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The Fool's Adventures In Scrubdom

Creator: Foolamancer August 28, 2013 8:29am
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2013 7:49pm | Report



Bans were Amumu, Kassadin, Zed, Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Malphite.

This game was sort of weird. Volibear was friendly and communicative, which usually points to a good player who knows what they're doing, but they got absolutely kicked around by Wukong even after I handed them First Blood. Katarina also got kicked around by Lux after I handed her a kill immediately following Wukong's death. She even snatched a blue buff in the bargain, since Lux had apparently screwed up the leash for Maokai and stolen it.

So the enemy had no jungler for the first seven minutes. Meanwhile, I was murdering the **** out of Lux, Zyra, and Caitlyn repeatedly, and Varus was actually very good. He took the early kills I gave him and snowballed out of control.

Even though Katarina wasn't that great during the laning phase, Cataclysm + Chain of Corruption + Death Lotus is powerful enough to win teamfights no matter how poorly you did before. Maokai was also very, very bad at placing his Vengeful Maelstrom in the right area. If he had waited until I committed to a fight and just dropped it over the Thunderdome, we would have had a much harder time of it, but he didn't. He tried to force fights into it, which doesn't really work most of the time.

We only lost one tower, and took every dragon of the game. They surrendered as we prepared to take the nexus.


- At one point, I tried to defend the only tower we lost ( Volibear's) against the entire enemy team, because Katarina and Varus were on their way. However, I underestimated how aggressive the enemy Wukong was, and he Cycloned me to death before they could get there.

EDIT: Also, no, I don't know why the enemy Maokai had Boots of Swiftness and a Guardian Angel. I really, really don't.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
Foolamancer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 14, 2013 7:33pm | Report



Bans were Amumu, Shen, Master Yi, Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Malphite.

This game started out rocky from the very earliest point. In champion select, everyone on our team was calling "gg" because the enemy team got a first pick Jinx (which, granted, is pretty intimidating, because I honestly think she's OP as hell). Then we had three people who wanted to play Jarvan IV jungle, and one of them picked before me. Somehow, through a confusing mess of trading, this ended up with our Garen top laner having Exhaust and support masteries, while our Nunu & Willump support had Ignite, and I got jungle Jarvan IV.

Good thing, too. The game started out with Garen giving up First Blood as I was walking into lane to gank for him. He tried to blame me for it, which set off a bunch of early-game toxicity, most of it targeted at me and Nunu & Willump, since you always blame the jungler and the support. Admittedly, I died to Lee Sin's counterjungling once, and got trapped between Gragas and Lee Sin another time, but that wasn't a patch on what was up with the rest of the team.

I don't even know what Garen was building, but it was sure effective at feeding Pantheon kills, and Gragas got an early lead over Malzahar due to that death I gave him (which happened when Lee Sin invaded our blue, just to be clear). But that was the point where I resolved that I was not going to risk demotion over a ****ty start.

Garen got dropped to about 100 health up in top lane, so I came up to cover the lane for him - only for Lee Sin to show up at the same time. This was the first of four things that I did that completely turned the game around in our favor. Lee Sin and Pantheon desperately wanted to dive this Garen, but I was body-blocking every Resonating Strike. When Lee Sin finally got fed up and dove in on me, I caught him in an E-Q, followed up with Golden Aegis when Pantheon dove as well, and Flashed out. As Malzahar had been paying attention and come up to assist from the fog of war, this resulted in one kill for Garen and one for Malzahar, and two tasty assists for myself.

The second thing that turned this game around in our favor was a gank I made on bottom lane. Jinx and Soraka had pushed Kog'Maw and Nunu & Willump to the turret, and then attempted to harass far too aggressively; I E-Q'd over from the jungle, without passing through their river ward, and caught both Jinx and Soraka in the knock-up. Lee Sin came in to countergank, and I knew I was dead, but I locked him into Cataclysm underneath our tower. That was one kill for me and two for Kog'Maw.

The third thing that won this game for us was the fact that I recognized when Lee Sin had gone back and left the dragon open for the taking, due to careful warding. I also kept the dragon timer for every spawn after that, and we took every single one for free. The global gold from this kept us in the game long enough for Kog'Maw to scale up.

