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I'm requesting assistance for a Duo partner...

Creator: Sirnikolai April 27, 2015 8:55pm

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You pretty Much need a Duo parntner to get out of Bronze hell.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 3:48pm | Report
Sirnikolai wrote:

Ok than never heard that one before. Like I said before Sona rune page isn't complete.

Honestly do a match against this line up & post you results!

ENEMY TEAM Leona intermediate the rest all beginners. Caitlyn, Ryze, Fiddlesticks Garen
YOUR TEAM you as Sona your intermediate champion is Master Yi, Ashe, Dr. Mundo Wukong

I didn't go 0-9-21 with this same match, so I believe you can't win going 0-9-21 as your masteries.

End of that match i went 23-1-11 before quiting because who wants a lose record on a custom game.

If it matters to you at all, it's the playstyle that wins games, not mastreies or item builds. Let me know when you have a LSI replay that you can share with us, and i'll analyze what you could've done better
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 3:50pm | Report
I feel like making another smurf, dropping it to bronze 5 and climbing out in a week, just to spite OP. In fact, as MOBAfails villain, I'm going to do just that.

Brb, wasting more hours of my life.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 3:53pm | Report
I tried doing that a couple months ago; Riot noticed that I bought an account though and banned me after only 4 ranked games <:[

Here's the irony: Ipodpulse bought an account with me, and his account got banned, and then unbanned
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 3:55pm | Report
What the **** munch?

Well screw them! I'll just drop my account to bronze and show them that it's easy to climb >:[
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 4:08pm | Report
LoL isn't a very tactical gam in terms of map presence, there are some games (HotS, DorA) that put far more emphasis on tactics than LoL does.
I think the biggest tactical improvement I ever made was around a season after I started where I read some guides and just connected with what all the items had to offer a champion (Lifesteal Crit Chance etc) it took me like at least half a season though to get there. You just need to figure it out for supp and jungle.

And I retaliate against your 23-1-11 masteries with my 90-0-1 mastery page.

Basically MOBAFire.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 4:12pm | Report
LoL isn't a very tactical gam in terms of map presence, there are some games (HotS, DorA) that put far more emphasis on tactics than LoL does.

They are all in essence, the same ****ing game. This is the kind of ***********ing **** that I expect when comparing the 3 games, but seriously. Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

But no really, that statement is asinine because yeah, if the core mechanics are the same in all 3 games, then so is the level of map presence and tactical thinking required.
Sirnikolai's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 4:17pm | Report
Figures you went all out AP just like in ARAM. My build was a lot different tho as taking ti against against real players.

Ardent Censer (first time trying it out), Mobility Boots, Frost Queen's Claim, Morellonomicon, Twin Shadows Ruby Sightstone
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 4:18pm | Report
In Hots the objectives are different so your basically teamfighting every 5 minutes from the 3-4 minute mark, and you can tell exactly where the enemy team is.
I'd talk about actual teamfight mechanics but not actually having any time to think about that sort of thing makes me bad at it. They're probably the same tho.
(And I read a bunch of ability descriptions of DotA so I know my ****.)

Basically MOBAFire.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 4:24pm | Report
Having to perpetually team fight makes me think the game actually requires less tactical thinking (as it's largely repetition, according to you).

And like I said, DoTA and League are practically the same game with different characters and items. DOTA has a few more advanced mechanics like denial and forest shops, but otherwise the core objective of how to play the game remains the same.

But I congratulate you on your ability to read tooltips and accurately judge next level thinking in a game from that text alone!

Edit: Totally misread the first acronym and assumed you means heroes of newerth for some reason. HotS is not anything like League or DOTA and cannot be compared.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2015 4:29pm | Report
The one problem with that build is that you're going over the 40% CDR cap; You're effectively wasting 10% of CDR.

And yeah - I went all AP; If i was destroying my opponents like I would bots, I probably would do the same too.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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