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Riven for Mediocre People

Creator: TheSofa December 1, 2015 4:00pm
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TheSofa's Forum Avatar
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Nov 17th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 4:00pm | Report
Hey all,

Someone has suggested that I try Riven, so I'm going to take her out for a spin.

What do I need to know? I've heard a lot about animation cancelling.

What items are the most common on her?

What lane does she go and which role does she fulfil?

Thanks all,
Predacon's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 4:46pm | Report
I'm not the best Riven around, but I can answer some of the basic questions.

Starting with lane, Riven is currently best in top lane, though the other roles she can fill are mid and jungle, probably better mid than in the jungle.

Her standard items are

Start - Long Sword 3 pot or armor 4 pots

1. Caulfield's Warhammer - 25 damage 10% CDR, great first item, gives you all the early stats you need, has many build paths.

2. Ravenous Hydra - 2nd item almost always, bread and butter, you use it like a 5th skill between animation cancels

3. Boots of Lucidity or Merc Treads, depending on how much you fear their CC or you want more CDR

After that I think it depends on the match up, but following items

Black Cleaver
Yoummu's Ghost Blade
Blood Thrister - Adds to your huge burst, more lifesteal
Last Whisper - Take this 2nd against heavy armor team
Mercurial Scimitar

As for animation cancel, you use your Q - Broken Wings, you reset your autoattacks to get faster damage.

AA-Q-AA-Q-AA-Q-AA for example, this allows you to trade faster than your opponent in lane, so like doing this combo using E to close the gap or escape and W to stun, you can trade with minimum damage.

She has a lot of combos, which makes her a lot of fun, but also easy to mess up and you might end up taking more damage if you traded badly or die. You have to really capitalize on your opponents cooldowns, I can't put emphasis on this enough. Most toplaners will completely eat you alive if you try to outright fight them, so don't do it.

Teamfights go for the squishies, don't use your q to close the gap, as that is your damage. Try to activate your ulti, flash unto them to stun, and unleash your combo, but try to wait till the enemy team has blown their CC, if you get hit by any CC you're gonna die.

That's what I have for now, so feel free to drop any other questions.

Humble Riven Main
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 4:58pm | Report
Mash your face into your keyboard. Congratulations, you're a riven main!
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 5:05pm | Report
I'd say Riven is someone that is worth dedicating yourself to playing. I would say she falls under that category of "easy to pick up, hard to master", and I'd say that if you can master her, she is very rewarding. If you want to have a look at good Rivens, I'd say Best Riven NA is probably the best person to look at if you want to gauge the level of mastery she has to offer. Box Box is good as well, I just think in terms of mechanical skill at a consistent level, Best Riven NA has mastered it better.

Riven mainly goes top, sometimes mid, possibly jungle. In lane, she's a lane bully, as there's very few things that can actually out-trade a Riven in small skirmishes. However, while she is strong and pretty mobile, she is prone to being kited and peeled in extended trades. While her shield is really strong, it's only for a short duration, so it's used to block an instance of damage at pretty short intervals rather than something you pop early that lasts the entire fight. Otherwise, her Q is the main damage source in trades, and is typically what you max first with some exceptions. While the damage itself of the slash is good, the real draw of Q is that it's an ability that let's you get three easy stacks of your passive. In fact, weaving in auto-attacks between abilities is integral to maximising Riven's potential. Her W is a very short stun, but it's long enough to disrupt enemies. Generally, you can initiate fights with it to help with sticking power, and you can use it to disengage as well. Her ult is pretty binary in its use. Extra range, more damage. If you ever need any of those, then just pop it on. Also, the second portion of the ult, Wind Slash, is really good for cleaning up, particularly because it's an execute, not in the sense of Axe's ulti, but more like it deals more damage based on how much health the enemy is missing, so a Necrolyte.

Regarding her items... Well, it's preseason, so everything is up in the air right now. Generally, for boots, I often do see Ionian Boots of Lucidity being picked up on her, but if it's necessary, then pick up Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi. Starting items are just standard starting items really. Long Sword is the all-round good pickup, but sometimes you'll need a Doran's Shield or something. Just look at your lane match-up and then evaluate what is best. As for core items, I'm not sure if it has changed with the preseason, but Ravenous Hydra is her only real core item, as the amount of DPS and animation cancelling potential it offers is just really good. Black Cleaver is also a very common pick-up for her. Youmuu's Ghostblade was something that used to be core on her, but I'm not too sure if it is anymore, primarily due to the price change and also due to the fact that it doesn't build out of The Brutalizer (Sleep tight, sweet princess) anymore. Serrated **** is a pretty good item though, so is Caulfield's Warhammer. I'm not too sure on it anymore, but I doubt it would be a bad purchase. Maw of Malmortius is a fine pick-up on Riven, if the situation calls for it, that situation being a fed AP damage dealer, or if you're laning against a heavy magic damage dealer. Mercurial Scimitar is a good situational pick-up as well if you're getting locked down often in team-fights. Bloodthirster is a good pick-up for a big hunk of damage and lifesteal, as well as the shield. I'd say it's what to build when you don't know what to build after your core items. Last Whisper and Lord Dominik's Regards are also decent pick-ups on Riven, but you don't want to get them until you see the first instances of armour being built. They did get heavily nerfed with the preseason, so I'm not sure if they're really that great anymore, or if you need them if you already have Black Cleaver. As for defensive items, anything is fine really. Just don't be an idiot and buy Frozen Heart or something on a resourceless champion. Typically, you'd want 3 or 4 offensive items and then round the build out with some defensive items, but always adjust your build to your situation.

You're right, animation cancelling is really key to mastering Riven, and it's pretty much what encompasses her mechanical skill. Animation cancelling is pretty difficult to explain and much better to be shown, but basically... E cancels anything if you use it before the ability's animation you want to cancel. E>Q or E>W or E>R (both parts) or E>Auto, even E>Tiamat. It's really versatile. The other main animation cancel that Riven players like to use is by cancelling basic attack with Q. So you auto, as soon as the damage hits, you Q, and then you click to the side to cancel out the backswing of the Q (I think you said you've played DotA before, so I'm sure you know what these terms mean, but sorry if you don't). A bit hard to imagine, so here's a video to show you how it works. By combining all the animation cancels of Riven, you can string out quick combos to deal a bunch of damage. And of course, what I've said here are not all the Riven animation cancels out there. There's a ton more, but these are what I'd consider the foundation animation cancels. The video itself is really good to show the mechanics of Riven, including wall-hopping. Wall-hopping is pretty simple, it's just that the third part of Q can hop of small walls. What's important to note is that the hop distance is greater if you hop over a wall. What you'll see often is that Riven players will cut corners or hop over turrets and their dead remains when chasing or running as this increases the dash range. And remember, E cancels out animations, so E next to a wall then use the third part of Q to have one long, kinda fluid motion of a dash. There's also some fancy stuff you can do with wards, but don't worry about that stuff yet.

And I just realised I forgot to talk about the mid-late game. Typically, Riven likes to split-push, as she's a very fast pusher and a very strong duelist. The enemy team will need to send quite a bit of resources to address you, which then leaves the rest of your team at an advantage on another section of the map. Alternatively, if you are ahead, then you may as well abuse your lead and begin to force fights or objectives as a team. In an actual teamfight, playing Riven is a bit tricky. You deal a **** ton of damage, like a juggernaut, but you aren't as tanky as a juggernaut, so you need to play it a bit smart. Typically, the main mentality of a Riven playing during a teamfight is to **** the backline. That's not always possible though. If a team has a lot of CC or coordination, then you'll just get focused immediately. In that case, you'll want to help peel for your carries until something happens in the fight that gives a glimmer of hope to winning it. Then **** the backlines. Alternatively, you could flank the fight, which is especially prominent if you end up having a very split up teamfight. This will help you reach the carries on their team much easier and likely not have to go through the beefcakes at the front. If the other team has very little lockdown or damage, then just go ham. They're not stopping you. Riven typically works best as clean-up duty, when the enemy has expended most of their resources, as opposed to being in the middle of the fight to soften everyone up unless you've built in a way that allows you to.

There's a plethora of pretty good Riven guides on this site, despite it being MobaFire. I'd say check out Khazem's and LimitlessHavoc's.

That's a lot of writing. I hope it's useful.
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masaaki14's Forum Avatar
Oct 16th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 5:21pm | Report
I've tried riven in a few bot matches so far, and animation cancelling is honestly so much easier in LoL. The frontswing will happen the moment you use your skills and you don't have to worry about cancelling the attack, so you only have to worry about the backswing.

The problem is that i find riven to be extremely squishy, and thus i find it hard to duel with her. she feels more like a heavy burst assassin that uses her Q and W to take down a target asap, then E for a quick burst shield if she needs defense. If she builds defense, she has no damage, if she builds damage, she is squishy. Is there any way to fix this problem, or do you have to rely completely on your own mechanical skill to play around riven's squishyness?
Singapore Server, Playing on Garena kek.
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 6:16pm | Report
I'd say Riven is someone that is worth dedicating yourself to playing. I would say she falls under that category of "easy to pick up, hard to master", and I'd say that if you can master her, she is very rewarding. If you want to have a look at good Rivens, I'd say Best Riven NA is probably the best person to look at if you want to gauge the level of mastery she has to offer. Box Box is good as well, I just think in terms of mechanical skill at a consistent level, Best Riven NA has mastered it better.

Riven mainly goes top, sometimes mid, possibly jungle. In lane, she's a lane bully, as there's very few things that can actually out-trade a Riven in small skirmishes. However, while she is strong and pretty mobile, she is prone to being kited and peeled in extended trades. While her shield is really strong, it's only for a short duration, so it's used to block an instance of damage at pretty short intervals rather than something you pop early that lasts the entire fight. Otherwise, her Q is the main damage source in trades, and is typically what you max first with some exceptions. While the damage itself of the slash is good, the real draw of Q is that it's an ability that let's you get three easy stacks of your passive. In fact, weaving in auto-attacks between abilities is integral to maximising Riven's potential. Her W is a very short stun, but it's long enough to disrupt enemies. Generally, you can initiate fights with it to help with sticking power, and you can use it to disengage as well. Her ult is pretty binary in its use. Extra range, more damage. If you ever need any of those, then just pop it on. Also, the second portion of the ult, Wind Slash, is really good for cleaning up, particularly because it's an execute, not in the sense of Axe's ulti, but more like it deals more damage based on how much health the enemy is missing, so a Necrolyte.

Regarding her items... Well, it's preseason, so everything is up in the air right now. Generally, for boots, I often do see Ionian Boots of Lucidity being picked up on her, but if it's necessary, then pick up Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi. Starting items are just standard starting items really. Long Sword is the all-round good pickup, but sometimes you'll need a Doran's Shield or something. Just look at your lane match-up and then evaluate what is best. As for core items, I'm not sure if it has changed with the preseason, but Ravenous Hydra is her only real core item, as the amount of DPS and animation cancelling potential it offers is just really good. Black Cleaver is also a very common pick-up for her. Youmuu's Ghostblade was something that used to be core on her, but I'm not too sure if it is anymore, primarily due to the price change and also due to the fact that it doesn't build out of The Brutalizer (Sleep tight, sweet princess) anymore. Serrated **** is a pretty good item though, so is Caulfield's Warhammer. I'm not too sure on it anymore, but I doubt it would be a bad purchase. Maw of Malmortius is a fine pick-up on Riven, if the situation calls for it, that situation being a fed AP damage dealer, or if you're laning against a heavy magic damage dealer. Mercurial Scimitar is a good situational pick-up as well if you're getting locked down often in team-fights. Bloodthirster is a good pick-up for a big hunk of damage and lifesteal, as well as the shield. I'd say it's what to build when you don't know what to build after your core items. Last Whisper and Lord Dominik's Regards are also decent pick-ups on Riven, but you don't want to get them until you see the first instances of armour being built. They did get heavily nerfed with the preseason, so I'm not sure if they're really that great anymore, or if you need them if you already have Black Cleaver. As for defensive items, anything is fine really. Just don't be an idiot and buy Frozen Heart or something on a resourceless champion. Typically, you'd want 3 or 4 offensive items and then round the build out with some defensive items, but always adjust your build to your situation.

You're right, animation cancelling is really key to mastering Riven, and it's pretty much what encompasses her mechanical skill. Animation cancelling is pretty difficult to explain and much better to be shown, but basically... E cancels anything if you use it before the ability's animation you want to cancel. E>Q or E>W or E>R (both parts) or E>Auto, even E>Tiamat. It's really versatile. The other main animation cancel that Riven players like to use is by cancelling basic attack with Q. So you auto, as soon as the damage hits, you Q, and then you click to the side to cancel out the backswing of the Q (I think you said you've played DotA before, so I'm sure you know what these terms mean, but sorry if you don't). A bit hard to imagine, so here's a video to show you how it works. By combining all the animation cancels of Riven, you can string out quick combos to deal a bunch of damage. And of course, what I've said here are not all the Riven animation cancels out there. There's a ton more, but these are what I'd consider the foundation animation cancels. The video itself is really good to show the mechanics of Riven, including wall-hopping. Wall-hopping is pretty simple, it's just that the third part of Q can hop of small walls. What's important to note is that the hop distance is greater if you hop over a wall. What you'll see often is that Riven players will cut corners or hop over turrets and their dead remains when chasing or running as this increases the dash range. And remember, E cancels out animations, so E next to a wall then use the third part of Q to have one long, kinda fluid motion of a dash. There's also some fancy stuff you can do with wards, but don't worry about that stuff yet.

And I just realised I forgot to talk about the mid-late game. Typically, Riven likes to split-push, as she's a very fast pusher and a very strong duelist. The enemy team will need to send quite a bit of resources to address you, which then leaves the rest of your team at an advantage on another section of the map. Alternatively, if you are ahead, then you may as well abuse your lead and begin to force fights or objectives as a team. In an actual teamfight, playing Riven is a bit tricky. You deal a **** ton of damage, like a juggernaut, but you aren't as tanky as a juggernaut, so you need to play it a bit smart. Typically, the main mentality of a Riven playing during a teamfight is to **** the backline. That's not always possible though. If a team has a lot of CC or coordination, then you'll just get focused immediately. In that case, you'll want to help peel for your carries until something happens in the fight that gives a glimmer of hope to winning it. Then **** the backlines. Alternatively, you could flank the fight, which is especially prominent if you end up having a very split up teamfight. This will help you reach the carries on their team much easier and likely not have to go through the beefcakes at the front. If the other team has very little lockdown or damage, then just go ham. They're not stopping you. Riven typically works best as clean-up duty, when the enemy has expended most of their resources, as opposed to being in the middle of the fight to soften everyone up unless you've built in a way that allows you to.

There's a plethora of pretty good Riven guides on this site, despite it being MobaFire. I'd say check out Khazem's and LimitlessHavoc's.

That's a lot of writing. I hope it's useful.

Alternatively, you can just rush all high AD items and mash your face into your keyboards for simpler and more effective results.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 6:44pm | Report
As much as I'd like to argue. Tosh is 100% right on this one. Riven isn't super hard to play at even a basic level. Just weave an auto-attack in every now and then, and you're good. Go get a pentakill, you've mastered her.
True love is found only in yourself.
<Crowd Favorite>
Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 7:01pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:
As much as I'd like to argue. Tosh is 100% right on this one. Riven isn't super hard to play at even a basic level.

"easy to pick up, hard to master"

she's hard as **** to play if you want to actually master the champion. A mediocre riven will always lose to a mediocre meta-top laner in terms of effectiveness throughout the game.

Here's a good beginner ~ intermediate guide to Riven. You can also play her mid. The build order probably needs some updating though. I personally like youmuu cleaver boots as core, but a specific "best build" hasn't been found yet. I'd recommend looking up and doing some research on the builds yourself.
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 8:51pm | Report
Embracing wrote:


she's hard as **** to play if you want to actually master the champion. A mediocre riven will always lose to a mediocre meta-top laner in terms of effectiveness throughout the game.

Here's a good beginner ~ intermediate guide to Riven. You can also play her mid. The build order probably needs some updating though. I personally like youmuu cleaver boots as core, but a specific "best build" hasn't been found yet. I'd recommend looking up and doing some research on the builds yourself.

I wish I still had my screenshot of using riven in my high plat promos where my first game as her in ranked yielded a 12/3 score.

She's a sinch to play and is a demonstration of how LoL is anything BUT " a high skill game that rewards high skillz when mastered".

Sort of like Lee Sin really. If you're not a moron, you'll realize that using champions that have kit abuse crammed up the *** and are simple to pick up and play ( Lee Sin, Riven, Thresh, Vayne, Kalista, ect.), you're going to have a simple time in solo queue.

Take it from someone who played maybe 3 weeks in S5 and still managed to retain platinum.
<Inhouse Addict>
RottedApples's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2015 9:02pm | Report
I feel like she comes a lot easier to some people than others. I usually fail when i try to play her.

Its almost like a cycle for me. I think "im going to try riven today and be the cancer i so despise" then i fail and think "why do i insist on trying this champ every once in a while

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
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