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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

SoloQ Success Videos - Update #4

SoloQ Success aims to educate new and experienced League of Legends players and guide them towards a successful, enjoyable gaming experience through brief and in-depth analyses of game mechanics, player psychology, and current meta-game.


SoloQ Success #4 - Trolling, Raging, and Flaming

SoloQ Success Videos - Update #3

SoloQ Success aims to educate new and experienced League of Legends players and guide them towards a successful, enjoyable gaming experience through brief and in-depth analyses of game mechanics, player psychology, and current meta-game.


SoloQ Success #3 - Timing Summoner Spells

Stuck in the silver league

Bleeech I've been stuck in silver 4 now for a few weeks. I can't get out no matter how good I do as a player. I can have the most kills on the team and be carrying but then we lose for no reason then a teamfight. I usually mid [twisted fate]] top Pantheon, but I try not to ADC as I'm not very good at it. Any ideas how to get out of this purgatiorio no troll answers please.

Ranked Blog


First Day of tracking my progress in Season 3. Doing this primarily for myself to try to identify weaknesses in my gameplay, but to anyone also reading, I plan on going semi in-depth into every game I play from here on out. Usually don't have LolReplay up due to latency, but if I do I will use that as a tool.

Currently Gold V 66 LP

190/164 In SoloQ. Highest Elo was 1403, was around 1330 when new system kicked in, and had ~125 wins. Placed in Silver II, quickly got promotion, lost, got promotion again, dodged a game, got promotion again, and earned Silver I. Stayed under 50 pts for awhile, picked up J4 as a jungle, and quickly rose. Got to 90+ and started gaining less than 5 pts per win. Eventually got to my 5 game tier promotion. Started 2-0, then lost two in a row. Game 5 their top got super fed (I was supporting) but bot lane too stronk. Made Gold IV but went 1-4 and got demoted back to V.

Game 1: Jungle Jarvan IV (Purple Side)

Typical *****ing in team lobby, …

New at LoL

My friend tricked me into playing this game, and now I'm addicted. I've had a lot of bad matches, but I just had a few good matches and went 1/0/2 with Swain, 11/2/7 with Ahri, 7/0/5 with Sivir, and 4/2/10 with Lulu. I won't mention all my losses and 1/16/1 4/18/9 games, though :P

So far having a lot of fun, and I still have so much more to learn. Like, I really never know what lane I should be on and always have to ask, lol.

Voting starts soon!

Greetings ladies and gentlemen!

The banana awards are still going to happen! :D

After sunday, the votings will start.
I will make a thread for each category, where you can vote on your favorite participant :D
Then again, I will give you a week or 2 to vote.

The winners will be awarded then :D

If you still want to join (or want to bug your favorite sign shop), you can still nominate yourself or someone else.
Click here

The nomination ends at 17-3-'13 24:00.

See you at the votings! :D

I am back with a new guide after a few months on a...

Hello fellow mobafire browsers!

I am back after a break on a few months, during this time I've played a lot of League of Legends and I have almost risen to Gold elo, then they introduced the new items. Anyway, this time I've made a guide of my new favorite jungle, Xin Zhao, I started to jungle with him after the jungle and item changes, I started to realize how strong he really was, so I decided to give him a try and fell for him. He is now one of my most played champions this season.

Anyway, the link to the guide is here. I hope you like it and you find it useful, leave a comment and vote, it really helps.


De gravedigger

Is Yorick still viable? I recently purchased him because he was on sale, and I haven't done very well with him. I will normally end a game with a warmogs, a manamune (rarely will i get a marumana), and a pair of boots (this is just normals, and I have only played 3 games with him, and I cant figure out the balance between getting the muramana and getting more items). I like his kit, but I can't find any newer builds for him. The top Yorick build is stale... anyone have any good items (besides manamune)?

wat do

hai guis

-I'm too scared to play solo queue and I hate it anyway
-Mowen can't play for a long time or maybe never
-No one else lieks me and I have no team
-I'm too addicted to quit and I wanna be the very best like no one ever was
-I suk

wat do pls i havent played for 5 days i cant feel my legs halp

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide