Hey everyone!

Today marks the start of a new series of blogs I will write! I will try to write a blog like this weekly, taking a different item every week of course.
This week I want to talk about Executioner's Calling - one of the least bought items according to Elophant. As you can see in the second graph, the popularity is about 0 %. I've been wondering why this percentage is so low, and to find out, let's get into a more detailed description of the item!

  • Costs: 1900 gold
  • Builds out of: Long Sword, Avarice Blade
  • Grants 25 Attack Damage and 20 % Critical Strike Chance.
  • UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks inflict Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for 1.5 seconds, which reduces healing and regeneration by 50%.

I suppose this item could work with any AD/Crit reliant champion. Any ADC would come to mind, but Tryndamere, Gangplank and Master Yi could fare well with it as well.

So what are the good things about this item? First off, it builds out of an Avarice Blade, meaning that you can sit on that for a while just to gain some extra gold.

Second thing I noticed was the UNIQUE passive. Reducing someone's healing and regeneration by 50 % is quite a lot, especially on champions who rely on it such as Warwick, Nasus, Dr. Mundo and Vladimir. But of course, it's also good against champions that buy Hextech Revolver and/or Vampiric Scepter.

When reading this passive, one might think of another item, which could be considered the counterpart of Executioner's Calling, namely Morellonomicon. The passive is much alike, though not entirely the same. It's bought a lot more, with a popularity of about 3 %.
But why is this? I mean, with very alike passives, why is the AP one bought a lot more than the AD one? Let's take a look at the negative aspects of Executioner's Calling.

1. The stats it gives are quite measly. If I want some more AD, I'd look into a B. F. Sword (or a Pickaxe) upgrade. If I want Crit Chance, I'd go for a Zeal (or a Cloak of Agility) upgrade. They may be more expensive, but the whole purpose of an ADC is to farm up, gain gold and buy some big expensive items. What if it would give higher stats but be more expensive, do you think this item would be bought more?

2. It doesn't build into anything! If this item would be part of a bigger item, it might actually be bought. I'm not someone who is good at making up new items, but maybe you have a suggestion? Leave it in the comments down below! :)

3. It doesn't give all the stats an ADC wants - Attack Speed is missing. While Morellonomicon gives an APC's favorite stats (Mana Regen, AP and CDR), Executioner's Calling doesn't satisfy the need of Attack Speed. Perhaps if a Dagger was included, the price would be pretty much equal to that of Morellonomicon and the stats are better. Good or bad idea?

Concluding, I think it's safe to say the positives do not outweigh the negatives. Though the passive is quite situational, even in cases it would come in handy this item is simply overshadowed by items that give more and better stats.

That about wraps it up for this week, hope you enjoyed reading! Leave a comment down below about your thoughts on Executioner's Calling, and whether or not I should continue this series. Until next week, Icy out!