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The Lost Champions: Cloud, The Storm Monarch

This series is inspired by OTGBionicArm

Number Two: Cloud, The Storm Monarch

Lore: "Sky high and nothing can touch me, 'cept the gods"-Cloud, The Storm Monarch

The Gods looked favorly on normal people being able to use their power, Cloud studied and studied for over half his life and soon he discovered an ancient tome containing powers of thunder and destruction. After reading, he immediatly began to feel the effects and marched off to the League of Legends. Once there he was denied entrance saying that he could not be a good fit in it. Now he studies even harder one day hoping to destroy the league.

Cloud's Stats and Recommended Build

Stance: Range
Health: 500 (+40 per level)
HP Regen: 10 (+.5 per level)
Mana: 400 (+50 per level)
Mana Regen: 8 (.5 per level)
Attack DMG: 60 (+3 per level)
Ability PWR: 0 (+0 per level)
Attack Range: 100
Attack Speed: .600 (+5% per level)
Armor: 30 (+1 per level)
MR: 30 (+.5 per level)
Movement Speed: 325

Tags: Melee, Carry


Champion decisions

Hey i could not decide on my next champion so i thought maybe id ask mobafire, so ive been conflicted with some choices , ive been looking for a good mid laner (i curently used karthus and swain and ezreal with some cassopeia) so ive been eyeing brand/ fizz ive also been looking for a new ad carry such as kog'maw and vayne im not quite sure what i want to pick just yet. any thoughts or suggestions?

Positively the most annoying trend lately.

"The throws."

"OMG throws"


LOL. Any time, any team, (winning or losing) makes a play that fails or gets caught and loses a teamfight, you can be sure anywhere from 4-8 players will be eager to spam all chat with the word "Throw"

While this would be annoying enough as is, what makes it worse is that it's almost ALWAYS being misused.

The term throw means quite simply you're winning the game, you do something stupid and you throw the game to the other team.

This means that in order to throw a game, it had to at one point be FIRMLY IN YOUR POSSESSION.

I see teams lose the first team fight and everyone starts spamming, "Throws OMG throws." Or sometimes they were ALREADY LOSING THE GAME!!!

IT WASN'T A THROW. You hadn't even hardly begun the game yet.

A throw is when a team is GOING TO WIN. They have the game WON. And then they **** it up and somehow lose.

THAT is a throw. None of this other nonsensical rubbish.

That is all. Good day.

Pulsefire Skin Ezreal Thinks

In my personnal thinkings , i don´t agree with the price that the skin is gonna cost and i know it´s legendary but my opinion is not official to you believe and the other skins are better than pulsefire !
In general Skins , should be 6300 IP each and 596 RP lengedary skins !
RP should be only expended in boosts!
Thanks for reading my first entery of the blog and sorry for the english i´m not very good with that!
P.S : My fav. champions is Ezreal!

Frozen Terror Nocturne Skin is on Sale? :O

So a while back (if you don't remember) Void Nocturne was on sale, and I decided to buy it. But now Frozen Terror Nocturne is on sale and I don't know if I should buy it. Should you really own 2 skins for 1 champion? Yeah, basically I feel like this.

where the hell is my LoL?

What the hell is up with the servers at LoL??
It has been two days sience this 1.61 patch came out and all the servers crashed out and having no luck signing on. All my friends also having same problems with the game. No fun at all So I am starting to comlain about it.

Now to be fair they did have several servers up for a bit yesterday evening. But the wait time to get on any of them was approxamatly an hour.
I did see several of the new art and most was very impressive. I did notice that several of the older retired skins also had been reworked and am hopeful that we will see them brought out for some sort of sale or weekend special. I was not very fond of the new Teemo, Jax and Amumu art though. The new work and cover art for Panthion, Twisted Fate, Caitlyin, and Mundo very cool though. I liked the new features they have on the mini-map in game. They changed the icons for junglers added skulls where friendlys died and left the annoying Ping in(but seriously you sould be able to mute…

First Post!

Hey everyone! For anyone who actually cares, this is my first post to this site which I have been a part of for quite some time now. Just wanna say that my guides have been getting a little bit of attention in the last few months. I've also been accused of stealing the material for them which simply breaks my heart. So I make all my guides from scratch and I've never stolen anything for them. I'm also in the midst of writing a Lee Sin jungle guide (I might include a solo top guide later) but I haven't been feeling up to writing the whole thing quite yet because I'm lazy. It's already been posted if you're just looking for the route, item, rune and mastery build, though. Don't forget to check out my Renekton and Nasus guides as well, because the Renekton one used to be in the top 5 but has been recently downvoted by trolls. Thanks for reading!

Am I Bad Because of This

So I just played a a game where the other team picked a troll comp and just went Aram with it (all mid and stuff). Obviously that took us by surprise and we lost the first mid tower quick. Since I figured this was a troll game anyways (was not ranked) I decided to have a bit of fun, not feed but not try my hardest. At one point I was just dancing in the base as everyone else farmed. The other team one and I'm going to admit if me and a couple others on the team try'd harder we would have won. But, to me LoL is fun, not competitive. Especially in normals. There was another memeber of the MOBAfire community who was in the game who wan not very pleased by my play. He got mad and fought with me in the MOBAfire chat room.

So I'm just asking, does deciding to play for lolz over playing seriouslly when the other team is trolling make you a bad player. Would you get mad at them.

I also want to apologize to the other player I was dual queing with who seemed pretty pissed at me. I'm sorry I kn…


My MP3 player croaked earlier this week. It was old, I'd had it for three years. I didn't lose any of my music as it was all backed up on my computer, but now I'm musicless which is driving me ABSOLUTELY NUTS. I listen to music before I go to bed and when I walk my dog, and I listen to podcasts, so I'm miserable. I've been borrowing my younger sister's MP3 player just to avoid talking to myself while walking the dog (we like some of the same music, and no that does not mean I like Beiber or One Direction) but obviously I need to get a new one.

So, I have a choice. I can either but the same player I had before for about 50 dollars. It plays music and does nothing else. Or, I can get an IPod touch for 200 dollars, and get significant upgrade, plus I have about 50 dollars in ITunes money that's sitting around my house right now.

Further complicating this is that I won't be able to buy the IPod for two weeks. I recieved a large amount of money for my high school graduation, but I can't h…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide