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Viola's Ranked Journey

Creator: Viola Orpheus January 3, 2013 12:41am
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Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2013 12:41am | Report
Hello everyone, this is Viola Orpheus speaking. I'm known as DittoSMS on the NA server, and I've been looking to start playing ranked to get better at the game and see how far I can go. I mainly play support, but I've started to branch out to other roles since people don't want to play those roles, so I took it upon myself to learn and get better at them.

So my goal for playing ranked? Probably just to get better at the game. I dunno how far I'll get but I'll see what I can do. As for a numerical goal? Maybe 1400? 1500? That in itself is kind of shooting for the moon personally, but I'll try to get there one day. I'll also be bashing myself here, so there's that.

Preferred Champions Per Role (From my strongest role to my weakest role, and champions in no particular order):
AS OF AUGUST 18, 2013.

AD Carry: Ezreal, Ashe, Caitlyn, Sivir, Tristana
Support: Sona, Janna, Orianna, Soraka, Zyra
Solo Top: Shen, Jax, Lee Sin, Riven, Kayle
Solo Mid: Orianna, Morgana, Kayle, Katarina, Riven
Jungle: Shyvana, Amumu, Jax, Shen, Lee Sin

So with that, let's see how far I can go.


Bans: Alistar, Shen, Blitzcrank, Amumu, Kassadin, Malphite

As soon as the banning phase started, everyone on my team called out lanes (Which included support much to my surprise). So I got stuck with jungling, which isn't exactly my strongest point. I was fourth pick, and two of my stronger choices were banned but I didn't feel comfortable choosing Jax for our line up, so I went with Shyvana seeing as we also needed a tanky front line. To which they responded with Lulu and Caitlyn as last picks, where I then said to myself that I'm screwed if they play properly.

It quickly became apparent though, that Graves wasn't much of an ADC player. Or at least one that communicates with the team. We've yelled at him sooooo many times through the game (Me mostly) to stick together and do NOT stray alone for any reason since we kept getting denied map vision. And he kept doing that, so he kept getting punished for it. My team also made some derpy moves. After we managed to kill four of them, I told them to push mid now since we can take the mid tower AND dragon. But they said no and went to dragon instead. Which we did get, but the tower didn't take any damage. We eventually got Baron and were winning team fights drastically, but again Graves went alone to farm top and got killed. To which the enemies took advantage of and pushed.

As for my problems? I probably should have ganked early a little more or counter jungled Master Yi better. Our bot tower went down rather early, so I was pretty unsure on what to do. I just grouped up with the team and defended the turrets. I don't exactly remember my reasoning for picking up Atma's Impaler, but I think it was somewhere along the lines of, "We could use some more damage and a tankier front line." Dunno if it was really worth the buy. I also made some pretty bad decisions, such as choosing to huddle up and go for Dragon when they were close by and later on by pushing bot when everyone else was top.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2013 12:48am | Report
don't yell at players.
arguing with idiots usually doesn't work

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2013 12:57am | Report
I advise you to not play ranked until you know how to play all roles. If you aren't confident in jungling or another role, come back another time. When I go into ranked, I come in knowing I can play 4-5 champions proficiently in every role and I won't lose lane. If you know that xxx isn't your best, just practice more. Yeah, you can continue ranked and play 1-2 roles like some one trick ponies out there but you'll save so much time, especially since you're doing placement matches.

Asides from that, it looks like you're on the right track to gaining elo. You'll keep becoming a better player if you always walk away from a game by learning something new or that you can improve on and it can be the most miniscule of things. Personally, I'll take a loss in Solo Queue and learn something than win a game thinking I played perfectly and learn nothing from my mistakes at all. If you have any high elo friends, send your replays to them so they can check out things you might not know. Anyways, good luck in your Solo Queue journey =)
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2013 10:53pm | Report
koksei wrote:

don't yell at players.
arguing with idiots usually doesn't work

I probably did that in the heat of the moment. We were finally winning team fights and that guy kept doing what he shouldn't have been doing.

Xaioli wrote:

I advise you to not play ranked until you know how to play all roles. If you aren't confident in jungling or another role, come back another time. When I go into ranked, I come in knowing I can play 4-5 champions proficiently in every role and I won't lose lane. If you know that xxx isn't your best, just practice more. Yeah, you can continue ranked and play 1-2 roles like some one trick ponies out there but you'll save so much time, especially since you're doing placement matches.

Asides from that, it looks like you're on the right track to gaining elo. You'll keep becoming a better player if you always walk away from a game by learning something new or that you can improve on and it can be the most miniscule of things. Personally, I'll take a loss in Solo Queue and learn something than win a game thinking I played perfectly and learn nothing from my mistakes at all. If you have any high elo friends, send your replays to them so they can check out things you might not know. Anyways, good luck in your Solo Queue journey =)

I generally know how to play all the roles and are comfortable with all of them. I just mentioned that jungling isn't exactly my strongest role. I personally don't like sticking to one-two roles and be uber good at them but be trash on the others. Which is also why I've branched out into playing mid and jungle. This is something that I feel that I have an advantage of over my friends. They'll always first pick/instalock or beg for a specific lane, and they'll dodge when they don't get what they want. Unlike me who'll just last pick whatever role we have open (I do occasionally ask for a lane, though politely).

Yeah, I generally have that mindset in all of my games. Even in the very one sided games we had. I usually make mistakes, especially when we're so ahead that I get overconfident and make those mistakes. Like thinking that I'm unstoppable as Jax and could 1v3 anybody, to which I promptly get killed. Thanks for wishing me luck =)

I'll try to play a game by tomorrow. Something came up today so I didn't get to play at all.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2013 10:23pm | Report

Bans: Blitzcrank, Shen, Alistar (?), Darius, don't remember the others.

We were winning big time. Both in lane, and in team fights. But we weren't able to respond to Caitlyn and Nunu & Willump backdooring botlane in time, which was what pretty much won them the game because of the amount of momentum they got from it.

What could I have done better? I needed to ward a little more. And I surprisingly kept missing my Crescendos -barring the one near their wraiths which saved my teammates. I also need to work on my positioning and have better map awareness. I got caught out once, and we couldn't really comeback after that. I'll take the blame for this one.


Bans: Diana, Darius, Alistar, Shen, forgot the others.

Had a lot of derpy team fights. They were actually winning for a good while, that is until we started to group up and were winning team fights. We managed to keep catching one of them out of position before every team fight by now, so we used those momentums to push towers. That, and OTG was unkillable at this point while still doing tons of damage. Comboing CCs from everyone feels so good. I'm surprised I didn't die as much as I thought, apparently I just got very low in almost every fight but didn't die.

What could have I done better? Wards. More of it. Specifically, Vision Wards. I keep forgetting to grab them in the laning phase that Evelynn managed to gank us a few times (Neither of us died to those though).
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2013 7:22am | Report
i heard you play very good Sona (?) but i'm surprised you forget the wards... =(

I also noticed ou bought Kage's Luck Pick on the second game. I alwas get both GP10 before the sightstone. I'm just not sure about geing Aegis of the Legion ASAP. But i'm a Leona support. =3

As requested to GMD himself.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2013 7:24am | Report

I keep forgetting to grab them in the laning phase that Evelynn managed to gank us a few times (Neither of us died to those though).

That's because I call my MIAS. ^^
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2013 10:12pm | Report
Pheyniex wrote:

i heard you play very good Sona (?) but i'm surprised you forget the wards... =(

I also noticed ou bought Kage's Luck Pick on the second game. I alwas get both GP10 before the sightstone. I'm just not sure about geing Aegis of the Legion ASAP. But i'm a Leona support. =3

Sona's actually my strongest champion at the moment. That's mostly why I hardly lose a lane with her unless my carry is terrible (Like in that game honestly) or we get ganked constantly. I was specifically talking about Vision Wards, since Sightstone was enough for that specific laning phase, Amumu never ganked bot even once, and:

That's because I call my MIAS. ^^

So yeah.

It's been pretty much hammered into me that I should rush Sightstone since it makes you much more richer than rushing any of your GP10s. I dunno, I haven't played enough as a support recently to say which is the better route to follow. I rushed Aegis of the Legion in this game because everyone on my team would benefit from having more armor and attack damage, and it's an amazing item for her as a support.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2013 10:14pm | Report

It's been pretty much hammered into me that I should rush Sightstone since it makes you much more richer than rushing any of your GP10s. I dunno, I haven't played enough as a support recently to say which is the better route to follow. I rushed Aegis of the Legion in this game because everyone on my team would benefit from having more armor and attack damage, and it's an amazing item for her as a support.

Yea, it is better than GP 5's early. I still rush philo on Taric though, but that's because I'm a hipster, and his mana regen is abysmal unless you were like, smacking creeps without your carries consent.
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2013 10:36pm | Report

Yea, it is better than GP 5's early. I still rush philo on Taric though, but that's because I'm a hipster, and his mana regen is abysmal unless you were like, smacking creeps without your carries consent.

If I played him, I probably might still rush Philo. Even my sister agrees that his mana regen is terrible. Sona doesn't have this problem though, mostly also why I don't rush it anymore.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
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