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Manga/Anime You Read/Watch

Creator: Jebus McAzn February 20, 2011 6:30pm
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2014 4:19pm | Report
Let's talk more harems! What do you think about Nisekoi? Believe it or not, I've been reading all those 146 chapters so far. The video posted sometime back was fairly positive about it, I'm interested in your view on the matter. If anyone has been reading it at all xD (you've probably all heard of it at least, I believe it's pretty popular)

Personally I think the clichés are hilariously great, it's why I've got through reading it ^^
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2014 8:16pm | Report
Let's talk more harems! What do you think about Nisekoi? Believe it or not, I've been reading all those 146 chapters so far. The video posted sometime back was fairly positive about it, I'm interested in your view on the matter. If anyone has been reading it at all xD (you've probably all heard of it at least, I believe it's pretty popular)

Personally I think the clichés are hilariously great, it's why I've got through reading it ^^

I'm going to start by saying I haven't read or seen Nisekoi yet.

The best part about harems is that it offers potential for a lot of KAWAII AS **** ANIME GIRLS HNNNNNNGH (Kamigami no Asobi kek) interesting love triangles (love hexagons?). But what I find with harems is that it just seems like there's always one girl that's always favoured, and that kinda does ruin it for me. I mean, why can't harems be Fate/Zero style, with no clear favourite amongst the participants :(

I'll be sure to watch Nisekoi in the very near future.

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 10:14am | Report
Let's talk more harems! What do you think about Nisekoi? Believe it or not, I've been reading all those 146 chapters so far. The video posted sometime back was fairly positive about it, I'm interested in your view on the matter. If anyone has been reading it at all xD (you've probably all heard of it at least, I believe it's pretty popular)

Personally I think the clichés are hilariously great, it's why I've got through reading it ^^

I started reading Nisekoi because of the Oneshot that came out before, in which the story was actually really good.

But when I read the original the harm just pissed me more and more. Adding every clicheé character to the harem.
And this MC is the perfect example of an indecisive MC that just lets everything get to him and just being passive.
No proactive movements by him, but still all the ***** is on him.
Pls, one thing that annoys me most about harems is that those MC dun really have anything to offer.
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 11:59am | Report
Let's talk more harems! What do you think about Nisekoi? Believe it or not, I've been reading all those 146 chapters so far. The video posted sometime back was fairly positive about it, I'm interested in your view on the matter. If anyone has been reading it at all xD (you've probably all heard of it at least, I believe it's pretty popular)

Personally I think the clichés are hilariously great, it's why I've got through reading it ^^

As far as harems go it's supposed to be one of the better ones.
But that isn't saying much considering how complete and utter **** many of them are.

I'm personally not too fond of text-book use of cliches. They seem like lazy plot devices and ways to fill a void with fluff rather than substance. But then again, when there are 3-9 people in a harem and the main plot revolves around the protagonist choosing one of them then the story is bound to be full to the brim with pointless fluff.

What I do like however is when a series takes cliches and spin them or turn them around for comedic value. Onepunch-Man does a lot of this.

Regarding Nisekoi itself, I've read a few chapters and it's okay, but nothing special.
The art is very nice and it's occasionally funny, but the majority of the jokes are tired regurgitation of the same old jokes and stereotypes. I barf a little every time they say "THAT'S MY LINE!".
"I saw [Twilight: Eclipse] in theaters with a girl I was dating at the time. I spent more time staring at my toes and wiggling them than I did watching this abomination. When Edward proposed to Blank Face, I finally looked up with a revelation.
I blurted out loud, in a dead silent theater full of teenage girls on opening night "Wait a minute, Edward has no blood flow. How does he get an erection?" I heard several men laughing, and had several girls turn and stare at me.

I did not get laid that night." - Berengier817
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 3:19pm | Report
So, it turns out that Akame ga Kill did a complete backflip 180 blaze it and completely deviated from the manga in the most recent episode. MAYBE WE'LL BEGIN TO GET A GOOD STORY?!
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career
My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list!
Currently watching:
    Kiniro Mosaic
Currently Reading:
    Utsuro no Hako to Zero Maria
    Nisekoi: False Love
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career
My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list!
Currently watching:
    Kiniro Mosaic
Currently Reading:
    Utsuro no Hako to Zero Maria
    Nisekoi: False Love
<Crowd Favorite>
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 4:13pm | Report
Are you serious I stopped watching that anime because I thought it'd follow the manga...
<Crowd Favorite>
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 4:15pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:
Any new superpower/special ability/modern magic esque etc anime out this season? No? ok. i'll crawl back to my hole

Depends on what you like, but Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works and Trinity Seven fit what you're looking for.

(Can't guarantee the quality of the latter :3)
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 4:49pm | Report
So, it turns out that Akame ga Kill did a complete backflip 180 blaze it and completely deviated from the manga in the most recent episode. MAYBE WE'LL BEGIN TO GET A GOOD STORY?!

Yeah.. no.. Is there really any indication that will be the case?
Because how many anime adaptations have been better than the source material? I think it's down in the single digit percents.
"I'm ebolakin. You can refer to me as Ebola-Chan." - Vurtax

"I also am Otherkin. Whenever autumn rolls around I can feel my kin-type slowly taking over my body. You must know, I identify as pumpkin. I can control it pretty good most of the time, but when September ends, I just cant hold it in anymore. Whenever Im outside I see my brothers and sisters being chopped into soup, coffee, donuts, cake, drinks, bread - ppl even cut human faces into their skin, making a mockery out of their noble appearance. When I see things like that I cant control my pumpkin urges anymore. My natural instincts kick in. I then sit down motionless, while getting bright orange." - Morgana L
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 5:11pm | Report
Embracing wrote:

Depends on what you like, but Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works and Trinity Seven fit what you're looking for.

(Can't guarantee the quality of the latter :3)

pls I've been fanboying over fs/n unlimited bladeworks since the prologue LOL

idk might give trinity seven a check

ty tho
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2014 6:49pm | Report
Searz wrote:

Yeah.. no.. Is there really any indication that will be the case?
Because how many anime adaptations have been better than the source material? I think it's down in the single digit percents.

Major plot points in the manga completely changed in the anime.

For one, the Wild Hunt arc is being skipped, and

Akame ga Kill manga spoilers

Additionally, an important fight between Wave and Night Raid is being skipped (it aids in dictating the story).
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career
My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list!
Currently watching:
    Kiniro Mosaic
Currently Reading:
    Utsuro no Hako to Zero Maria
    Nisekoi: False Love

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