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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

The Breaking Point

Hello fellow Summoners. TooH checking in to say Elo Hell is just as bad as before. This is my Third Season, and after I finished my provisional games I am still in the Bronze V division. I do not agree with this placement, but the game knows best. I will climb out of Elo Hell as fast as I can, but gonna need a hand from you all. I am looking for players that understand the Importance of Warding and Vision, as well as team members that can Engage, and Disengage. Summoners that know how to Defend as well as be the aggressors. I have been in Hour+ Games and won in the end, I know what I am doing in any Role or Position. I prefer Jungle or Top, but I can play all Roles, and have a Champion Pool to pick from. I look forward to meeting you all on the Fields of Justice, and hope to gain ground on my Climb outta Elo Hell. GL to you all and GeeGee to those who have earned it.

Season 4 AD Carry Runes. Ditch lifesteal quints for...

EDIT: It would appear that you can also run 5 armor pen marks, 4 flat ad marks and 1 flat ad glyph to have the same bonus ad as the 4 percent lifesteal page. (You still run flat ad quints) Noone would know you were running armor pen and not lifesteal, unless they looked you up.

As Season 4 is picking up speed, I am predicting 6 armor penetration reds, 3 flat ad reds and flat ad quints to become the standard for ad carries once again. These runes were seen as optimal at certain points in time and indeed, it was not uncommon for certain players to run armor pen reds AND quints. As we come to a point where everyone is hitting high amounts of armor late game the similarity to flat damage in the early game and reliability in the late game make armor pen much more attractive these days.

Let's say you even get outlaned by someone with 2 lifesteal quints and you can't justify dropping the lifesteal for early game. The fact is there will always be a most optimal choice for every game and …

Nera's Climb #2

Hey guys!
So i haven't blogged in a while so i guess here i am!

So last time i blogged about my ranked i was still a lowly bronze 2 player having climbed from bronze 4. That was back in October november-ish of last year.

Sadly like my original goal i did not achieve silver by season 3's end. But that whole i want to get Silver made me realise something. Yes i do play this game for fun... But i also want to improve at this game. Probably will never go pro or anything of the sort but hey i still wanna see just how much i can improve right?

And so pre-season start and i was at that bronze 2 level. I continued on with the playing ranked and constantly learning and improving. finally After efforts i finally managed that ever elusive silver sometime in december. In the end i finished pre-season in silver 4.

Reset came along and my ranked journey restarted after god awful placement matches that got me back in bronze 2. But i kept it positive and thought to myself. you know what? this is s…

Riot should remove or buff underused items.

I believe that Riot should remove or buff underused items to allow for a higher amount of unique builds. Items such as Executioner's Calling, Sword of the Divine, Banner of Command and Frozen Mallet are the most underused because of other items allowing for better laning. If you really look through top meta builds none of these items are used within any of them which partially worries me because these items are absolutely never looked at or considered. Id like to see what some peoples ideas are on buffing these items to allow them to be chosen more frequently within top competitive matches.

What kind of League Of Legends player are you?

What Kind of League of Legends Player Are You?

I've been playing League of Legends since October of 2013. And since I started that day, I've made a lot of friends through League. Most are really competitive and some just play for fun. I play for fun. Almost every one of my friends play a champion in a lane that is fit for their champion. I'm not that kind of player. I'll take and play Wukong in bottom lane. Or Jinx middle lane. But this isn't about me. My point is that there are a lot of different ways of playing the game. And where as some prefer to play to win others play to have fun. (I prefer for fun, but that's besides the point.) Some people should calm down though when playing Normal and stop being so competitive. I'm a serious League player all the time but I play calmly and coolly. Let people in Normal matches play how they want. Basically what the point of this article is about, is that even if you are at the top of your game, don't bring the competitiveness outside of rank…

Such DarkSouls2 (and nozlocke challenge note)

Oh man I've been poking around Dark Souls 2 reviews and they've made me so excited o.o It's so rare nowadays to have (spiritual) sequels to something good (demon and dark souls) and getting as feedback stuff like "retains it's roots but improves upon them and delivers what people desire".

I mean, other spiritual series successors I followed have been a disappointment for some time now, namely Final Corridor XIII and Square-Enix' need to "re-invent" every single aspect of game, from game to game, creating useless systems like the Crystarium, Sphere Grid and Job Something which are variations of the same **** without actually improving upon themselves /rant

So yeah, Dark Souls 2 arrives in my country Friday. RIP life + wallet.

Note: I will not be able to proceed with my Nuzlocke challenge thing. I had already defeated Erika but my bf's laptop - where I'm playing - had some nasty video drive damages and yesterday I had to try 19 times to make it a clean slate because I'd get blue scree…

Team Builder Discussion!

Hey guys, I didn't see any thread like this so I figured I make a post for the new Team Builder live beta on the NA server. So far, just as someone who joins a group (I've been doing mostly support role), my games haven't been going too well. Sometimes I get paired up with players who aren't very skilled, against players from silver to gold, and even went up against a pre-made team...

Fortunately, though, the wait time is great, I don't have to wait that long, and there's more communication among the team now.

I was planning on trying out the leader role now and try to get together a cool team that synergizes great, but let me know what you guys think of it so far, like what teams you've been in, stats, strategies, etc.


This is the story of Xkenpachi getting out of bronze!

Hello friends, i am a newbie in league of legends. It shows me from last year but i have not really played league that much. i have decided i am going to play. i play nothing but ranked. i am not a good player. my current stats. i know im not the best player i am probably one of the worse players but i am trying. i play on a very old laptop i run 12-15 fps. i found it in the trash. my goal this year is to get and stay in bronze one. i main jungle. i hope to get very good at it then maybe try adc or support. i will talk about matches and stuff and try to post as much as i can. i really wish i could stream my computer is not good enough. well wish me luck and im very open to advice ill be posting replays for people to watch too. thanks for reading :)

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide