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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Less Planning, More... Winning?

Once upon a time, I would start the game with a lane plan. This was what I was going to do. I would cast this spell, and the enemy would do this, and then I would do this and everything would be rainbows and ponies... For me. They get blood and pain. But this had its problems. What if they did not respond as I expected, what if I couldn't get off the harass/initiation/whatever. Then I was just lost.

It was crutch for when I was unfamiliar with champions, but now I think I've progressed beyond it. I don't need to create convoluted plans to force my opponents into a situation I can kill them in; when they make the mistake, I pounce! And I can do that now because I am familiar enough with the champions to combo on the go rather than follow some sort of formula. That's not to say everything is all reactionary, there's plenty of scope for mind games. I have some on Cassiopeia, for example. But they key thing is I am no longer reliant on them.

That... Or it's just because I've been spammi…

But the Music Goes On: Background

Hello, my name is YeaISupport, and I am going to start writing fictional autobiography called "But the Music Goes On". It is going to be the story about Sona. It is not going to be based completely around the lore of Sona, but it will have some references.

I can't tell you too much about the plot yet, but it's going to be based around

First blog xDanielWang

Alrighty, I don't know what I'm supposed to write and I'm sure this won't get seen by more then a few dozen people, but I guess it won't hurt to ramble a bit.

So, yeah, I'm the maker of the current Top Rated Ahri guide on Mobafire. I made the guide when I was taking a summer course from June-July 2012 and I had no wi-fi, except for an hour of slow connection at Subway every day. I was bored out of my mind in my free time, so I decided to open the guide layout when I had internet access and I would just type away at an Ahri guide, saving whenever I had wi-fi. I originally was happy when I reached my first 1k views.

The first published version was nothing compared to how FOXFIRe AHRI HERE looks today. The coding was very minimal and not very attractive (as seen by some of the early comments :P), but I've improved on it quite alot. I'm nearing the 1 MILLION view mark and I'm super excited. I never would've dreamed that my guide would've risen so far up.

Honestly, on the way to the top,…

League of Legends - FACE CAM?!?! - Jungle Singed -...

-Hey guy's GuirdianSmash here with another League video. I decided to try a face cam this time. Hope you all enjoy.

-Jungle Singed

-Give me any input you can to help me get better :)

-Runes: 4 Armor Pen Marks
3 Attack Speed Marks
2 Armor Marks
9 Armor Seals
9 Magic Resist Glyphs
3 Attack Damage Quints

-Masteries: 9/21/0

Learning to love the Tank

My biggest weakness as far as champions go is definitely with tanks/fighters/junglers.
However, as I've been playing a lot of ARAM and Dominion I have found myself learning more and more the joys of melee. Riot for some perverse reason seems to like to give me tanky characters in ARAM more often than not. heh At first I was certain I would stink up the lane but instead I discovered that there is a certain awesomeness to playing melee in team fights.

Plus in Dominion my favorite character to play currently is Rammus. At first I picked him sort of at random because I knew nothing of how to play the map. My first Dominion game was not only awesome but after the game I had two really cool players one from each team help me understand the play and learn. It was really encouraging but now I'm just off topic about Dominion. lol

Anyway at first I was really surprised how fun Rammus was to play on that map. Now he is my 'go to' Dillo for that arena. (I still need a good second, cuz someti…

Observations of Tribunal or If only they would stop...

So I've been taking part in the Tribunal lately. I actually find that reading what other players have reported helps reduce my anxiety about playing with toxic teammates. Not sure why that is, but analyzing that is not what this particular post is about.

Something I've noticed that is kind of sad, is some of the people being reported are actually giving other players good suggestions. The problem is they so often just can't seem to stop themselves from throwing insults into the mix; which basically nullifies most anyone actually paying attention to such suggestions.

When something worthwhile is followed up with: "idiot", "moron" ,or other even more inflammatory words well it ceases to be worthwhile to most observers. In fact I think a lot of people would then become defensive and even be more inclined to act the opposite of his/her advice.

If only they could stop before the insult comes out, they might actually teach a few willing people more about the game. Now I totally get t…

Frozen Force

Hi everyone,

There are some pretty exciting changes taking place with Trinity Force and Frozen Mallet right now on the PBE. If Riot decides to release a version of these changes it could definitely impact bruiser builds including Nasus. Here are some of the changes so far...

"Trinity Force:
Now gives 10% Movement Speed (up from 8%)
Rage: Basic attacks now grant 30 MS for 2 seconds (Up from 20 MS for 1.5 Seconds)
Rage: Kills grant 90 MS for 2 seconds (up from 60 MS for 1.5 Seconds)

Summary: Phage and Trinity Force no longer have the “Icy” slow passive. Instead of a percentage chance to slow an enemy champion on hit, these items now grant movement speed for a short duration of time, along with even more movement speed on minion, monster, and champion kills. Frozen Mallet’s function remains unchanged, but its recipe has changed.

Context: With the nerfs to Blade of the Ruined King, we wanted to create more tools for bruisers to remain “sticky” to their targets. We focused on in-sk

Back on the Climb

Got back to playing ranked more since my wife is in training for the week. Anyway, after my placement matches, I went like 0-10. I would win my lane or get my ADC fed and then my team would throw or not know how to team fight and want to wander off on their own. My MMR has taken a huge hit because right now I am gaining like 6 LP per win. I finally broke my loss streak Monday with a Nami support game(Dem ults and Bubbles). Then lost two in a row with Nocturne who I hadn't lost a game with before winning one with him. So, that put me at like 6 LP going into yesterday. I dodged my first game yesterday because a Bronze IV refused to let me mid(I was first pick) because he said he had to carry...ummm ok. SO, that dropped me to 3 LP. I then won my next 4 games in a row with 2

2 year anniversary

Yeap, it's time - it's my 2 year anniversary here on MOBAFire :)

I must admit, both due to school and my own laziness, it hasn't been as interesting as my first year here, but the second one certainly wasn't bad :)

Some highlights:
- Archived all of my good old ****py guides (reading them back really makes me cringe) and started some new ones. Haven't gotten around to finish all of them, but one is :) But no worries (or... :D) more are coming up, and to give a little hint: Think support ;)
- I've reached the post count of 5000, and am nearly at 400 rep. I don't consider that a bad average, though it's gone down a lot from what it used to be.
- I've managed to play against some more famous people, after Guardsman Bob I've now also played against Deman, Qu1kshot and sjokz!
- There's also penta kill news: After Caitlyn and Kennen I now also have pentas with

Massive amount of awesome plox

So, I've been smurfing my gf up to gold and I've accumulated a buttload of various replays in the Bronze 2-Silver 4 region. All of them I completely faceroll, but a few take a bit more effort than others. I would like to make them available to the masses, and I'd like to know what format you'd like them in. Here are the options;

1. Blog posts
I upload like 3-4 replays with brief descriptions in blog posts every few days.

2. Forum thread
I maintain a forum thread and upload replays to it. I'm not sure what section I would put it in.

3. Guide
I could make a 'mechanics guide' and put replays there along with timers and descriptions and builds and a brief summary on "what i'm doing" in each game. This would be very time intensive and replays would become obsolete with new patches, so I don't know about this one

4. YT videos
Making youtube videos are a bit out of my league and I don't think my commentary would be interesting, and I don't have the tech and I'm quite busy, so this would b…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide