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Merry Christmas all! <3 Christmas of 2010 was spent playing League of Legends, getting a feel for Fiddlesticks (and immediately abandoning him) before latching onto safe and reliable Ashe midlane. Although it's been a few years since I played League daily, it still holds a place in my heart. Instead of Summoner's Rift this Christmas, we'll be playing some Team Fight Tactics. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays!
I'm not sure about anything I really do for Christmas or special events that have occurred but I'll still share some fond memories of mine and other things I'd always look forward to.
Growing up, my family was relatively boring when it came to Christmas. Our Christmas tree was (and still is) really pathetic. It was the fake sort you'd build back together every year. I recall how my older sister would always complain about how barren the thing looked. It was true, with close to no functioning lights, flimsy ornaments, and a taped star to top it all off, the whole scene looked like something straight out of the dollar store. Kid me thought it was magnificent but I can see why my sister thought that now.
I remember how my entire family would build the Christmas tree together back when I was a young toddler. With my twin sister, we'd be given the glass ornaments to hang on the tree. Without fail though, every single time, we'd drop them to the floor and break them. On one Christmas, I believe we broke 7 which is a record that I look back on and laugh at.
As a kid, I always knew Santa never existed. My mom was just bad at being Santa. I'm not sure why but I was so passionate about catching my mom in the act. Apparently, the satisfaction I got when I finally reaffirmed everything I already knew was true was incomparable to anything else.
I recall as a kid driving around with my dad through the neighbourhood and looking at everyone else's Christmas displays. Some houses would go all out with the decor. I'm talking inflatable snowmen, rainbow lights, and fake snow. You name it, they had it. I would get so much amusement just from watching all the lights whiz by as we'd drive about.
Lastly, a family tradition of mine would be to open the gifts on Christmas Eve. This was mainly because we'd meet up with extended family on Christmas evening so we wouldn't have time to do it then. After a while though, it just stuck with us even if we weren't seeing relatives. We'd open the presents in the evening.
My family never did anything much for Christmas besides the really standard things. Even then, I still had plenty of fond memories of mine to look back on, as well as some more I didn't even get around to sharing. Just for that, Christmas is an event I'll always enjoy, regardless of whether I'm present with my family or not.
Growing up, my family was relatively boring when it came to Christmas. Our Christmas tree was (and still is) really pathetic. It was the fake sort you'd build back together every year. I recall how my older sister would always complain about how barren the thing looked. It was true, with close to no functioning lights, flimsy ornaments, and a taped star to top it all off, the whole scene looked like something straight out of the dollar store. Kid me thought it was magnificent but I can see why my sister thought that now.
I remember how my entire family would build the Christmas tree together back when I was a young toddler. With my twin sister, we'd be given the glass ornaments to hang on the tree. Without fail though, every single time, we'd drop them to the floor and break them. On one Christmas, I believe we broke 7 which is a record that I look back on and laugh at.
As a kid, I always knew Santa never existed. My mom was just bad at being Santa. I'm not sure why but I was so passionate about catching my mom in the act. Apparently, the satisfaction I got when I finally reaffirmed everything I already knew was true was incomparable to anything else.
I recall as a kid driving around with my dad through the neighbourhood and looking at everyone else's Christmas displays. Some houses would go all out with the decor. I'm talking inflatable snowmen, rainbow lights, and fake snow. You name it, they had it. I would get so much amusement just from watching all the lights whiz by as we'd drive about.
Lastly, a family tradition of mine would be to open the gifts on Christmas Eve. This was mainly because we'd meet up with extended family on Christmas evening so we wouldn't have time to do it then. After a while though, it just stuck with us even if we weren't seeing relatives. We'd open the presents in the evening.
My family never did anything much for Christmas besides the really standard things. Even then, I still had plenty of fond memories of mine to look back on, as well as some more I didn't even get around to sharing. Just for that, Christmas is an event I'll always enjoy, regardless of whether I'm present with my family or not.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Good luck to all the contestants and I wish you all to be in good health.
My favorite and most fun Christmas story I can recall was when I was young me and my cousin used to spent all the Christmases together. One year our parents decorated the Christmas tree with candies(which is usually never done in our country) That being said my mother specifically reminded us not to eat any candies at least until Christmas passes and the guests go away :D With a "high" IQ me and my cousin started to develop an brilliant plan, during the day we crafted rectangle shaped plasteline or modeling clay, then during the night we would open all the candies wrappers carefully, removed the real candies and replace them with the fake, clay candies. All day we would be eating candies hidden in some corner or my balcony and laughing to death literally, our parents would ask, "nothing wrong" we would reply :D. The final day came when all the guests left, around 27th Dec. so our parents decided to get some candies from the Christmas tree and spread them around the house (we were like 7 persons living there back then) But when they opened the candies all they could see were...clay candies. Me and my cousin were dying of laughing and fun, our parents were a bit mad, but we still received our Christmas presents, and for us this story felt like the adventure of our life, every single candy in the tree was replaced. I will never forget those days, they marked me entirely.
My favorite and most fun Christmas story I can recall was when I was young me and my cousin used to spent all the Christmases together. One year our parents decorated the Christmas tree with candies(which is usually never done in our country) That being said my mother specifically reminded us not to eat any candies at least until Christmas passes and the guests go away :D With a "high" IQ me and my cousin started to develop an brilliant plan, during the day we crafted rectangle shaped plasteline or modeling clay, then during the night we would open all the candies wrappers carefully, removed the real candies and replace them with the fake, clay candies. All day we would be eating candies hidden in some corner or my balcony and laughing to death literally, our parents would ask, "nothing wrong" we would reply :D. The final day came when all the guests left, around 27th Dec. so our parents decided to get some candies from the Christmas tree and spread them around the house (we were like 7 persons living there back then) But when they opened the candies all they could see were...clay candies. Me and my cousin were dying of laughing and fun, our parents were a bit mad, but we still received our Christmas presents, and for us this story felt like the adventure of our life, every single candy in the tree was replaced. I will never forget those days, they marked me entirely. i made some santa decoration with a little bit of help from my grandma.
Thanks to jhoi for the sig