How much do you appreciate PsiGuard from 8 to 10?
You are the best Joe, truly a pillar of the community! Have a great year!
My favorite memory of PsiGuard was visiting him and his family (with Moon) and being able to watch TSM *****tomp CLG. That was a great weekend.
My favorite memory of PsiGuard was visiting him and his family (with Moon) and being able to watch TSM *****tomp CLG. That was a great weekend.
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the awesome PsiGuard-loving sig!
this repeats about every half a year
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
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Unfortunately, a lot of the work he does is underappreciated, underrated, or goes by unnoticed. Thus, this post exists to give thanks and appreciation to someone who truly embodies the MOBAFire Spirit!
Share your favorite memories with PsiGuard below! 🎈 🎉 🏅