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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Getting out of Iron

Guess who finally got out of iron? ME; about time too. It's weird because I climbed out of iron as Janna support, rather than Anivia. Either way, I'm out and that's all that matters to me right now. Also, I don't plan on trying to get into Silver even though I know I can; it's just too tiring to climb the ranks. Bronze IV is fine by me and so instead of saying I'm in Iron, I can say that I'm in Bronze and leave it at that.

Urf Anivia + Rant

Anivia in urf is pretty broken, you can't lie. I've never seen people ban Anivia in drafts or ranked, but in urf, I've seen her banned a quite few times here and there. Her passive comes up every 60 seconds, so she practically never dies. Her E, the main source of damage, comes up every 0.8 seconds, meaning you can Q someone and use E two times without the chill effect running out. With a fed full build Anivia, that means potentially up to 4000 damage, not accounting for magic resist, from a Q + E + E combo. Don't even get me started on her ult; it becomes even more broken in urf to the point she can just block an entire area off without worrying about losing mana. One of the reasons Anivia is balanced in regular games is because of her mana consumption, but in urf, with that being irrelevant, she's just way too op.

Now onto my rant. So recently I've figured out that my league force quits whenever I join a lobby with a friend, by both me inviting them and them inviting me. The pop-up …

A Quick Note

So I'm pretty sure you've caught on, but I really am not good at any other champion other than Anivia and maybe Caitlyn. This leads me into a bit of a problem because I like making guides, but I feel like any other champion other than Anivia isn't something I can share about because I don't know enough about them. With that being said, I have a few more ideas for Anivia builds; don't worry, they're not just gonna be top and adc, as those are the ones I have left. Maybe if I'm feeling confident or real crazy I might make a Caitlyn one, but that's far into the future.

Warning Announcement

So I don't know about y'all, but I've recently been receiving messages from people who are sending me links to sketchy sites. Whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK ON THEM. Unless you know the site, don't bother. The ones that have been messaging me so far claim they just want to talk. If they tell you that too, just say you can talk on mobafire. There really shouldn't be any reason they can't. Also, it's pure evil when I think I got a message from someone legit but it's just one of those spam messages.

Hate League of Legends

So, we are all know that League of Legends is full of toxicity. But what if I told you, Riot should do something with it? I'm done of streamers saying 'COMMUNITY IS BAD', because every human being with over 80 iq can easily understand this. Give us - players - REAL tools for fighting with toxicity. And I mean not only bans for kys for example, but also for words like ez and general **** talking. League of Legends was never in that bad shape. I tell you this as a veteran - game is not balanced at all, is full of toxic people and general bugs and problems. Riot should definitely do something with it, but seriously. Saying that they will do something is not enough - because actions speak louder than words.

Anivia Jungle

Surprise?... aha TvT. The title is self explanatory. Anivia. Jungle. I played games of Anivia jungle and I actually had fun playing it and did not execute to a jungle camp once. I'm thinking of making a guide of it because it was pretty fun and worked somewhat well. I don't think this is broken and should be a thing, trust me, I was very close to dying to blue buff more than once, but I think it could be a fun thing to do without having to troll with your team members. I mean, they might think you're trolling and you honestly could do that but please don't.

Conqueror Anivia

I recently played a bunch of games of Anivia with conqueror. In a 1v1 battle, once you reach enough stacks of conqueror, you're pretty much not going to die, as long as you are still damaging an opponent. On top of that, with bonus adaptive force from each stack, you'll be able to put out even more damage. I managed to carry my team in a majority of those games and surprisingly, no one pinged my runes. If you think conqueror Anivia is disgusting, wait till you see the next post.

PRIDE in League Of Legends

Hello everyone! Pride month is coming up soon, and League of Legends has amassed some colorful characters over the years, so to celebrate 10 years of League of Legends LGBTQ+ Pride, (Along with my own Lesbian and Transgender Pride) I will be creating a tier list of every character in league that falls on that spectrum. I will be including characters that are confirmed, Hinted at, and my own head canon. Don't worry, I'll be specifying which are which.

Summon Aery Anivia

Look, I know that I'm REALLY contradicting myself from things I've said earlier, but when I accidentally took Summon Aery to town in ranked with Anivia, I thought I was screwed, but by bringing Summon Aery, I actually think it's a good choice on Anivia now, almost comparable to Arcane Comet. The cooldown is far shorter than Arcane Comet, and can be proced through auto attacks, while Arcane Comet is only through spells. I spent a lot of the laning phase just auto attacking my opponent because it was actually hilarious to me for some reason. Needless to say, I might be doing Summon Aery Anivia some more because that was thoroughly exhilarating, for some reason.

Well damn

Yeah I have no idea what I'm doing. Hello there, it's Sera here, your friendly neighbourhood Anivia main. I post guides on Anivia and maybe some other things, once I figure out how MOBA works. Are you bad at Anivia? Fear not, I'm just as bad as you and am willing to learn with you. Who knows? Maybe we'll learn and have a laugh or two as we explore the possibilities with the ice birb.

League of Legends Champions:

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