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Janna Build Guide by winston gergill

Support Peel 'Em Like Oranges

Support Peel 'Em Like Oranges

Updated on June 27, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author winston gergill Build Guide By winston gergill 44 8 1,038,449 Views 85 Comments
44 8 1,038,449 Views 85 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author winston gergill Janna Build Guide By winston gergill Updated on June 27, 2017
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TaztheMaz (2) | May 24, 2017 3:10pm
GREAT GUIDE!!! One of the best. Really interesting name and everything!!! Why'd you name it this Im still confused. Is janna a good support to pick up? I already have some supports. I have Rakan, Twisted Fate , Veigar, etc. What other high dealing dmg supps are there? Thx for the great guide. ;)
winston gergill (21) | June 2, 2017 1:07am
When I was first thinking of a name, I wanted to make it something about peeling. Bananas felt way too Soraka, so I went to oranges. :) As for high damage dealing supports, Brand comes to mind, as well as Zyra, Sona, or Bard. Thanks for the comment!
DarkPercy (151) | March 15, 2017 10:22pm
Well that was definitely in the top 5 best guides I've ever seen on this site. Great job. +1 and +Scout
winston gergill (21) | March 15, 2017 10:31pm
Really, you even just reading it means a lot to me. Thanks a ton. :)
KTA_Unforgiven51 | February 22, 2017 7:22pm
This is probably the best quality guide i've seen so far.
Good job buddy, i will read it and study it carefully, nice work!!
winston gergill (21) | February 22, 2017 10:42pm
Thanks man! Glad you liked it. :)
KTA_Unforgiven51 | February 23, 2017 7:40pm
Read your guide carefully last night, bought her, played approx 10 games, only lost 2 or 3, got an S. This champ is definitively fun to play, great supp champ for sure, your guide helped me for sure!
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jhoijhoi (2057) | February 21, 2017 12:43am
I forgot how amazing this guide is!! Keep up the insane work! Ah, heads up though, the ability videos don't seem to be working. +rep :)
winston gergill (21) | February 21, 2017 6:40am
Thanks for the kind words! The videos are working now on my end, I really appreciate the heads-up. :)
Sir Wellington (31) | May 30, 2016 11:28pm
- Sir Wellington's Review Shop -

Cheat Sheet

+ Looks nice! You've segmented this section well so it's easy to read and understand the layout.

- Just a couple spelling mistakes to clean up in the MR/UTILITIY notes.


+ I love the table of contents. WHOOOOOSH

- It's worth the extra few lines to talk a bit about yourself. Readers tend to like a guide more if they like the author because it makes it more personal and adds character (yours!).

Pros & Cons

+ I like this new, unique setup MUCH more than jhoijhoi's highly overused one. jhoijhoi's is good, but it's now beyond the point of being vanilla.


+ PORTAL 2 REFERENCE!! I'm upvoting and +repping for that alone :D

- While it's nice that you tucked the ability stats into spoilers, they aren't necessary in the first place because mousing over the ability icons/names (which are scattered EVERYWHERE on the guide) provides all that information just as easily. A better way to utilize those spoilers would be to put tips, tricks, or more in-depth info in them.

Skill Sequence

+ Not much to say here. Good reasoning, good formatting.


- Consider adding a bit more space in between each entry here. It looks kinda cramped.


+ THANK YOU for correctly coding Savagery and Perseverance !


+ Not much to say here. If it ain't broke... ;)


+ See above comment.


- You put a lot of coding in this section, but it's still a giant wall of text. Trim down the descriptions/reasoning for each item where you can, and put more space in between each item entry to give this section more breathing room.

- It also looks like your math is off when describing Mercury's Treads. You said it lets you escape a Sejuani ult 20% faster, but they offer 30% Tenacity.


+ Nice pictures! They're clean and informative.

- ...buuuuut you need more than just two pics :P
Videos and GIFs are also welcome additions.

+ Ahhh here's a great video at the end! Fill this section with more stuff like this!

+ Holey Swiss, I thought utopus's warding section was the best I'd ever seen on the internet until I saw this. FANTASTIC job here! idk whose is better though, yours or utopus's....

Howling Gale

- Give that list of abilities some breathing room! With all the wind Janna's passing around, surely she can spare some to blow around this part.

+++++ The Orange-O-Meter is possibly the best thing I have ever seen on MOBAfire.

The End

+ Funny Janna video is funny :)

- Interestingly enough, you and I published both of our guides at the same time (almost the exact same day).


This guide is awesome! Reading it was quite entertaining and informative. It's got almost everything a guide needs and only has a few missing parts and various minor cleanup issues. Have a 4 out of 5, an upvote, and a lovely day!

Lemme know if this was of use to you via pm or commenting on my review shop thread :)
RikudouDovahkiin (9) | April 3, 2017 6:23pm
Yeah, Orange-O-Meter was just magical to see, thanks for pointing that thigs by a 'measure'', that was something that I couldn't name with that orange-o-meter now I can easily describe tell new Janna players how easy it is to block Zac with orange-o-meter scales thanks <3
The_Nameless_Bard (635) | April 3, 2017 6:33pm
It's cool, but the list of things that can't be interrupted should also include Unstoppable Force and Chaaaaaaaarge!!!. I wasn't sure about the latter at first, but the lolwiki confirmed my suspicions on this matter.
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winston gergill (21) | April 4, 2016 4:13pm

You shouldn't. It says "example build", meaning it's an example of a build you would actually use in a real game. You shouldn't be advising readers to overcap their CDR by 10%, especially when one of those items does almost nothing except grant 10% CDR.

Fine, fine, fair point. :P

pls don't hate me
Vapora Dark (624) | April 4, 2016 4:01pm

I did opt to keep Ionian Boots of Lucidity in the final build, so it still does overstep the CDR cap by 10%. Sorry. :3

You shouldn't. It says "example build", meaning it's an example of a build you would actually use in a real game. You shouldn't be advising readers to overcap their CDR by 10%, especially when one of those items does almost nothing except grant 10% CDR.
RikudouDovahkiin (9) | April 3, 2017 6:33pm
Point of Ionian Boots of Lucidity o n Janna is faster spells as a support, a roaming functional most times defensive, sometimes aggressive support with her ult combo and sometimes that flashy combo is ESSENTIAL in order to save/guarantee a score, and most times in soloQ you burn your spells to save a wrong play by your teammates it is not the logic that've been used by mid laners who usually try to reach 40% cdr cap but it's really easy for Janna, her building purpose of it sometimes can be OK even with overflow of cdr because of how she needs her spells ^^ But yeah adjusting a general build for almost any game is just the point, can be taken when going to build talisman of ascension in order to reach cdr cap, but if not, (when you are about to build totem+gold item), you will usually end up having 45% cdr at 4-5 items, so having Ionian Boots of Lucidity means 'I'm still in need of faster spells!'', but if you do not need that faster spells sadly, it's probably a wasted item slot, you can judge your enemy and think a potential build like (I'm going to build talisman of ascension to lead my team easier since we have Olaf and Sivir, so it's a necessity but I may lack cdr so I will take Ionian after x etc.etc.), so taking Ionian is viable when you are about to build something different like Zz'Rot Portal, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Infinity Edge taking that extra bonus cdr from boots is nice, but it's even juicier when you know what are you doing with Janna and still need more spells to do winning moves then Ionian Boots of Lucidity may become viable again. Thanks btw 4 guild <3

~Words from a Janna main
winston gergill (21) | April 4, 2016 3:36pm
I did opt to keep Ionian Boots of Lucidity in the final build, so it still does overstep the CDR cap by 10%. Sorry. :3

Anyway, I listed Zeke's Harbinger and Frozen Heart as a choice, and added Eye of the Watchers to both the cheat sheet and the items section.

Thanks a ton for the feedback, I always appreciate it. :D
Vynertje (386) | April 4, 2016 11:07am
MrMad2000 wrote:

I'm worried that people are going to blindly follow your cheatsheet, because from personal experience it's rare that someone reads a guide long enough to get to the item section of a guide.

I've just noticed your cheatsheet's example build and I think there's better options that you could display on your example build.

Your example build overcaps CDR... 20% CDR.
If I were you, I'd switch out Ionian Boots of Lucidity for Boots of Swiftness or Mobility Boots and then list a defensive item such as Banshee's Veil instead of Zeke's. You already have armour from Frozen Heart and your only MR is Locket so it'd be a better item in my opinion.

I used to be guilty of it too when I was bronze and silver. I'd look at a Mobafire guide and I'd copy the build so if I were you suggest the MR so it's more well rounded. (>^-^)>

Sorry I'm so picky. :P

To add, I'd consider zeke's and frozen heart substitutes. You open with glacial shroud and then get whichever you end up needing most. Never seen anyone getting both. Keep in mind though that it is very rare for a support to reach 6-item builds (especially considering you should be spending 500g or more on pinkwards for 40+ minute games) so I wouldn't remove early game items like ionians.

Also, I'd definitely recommend eye of the watchers over frost queens claim right now

anyway this is just my 2cents
MrMad2000 (41) | April 4, 2016 10:44am
I'm worried that people are going to blindly follow your cheatsheet, because from personal experience it's rare that someone reads a guide long enough to get to the item section of a guide.

I've just noticed your cheatsheet's example build and I think there's better options that you could display on your example build.

Your example build overcaps CDR... 20% CDR.
If I were you, I'd switch out Ionian Boots of Lucidity for Boots of Swiftness or Mobility Boots and then list a defensive item such as Banshee's Veil instead of Zeke's. You already have armour from Frozen Heart and your only MR is Locket so it'd be a better item in my opinion.

I used to be guilty of it too when I was bronze and silver. I'd look at a Mobafire guide and I'd copy the build so if I were you suggest the MR so it's more well rounded. (>^-^)>

Sorry I'm so picky. :P
winston gergill (21) | February 9, 2016 9:36pm
joniponi wrote:

How do you feel about janna top or mid?
i have been playing it and it is very good in line, but you got to know that you are not going to be a killer but a feeded sup in the late game.

Honestly, I've rarely done it myself, so I don't have that much first-hand experience with it. You have to get used to farming efficiently, but you can win trades with Eye of the Storm if you're super careful about your positioning and/or your lane opponent doesn't know what they're doing (it should go without saying this will work a lot better at lower elos than, say, diamond XD). No, you don't do a lot of damage (and have to be careful about the use of Howling Gale and Zephyr, especially early on), but you can build a lot more AP and thus have stronger shields, Monsoons, and slows. Again, though, you sacrifice a lot of damage, so it's not the best choice in most situations, where you would rather go a more tanky or damage-dealing champion instead of Janna. It can work if you know what you're doing, though (and maybe if you've got a little luck on your side)! :D
joniponi | February 9, 2016 1:32pm
How do you feel about janna top or mid?
i have been playing it and it is very good in line, but you got to know that you are not going to be a killer but a feeded sup in the late game.
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