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ShiftyCake's avatar


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Rep: Remarkable (32)
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ShiftyCake's Mobafire Blog

22 Apr
Another heads up. The artworks complete and up, so if you wish to see it then visit this link

Also, on the other guy writing the stories there has been a change of plans. Sharing making the stories will cause problems in the long run, so I'm going to have to forsake that. Instead I have asked him to be an editor (which checks the stories), as of yet though I have no reply so I will see how that turns out.
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20 Apr
Just letting you know that I have got an artist to start on my banners and such for my stories, I am very grateful. If you want to check it out, click on this link. It's a very unique style, so it won't be wasted to have a look.

Now, the other update is I'm getting another person to start writing stories, so we'll be doing it as a collaborative effort. We haven't sorted it out yet though, but it seems as if he will accept. Here's the...
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19 Apr

Views: 579 Champion #3

Is up.
That's right.
I've made my third champion story. Well, it's only Draft 1 but still.
It's Hecarim, The Shadow of War if you're wondering.
link again for you.
Go on.
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19 Apr
Just to let everyone know, my school sucks (not really, it's a good school). I go to IONA in Australia, and they have very strict internet. Strict, yet stupid cause some things aren't blocked. Like this. But it does block some things in here, so I won't be able to respond to comments on some posts. Like the falling asleep while playing LoL one. Sorry, it's a pain, but you'll have to wait until I get home.

plus, I started this blog for one major reason. this reason is in this...
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