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Blog Topic Divisions by Bryun » Nov 11 @ 11:03am 1 2 It'd be cool to place blogs... Bryun Nov 11 @ 11:03am 4,974 18
IGN/Server? by Lugignaf » Nov 9 @ 12:28pm Where did they disappear to?... Lugignaf Nov 9 @ 12:28pm 946 4
How does the percent system work? by Pozsich » Nov 10 @ 03:08pm So I was just wondering how... Pozsich Nov 10 @ 03:08pm 2,579 5
Guide Bug? by [deleted] » Nov 9 @ 07:40am 1 2 Hi everyone, I'll keep it short.... [deleted] Nov 9 @ 07:40am 2,279 13
Missing Black Cleaver by Kazetaka » Nov 9 @ 06:04am Hey there, just took a peek at... Kazetaka Nov 9 @ 06:04am 1,043 3
Elixirs by Beeswarm17 » Oct 21 @ 09:45pm Elixirs are only available in... Beeswarm17 Oct 21 @ 09:45pm 1,324 2
Doran's Shield by Beeswarm17 » Oct 27 @ 12:29am 1 2 So apparently Doran's Shield is... Beeswarm17 Oct 27 @ 12:29am 3,515 11
Blog by Bryun » Nov 7 @ 11:19pm Uh, I don't think it's a problem... Bryun Nov 7 @ 11:19pm 935 2
Maokai's MP/Hp5 by Lugignaf » Oct 22 @ 07:26pm They are both suspiciously low.... Lugignaf Oct 22 @ 07:26pm 1,370 6
Favorites by alex2005 » Feb 3 @ 03:36am I signed up thinking that the... alex2005 Feb 3 @ 03:36am 10,085 9
Forum name changes by Toshabi » Oct 30 @ 10:44pm How do I get one? I know a few... Toshabi Oct 30 @ 10:44pm 1,068 7
Troll vote by nasa2129 » Nov 4 @ 01:38pm Can troll votes be canceled?... nasa2129 Nov 4 @ 01:38pm 2,892 5
IGN by IceCreamy » Nov 3 @ 11:50am 1 2 Well, it took me a while to... IceCreamy Nov 3 @ 11:50am 2,747 14
MobaFire Tournament by jhoijhoi » Sep 24 @ 08:20pm 1 2 I have a quick question, and... jhoijhoi Sep 24 @ 08:20pm 2,801 15
Player's Blog. by Bryun » Oct 27 @ 09:41pm So I've been wanting to have my... Bryun Oct 27 @ 09:41pm 1,155 3
Need Help with my Guide... by theExec » Oct 11 @ 06:14pm 1 2 For some reason.... every once... theExec Oct 11 @ 06:14pm 3,189 15
Graves' passive. by Lugignaf » Oct 25 @ 09:16am Nothing major. The name is off... Lugignaf Oct 25 @ 09:16am 1,907 2
Troll votes: a problem. by DonRolf » Oct 26 @ 10:54am Hello, my name's DonRolf and... DonRolf Oct 26 @ 10:54am 1,141 3
Coding for Colors, Bugged? by Ruin Sage » Oct 13 @ 04:48pm All my guides have plenty of... Ruin Sage Oct 13 @ 04:48pm 1,385 5
Idea: How To Stop Trolls. by VoiD » Aug 12 @ 12:10am 1 2 3 This is a suggestion, just hear... VoiD Aug 12 @ 12:10am 15,458 27
So yea... by The_Nameless_Bard » Oct 21 @ 09:56am Is there a way to unblock... The_Nameless_Bard Oct 21 @ 09:56am 1,079 4
Signature by Zoki » Oct 20 @ 09:30am How can I edit so the picture in... Zoki Oct 20 @ 09:30am 1,430 4
Expanded Mind by Beeswarm17 » Oct 17 @ 11:05pm It actually runs off of maximum... Beeswarm17 Oct 17 @ 11:05pm 1,853 9
Riven HP5 Stats by Beeswarm17 » Oct 19 @ 11:02pm I was browsing through the... Beeswarm17 Oct 19 @ 11:02pm 1,805 3
Gunblade Stats by Beeswarm17 » Oct 19 @ 12:59pm 40 AD 70 AP 15% Lifesteal... Beeswarm17 Oct 19 @ 12:59pm 1,525 4
Weird Xerath guide by Fox Rage » Oct 19 @ 06:04am There is a weird Xerath guide... Fox Rage Oct 19 @ 06:04am 1,459 2
Service Unavailable? by IceCreamy » Oct 14 @ 01:15pm Hi, I was trying to access... IceCreamy Oct 14 @ 01:15pm 3,468 7
MY guide is bugged by Sangaro » Oct 17 @ 01:48pm I have everything filled out for... Sangaro Oct 17 @ 01:48pm 1,843 10
De-trolling? by chasesan » Oct 4 @ 04:38am . Could have have like a... chasesan Oct 4 @ 04:38am 1,656 10
Yorick by Nighthawk » Oct 11 @ 04:32pm Yorick's Skills are a bit off.... Nighthawk Oct 11 @ 04:32pm 848 3
Black Shield duration by PsiGuard » Oct 16 @ 09:39am The tooltip still shows... PsiGuard Oct 16 @ 09:39am 1,304 1

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