ELO Verification! by Icefire5665 » Nov 6 @ 04:07pm I was wondering if anyone is... Icefire5665 Nov 6 @ 04:07pm 4,750 10
Commas by IceCreamy » Nov 2 @ 02:18am Small question, why are there... IceCreamy Nov 2 @ 02:18am 5,686 10
Mobafire Champion RSS by Ugleh » Oct 30 @ 08:40pm I was wondering if Mobafire... Ugleh Oct 30 @ 08:40pm 4,404 1
Missing icons and black background by TreyDobe » Oct 29 @ 12:10pm For some reason after I... TreyDobe Oct 29 @ 12:10pm 13,612 3
Table of Content Image? by cycev » Oct 29 @ 05:17am I couldn't find out how to add... cycev Oct 29 @ 05:17am 5,832 7
what can i do? by xkr0n0s » Oct 29 @ 05:52am i made new windows and when i go... xkr0n0s Oct 29 @ 05:52am 4,394 3
[Suggestion] Separate Icons by Minho » Oct 27 @ 10:28pm So I had a braingasm while... Minho Oct 27 @ 10:28pm 5,240 10
Language Filters for Guides by Mowen » Oct 26 @ 05:52pm Just an idea I had with the new... Mowen Oct 26 @ 05:52pm 4,632 2
Oh MobaFire... by jhoijhoi » Oct 23 @ 02:37am ... you be so tricky. I was... jhoijhoi Oct 23 @ 02:37am 4,677 6
Guide not showing up. by Dougernaut » Oct 23 @ 05:47am I have a Nidalee guide up on... Dougernaut Oct 23 @ 05:47am 4,651 2
Mini build thing advice by wRAthoFVuLK » Oct 22 @ 03:13pm So when you link one of those... wRAthoFVuLK Oct 22 @ 03:13pm 4,314 1
Elo Verfication by AXE47 » Oct 22 @ 08:05am hi i just singed up here and i... AXE47 Oct 22 @ 08:05am 4,601 3
Guide not published :/ by Extise » Oct 20 @ 01:34pm I just did a Guide but it's not... Extise Oct 20 @ 01:34pm 4,545 6
My build is gone by Neverwish » Oct 20 @ 05:47pm I just made a build, full... Neverwish Oct 20 @ 05:47pm 4,555 5
High Elo Author's Bugged? by » Oct 21 @ 06:57am Was just checking the front... Oct 21 @ 06:57am 4,946 7
This isn't my build... O.o by PsiGuard » Oct 20 @ 01:07pm Wtf just happened? I opened a... PsiGuard Oct 20 @ 01:07pm 9,452 8
Why can't I post anymore guides? by Linear » Oct 18 @ 05:52pm Title says it all. Linear Oct 18 @ 05:52pm 4,759 7
Death Fire Grasp by » Oct 17 @ 05:07pm I've tried a few ways you know... Oct 17 @ 05:07pm 5,436 4
Fail Signature Design by Xiron » Sep 8 @ 04:59am WTF? So the left Signature... Xiron Sep 8 @ 04:59am 20,987 7
Activity Log getting backed up? by Temzilla » Oct 11 @ 10:30pm Lately the "Recent... Temzilla Oct 11 @ 10:30pm 4,569 6
Item Build CheatSheet by » Oct 14 @ 09:26am Could you allow it so a user... Oct 14 @ 09:26am 5,853 5
Elo verification :3 by Joxuu » Oct 15 @ 09:03am Yoo :D I just got GOLD ELO in... Joxuu Oct 15 @ 09:03am 4,406 2

League of Legends Champions:

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