The fourth and final thing that I did that won us this game was simply communicating with the team. This really does win games; by letting the team know that I planned to dive onto Jinx and chase her out of teamfights, they knew that Nunu & Willump would be the one focusing on peeling for Kog'Maw, and knew that they could safely engage on the rest of the team since they were effectively two members down (since Soraka essentially doesn't exist in teamfights, and was off trying, for some reason, to fight me whenever I dove Jinx). This also got Nunu & Willump to actually play the game; at the fifteen minute mark, when we were down an inhibitor, he actually declared that he was "done" and went to wander around in the jungle. Because I communicated with the team and actually managed to take objectives and win fights as a result, he was convinced to come back in and join us for the eventual victory.

The breaking point was immediately after they took our inhibitor. At that point, Kog'Maw and Malzahar were scaling up immensely, and I could keep Jinx entirely out of fights, as well as locking people into Malzahar's AOE with Cataclysm. At the same time, Lee Sin and Pantheon were falling off hard, and Soraka... well, Soraka just may as well have not been there. Recognizing that teamfights weren't going entirely their way any more, they tried a Baron to break through our defenses, but because I had kept it warded, we knew what they were doing and won the resultant teamfight. After that, there was no hope. We just outscaled them too hard.


- Those initial two deaths could definitely have been avoided, while that third one probably could have. I should have anticipated, at least, that walking between Lee Sin and Gragas was a bad idea.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 15, 2013 11:35am | Report

Got carried for once, whooo

Bans were Amumu, Elise, Kassadin, Hecarim, Jarvan IV, and Blitzcrank.

This game started out pretty rough. While their Udyr did not invade me at red, Lux did. Yeah, she came up from midlane and somehow I messed up both my Smite and my Flash badly enough that she got the buff outright and still managed to kill me. She then went up top where our Teemo was utterly failing to pay attention, and picked up a free kill there as well.

So I was relegated to the role of powerfarming for most of the laning phase in an effort to catch up. I knew that I was too far behind to really gank any of the lanes effectively, as I had no buffs and was a level down, but I could countergank Udyr, at least. And I did that very well, but Udyr really didn't gank that often during the laning phase. He didn't counterjungle me, either. He just didn't do anything much. Still, I counterganked him in mid and got Zed a double, at which point he proceeded to go completely man mode and murder everyone.

Aside from the final teamfight (there was only one, which is why my kill participation this game was so low), the only things I did this game were run around, farm, scare Udyr off of my laners, and take the dragon every time it spawned. Granted, that last one is really important and one of the easiest ways to carry from the jungle at this level, but still, mainly this was just about Zed.


- Holy ****, that opening. So bad.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2013 12:38pm | Report

Well, there has to be at least one game where I feed, I suppose. There isn't much to say about this game except that I couldn't do anything right, at all, and I'm largely the reason we lost. I made a lot of mistakes, and I knew they were mistakes as I was making them, but the urge to be ******ed was just too strong for me.

Here's hoping the next one is not so terrible.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
Foolamancer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2013 1:42pm | Report

Bans were Singed, Nasus, Thresh, Shen, Vayne, and Malphite, because I was first pick.

Anyway. This game was just silly. I was back on form after last game, and the first four kills of the game were a result of my ganks - three for Jax and one for Kassadin, which essentially buried mid and top since Cassiopeia had lost the race to 6 and Kassadin had a solid lead.

We also got every dragon of the game except the first, when I mistimed my Smite and let it get stolen by the enemy Elise, but the fight after that resulted in a clean three kills for us, so it worked out. We got the first three turrets as well. This game was honestly over before twenty minutes, but my team seemed determined to go wandering off on their own and never group up to push an advantage. That led to us losing several towers and minor skirmishes, because Kassadin, Jax, Sivir, and Blitzcrank were all taking it in turns to run off to a completely random spot and take, for example, the wolves.

There was also the unfortunate fact that, while Kassadin and Jax were fed, neither of them was really very good. They consistently dove into groups of three enemies with no backup, got one kill before dying, and then declared "worth". (EDIT: Sivir and Blitzcrank died even more than they did, but that was from the above wandering off and attempting to splitpush deep over the river with no vision, not diving and dying). They also had a very bad habit of doing this when we were sieging turrets, which meant that our efforts to push were largely futile because, every time we tried, one of our teammates would suicide and hand the enemy team an easy cleanup fight. That's where my deaths came from.

We finally pulled out a win when my ward timing revealed that they had not warded Baron, so we snuck a free won, took two inhibitors, backed, and pushed bot to win.


- That Smite on the dragon. I really need to work on my Smite timing in general.
- Two of my deaths this game from those minor skirmishes and losing fights could have been avoided, but I kept trying to go back in to save, for example, Sivir or Kassadin. Never a good idea, and usually something that I'm smart enough to avoid doing, but some of the ******ery of last game remains, I guess.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2013 2:38pm | Report
Tip for hitting Smite at the right moment.

Check how much damage it deals, then click the monster so you can see its health and when it has only ~50 hp over the amount of damage Smite deals use it. Your autoattack should land just before the Smite :P
Foolamancer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2013 8:25am | Report

Bans were Nasus, Jinx, Singed, Amumu, Shen, and Blitzcrank.

Fairly easy game. Jax and Aatrox were trading kills in top lane the whole time, but as you can see from the aftergame chat, Jax wasn't the best team player, so our team had a fifth member and theirs didn't. We lost the first two dragons due to Sona and Tristana getting caught out, but the third and fourth were ours, and we took more towers than they did, so we stayed in the game.

Honestly, this game would have been over a lot sooner than it was, but for two things: one, Fiddlesticks landed a nice Crowstorm while we were pushing and won that fight, and two, I lost connection for about five minutes. Fortunately, our Gragas was very good, and between Gragas and Tristana they couldn't reliably win any teamfights, particularly once I got reconnected and peeled Jax off of Tristana.

We took a Baron after killing Fiddlesticks and pushed to win.


- That Fiddlesticks ult could have been avoided if I had warded more thoroughly.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2013 3:28pm | Report

Bans were Jinx, Zed, Shen, Blitzcrank, Kassadin, and Thresh.

A close game, eventually thrown by the fact that Soraka may as well not exist when she's picked late game, Fizz being bad, and Twitch trying to be Doublelift Junior and continually farming while important things were happening. Darius and I almost managed to carry, but in the end we couldn't manage it.

Their team started with an invade at my blue buff, which I countered by simply taking my red, noticing that Fiddlesticks was in mid and hadn't taken his yet, and taking his as well, entirely for free. It did put me back somewhat due to Jarvan IV having mana sustainability issues early if he doesn't get his first blue, which meant that I had to buy Spirit Stone instead of a Long Sword, but I worked with it.

Early game was pretty standard. Got several good ganks in for Darius and Twitch ( Soraka did nothing, she was duo with our first pick Twitch and obviously had no clue how to actually support). I couldn't help Fizz in mid, for the most part. He just died. Over and over and over, he died. Because of this, we kept losing dragons.

The only reason he ended the game positive was because I got one amazing countergank off for him. It cost me one of my deaths, but it got him a triple kill because three people were locked in Cataclysm underneath his turret at low health.

In the end, it didn't matter, though. Fiddlesticks and Lux both got supremely fed off of Fizz, and Twitch, while himself fed, never wanted to group with the team. He kept going to other lanes to farm when we were trying to group up and push towers, which meant that we never got anywhere.

What absolutely threw the game, though, was actually Darius and Twitch making a serious misplay. We took Baron and were prepared to group up and crush down middle, but Darius decided that this would be a prime time to go and farm top instead. And Twitch decided not to back off when Darius did, so he was left out, alone, in front of the entire enemy team. We lost the middle inhibitor and four Baron buffs off of that (the one remaining one was on Darius, because he simply wasn't present when we got collapsed on).

That was game. We had taken Baron and had a shot at winning, but Darius decided not to try and push objectives while we had it, and Twitch just flat-out wasn't paying attention. We couldn't recover from that.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2013 3:33pm | Report
Is that support Voli?

by jhoijhoi
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2013 4:09pm | Report
sure looks like it...but could have built better than ever try it maw? it is pretty fun. gotta do it at low elo though or you will get rolled...graves actually makes a good partner...draven also.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

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