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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

My intentions (Extended)

I want you all to know that my guides are GUIDELINES, not linear builds. Feel free to experiment with other items as well as purchase order. These are just what works for me.

Anyways, As you may know i want to give more perspectives on champions. so i promise you one thing: I WILL GET A PENTA WITH URGOT AND MAKE A GUIDE FOR IT. If I can help people get a penta with Urgot, I truly am the Monkey King.

About my Light Novel 3

So I managed to complete Chapter 2 yesterday. Had to stay up until like 6 AM but I did complete it! Please ignore any typos. They happen when it's really late and you've been writing for a long time :P I will fix them eventually so they're not a big issue. If possible give me your opinion on the introduced characters, the pacing and the writing. Be honest! Even if you think everything is trash go ahead and say it. I won't be offended.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

If you have any questions go ahead and ask! I'll answer pretty much everything! =D

Champion Look 3

Today we'll take a look at Lulu. EdisonKhoo suggested that I do Lulu and I figured I'd do it since she's so popular atm.

Why do you think she's being played so much?:
Probably because she's really safe and because her damage is very surprising. She scales really well into late game and she clears waves quickly as well.

Is she fun in your opinion?:
Definitely! You basically run around with 100k move speed on her, E someone and Q him over and over. You're basically a support for your team and a pest for the enemy team.

What does the future hold for Lulu in your opinion?:
If Riot doesn't nerf her AP ratios or base damages or if they don't buff any of the other mids really hard then I think she'll remain a strong pick for a long time.

Sorry about the really short post. Watching LCS atm! Thanks for reading though =D

I'm back...ish

I'm backish. I haven't even been lurking in the past couple months. I've stumbled back and this site is worse than ever.

I'm a dangerous combination of bored and frustrated, so check my profile page sporadically to see me at my most vicious.


Also, I stream now. Pop by at 6PM on weekdays central time and I *may* be streaming league.

Free Rotation Review - W7

Hello everyone!

This time I had to speed things up a little bit. In an hour I am leaving for the airport, as I am going home for a week, so I won't have a chance to play till next Sunday. So I try to keep this one shorter as well:


Very interesting ADC. He scales with AP (only his ult is mixed dmg), so you have a possibility to build him AD, AP or hybrid - and still do good. It brings options for your team, as the enemy can't build effective resistance items to this. Two skillshots and incredible squishiness makes him not viable for unskilled players, but on the other hand it is a challenge, to play him. I got the feeling Kog needs tanky team that can protect him, so he can just stand there safely, to spit and vomit death all around. He is very mana hungry, which makes early game quite harder, as you have to manage your abilities very cost-efficiently. All in all interersting champion for anyone who focus on ADC role.

I tried her a…

Re-rise of Ryze?

After looking at the buffs at it possible he will be back in action soon? I love playing him top...just that I haven't been able to for a while because people say it isn't viable anymore. Well with the buffs to his health and to his he back?

I've read around and people have said that the buffs helped him out. Not only this but with the showing of Ryze in the LCS...does this mean...he will appear in other regions as well? (I would love to see Korean players pick him up again) Now I understand that he doesn't exactly counter the current meta (or does he?) and that that game with CLG was a little specific but still...I wanna see him played more.

I dunno...what do you think?

New update on Neo's ranked success, and MOBAfire...

Went on a big win streak last night. On my last game of the night, i was at 78 LP. I had thought my next game would get me just enough points to get me into promos, but riot was OP and only gave me +20 LP for my last win of the night. GG!

Right now i'm sitting at 98 LP in silver 1. I'm so excited (and anxious!) for promos! :O
I hope that i'll have an easier time with my promos this season than i did last season. Last season's silver 1 promos were hell! I'd remember even getting to promos were ridiculous, as for a given win, you could get like 3 LP, and for a loss, you'd love 5 times that amount. Do any of you have advice for my promos?

Another thing that i'd like to brush up on, is my post count. Since i'm currently on spring break from uni, i've been a little more active in the community, and i'm delighted to point out that i've almost reached my 1000 post count :D Perhaps it's not exciting for some, but for me, i've grown a little attached to this website. It means something to me.…

I tried Team Builder

Hello everybody!

So the live beta test of Team Builder was on, and I did get a chance to try it out. Unfortunately just one day, as I thought it will continue today, and, well.. it's not. :D

So no screenshots, as I did not do a single one yesterday :(

I tried it as a freelancer and as a captain, and I must say: Team Builder is a Blind Pick mode finally made playable.


It's great. You just pick the champion you want to play, role and lane you want, put on your summoner spells, rune page and masteries page, and hit big "Join" button. Then you wait. I did Thresh support. Estimated time was 0:43, and someone accepted me to his group within next 5 seconds. I guess I picked very demanded champ and position for any team.

I joined, there were 3 others waiting already. Volibear top,

Anime Series Review 3

I'm watching LCS right now so this is gonna be a short post. It's anime series review day and I chose Mirai Nikki (Future Diary), an anime I'm probably never gonna watch. Why you ask?

The story is too complicated:
I've read what it's about and how it develops and in my opinion it's way too complex for someone like me. I prefer simpler animes that aren't too confusing.

The main female character:
She's a Yandere and I'm not a big fan of Yanderes. The only yandere-ish character that I like is Ayase from Oreimo (and she's not exactly a yandere either). In my opinion, yanderes are creepy.

The gore:
I'm not a big fan of gore either. I just don't like animes that are full of killing, blood and murder. Not my thing. The only gory anime that I like is Attack on Titan.

When I add those things together the only thing I get is an anime that I won't like. Mirai Nikki is just not my type of anime. I'm not saying it's bad. Maybe it is good. Still, even if it is good it's not an anime that I would…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide