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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Reaching 30

Kinda busy trying to mix formal work with playing the only game I play in my computer, namely League of Legends. Since I'm not level 30 yet, my "clan" is doing ranked and until now they have a winning streak of 6/8 which isn't too bad as they aren't real pros but still can manage to pull out combos when they are all together in voice chat :P

As of now, I'm still saving for AD runes and a new runepage... but, couldn't resist to get me Karma before her reworking and I would like to have my first limited skin :V Also, I started to play her just out of curiosity, and she isn't quite as bad as they told me. It is true she only has 1 damaging ability that doubles as a healing when chained with her R, but I found myself rather comfortable with shielding, healing and slowing down enemies, or speeding up allies (though one of my friends, the one that tried her once and utterly loathes her, isn't used to go all out when he's with me - I can support but I can't make miracles in a 2 vs 3 fight, l…

Sad Day :c

This is a sad day for ranked :c (at least for me). Lost 2 games out of the 2 that I played (which is why I won't play anymore today).

First game..well I don't have much to say about it..just look at this picture and be amazed by our team's super mega secret explosive legendary amazing Garen and by our strong team..Corki and I were the only ones trying to do something (although Corki was spamming and talking in chat just as much as the rest of my teammates):

The second game we could have won that one but whenever I jumped on their carries (I was playing Jungle Jarvan) our carries would focus their Shyvana. The sad thing was they had a troll bot lane (double ADC) and their Graves was trolling hard (for example using ulti to farm). Oh and we had a Fizz top who fed their Fiddle Top.

Sad say day for ranked :c hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Introduced to Twisted Fate

Been playing Twisted Fate for a while now, I feel that I'm getting more and more competent with him, and even managing to win mid lane. My ganks are improving but I need to use his e passive more when I gank for the extra damage. I build him as AP carry and usually carry the team to victory, or carry the team to a loss. I find that other people don't know how to play around him and accuse me for their misunderstanding of the character and build. He's very squishy but I compensate for that with yellow card + q to send them packing.

Introduced to Pantheon

Just bought Pantheon. I very much like playing him top but it is essential that I farm well or I struggle to get kills later on. Having trouble landing Grand Skyfall. I need to learn to predict their movements more. I also find that I can't resist turret diving when theyre on very low health, so I can get that final hit. Pantheon seems like the kind of character who can do this and survive.

Since I'm used to playing squishy ranged characters, it feels strange for me to be in the thick of it beating on the minions. I need to figure out when to run back and when it's safe to keep hitting minions.

I will continue to practice and see what comes of it.

Today was a good day.

Today 3-10-2013 it was a good day. I won a lot of games, all was ranked games. Some solo q, some twisted treeline premade with Owca and Rzeqa. Owca is annoying me a little, so do Rzeqa. He screams a lot, raging but its cool. This is how its work. We are team so we need to communicate better. We using team speak for communication but now some weird guys are sitting on our channel. Channel name is Free Elo Rengar Bus, funny story about it but not for this blog. Romek and his friend porbably Fifi (from "rodzina zastępcza") are muted and sitiing in our channel. Weird guys, probably famous. I made this account, cause we want to play in 3v3 tournament. As team we are called Tatołaj Banat. Don't know what does it mean, not important. We are now in promotion series for gold IV, nothing special but we start to play recently, and our solo ranked isn't high enough. I'm only I silver, Owca also, and Rzeqa V gold.
It's all for today, I'm going to play some more 3v3, maybe we would incrase our ran…

My 1000th post :D

Ladies and gentlemen!

I have accomplished my 1000th post! :D

Though this may seem a very useless accomplishment,
IT IS an useless accomplishment :D
And I am very proud I reached it.

Now, to my suprise, I also have almost 100 rep :D
So there is a possible new useless celebration blog by me the next coming days :P

Thank you for your attention


I remember when I first heard this song in the 1st Fairy Tail opening. I like fell in love with it and the opening is what really got me hyped to watch more of the series. However when I heard the full version of the song I didn't like it for some reason. But after listening to it a few times today (and yesterday) I love it now. Snooowing Feariii! :3

Note: For those who do not know Fairy Tail is an anime and this song is used as it's first opening song however this is the official video of the full song. I assume most of you know but you know just in case you don't now you do.

A few things i have noticed about low elo players

So i am smurfing with a friend at silver rating and things are going well so far. There are however two huge things that silver players MUST keep in mind or this elo climb will become much harder.

Put pressure on the map:

Whether your jungling, supporting, AD carrying or sololaning you always need to put pressure. I don't care if you loose lane or not, but i will be pretty mad if your enemy laner keeps ganking other lanes without loosing anything. This goes for all lanes, since i have even seen BOTLANE roaming top a few times without getting punished at all.

How do you punish these things? Push your lane, take towers or force jungle pressure to the lane you are on as soon as you see your enemy roaming. Freezing lanes is only good if the enemy team doesnt take advantage of it. For example, if botlane freezes at their 2nd tower the enemy botlane will almost surely try and roam middle and take more towers. This does NOT happen if you push your lane to their tower, and you can be sure …

1st post

Hey Mobafire! This is my first blog post and just wanted to update you on my status. Im a lvl 15 player who has played as Shyvana, Fizz, Volebear, Varus, and my favorite (drumrole) Rengar. I am making a guide for Rengar that is about a fifth of the way done. I promise all you Rengar players out there, you will like this guide. I'll post again when my Rengar guide comes out.

in Z ane

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide