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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Cosplay suggestions: Wig or Hair color spray?

So, the big anime convention is next week (Anime Expo LA) and of course that means one thing: TIME TO GET EVERYTHING TOGETHER FOR COSPLAY (I'm a nerd)! Upon getting to work on things for my cosplay (Godot from Phoenix Wright), I sort of came across a slight situation; I like wigs for cosplays, they're simple and easy to do, but look sort of eh. After looking at a few sites and a few tutorials (Actually, I'm probably just going to have my friend help me out with it) I think that styling my hair instead of wearing a wig might be a bit better. I've never really had experience with styling hair for cosplay primarily because anime characters have the most WHACKIEST AND WILD HAIRSTYLES, but Godot seems rather do-able so I figured I might give it a shot.

Before I do, however, I sort of want to get the crowds input on it all: Do you think a cosplay would look better if a person wore a wig or if they styled their hair? Just assume that the person's hair is long enough/good enough to be styled…


Hey everyone :)

Just figured I would share some secret ideas I have been keeping for a while. Decided to hang on with them because of school, but now it is almost over I should be working on them :)

So yeah, new guides are incoming! I might make guides for the following champions:

- Leona (feat. TheNamelessBard!) (support)
- Nunu (support)
- Cassiopeia (mid)
- Morgana (mid & support)
- Kennen (mid)
- Anivia (mid)
- Blitzcrank (support)
- Brand (mid)

On top of that I will probably archive my Caitlyn guide, since I do not play AD Carries anymore I figure I should not keep my guide up.

Let me know which of the guides you are looking most forward to!

A Dose of Stupid Brought to you by Normal Queue

Hey Mobafire, pull up a chair and grab a drink cause this is a bit of a long one. First of all please allow me to introduce myself. My names Wasabi and ive been playing LoL for a solid year now, a level 30 summoner with over 400 wins and too scared to even touch ranked queues, a bit sad really. With that being said ive had my ups and downs with the wonderful solo normal queue denizens like many of you had. The difference is ive found the rowdier bunch more entertaining. Seeing as im pretty bad at the game as far as making plays and remembering to ward and such (which the wonderful guides presented here have helped me with immensely), im easy bait for anyone that just wants to ruin your day. Whether it be trolls, know it all metahounds, or just straight up ****s. Surprisingly i really don't have a problem with any of them.

Which brings me to what this is all about. Today i finally saw something that made me crack. Something that actually made me a bit dissapointed at the sheer stupidit…

Support Viktor

Hi guys! I was wondering if Viktor would make a good support. I rather think he would be a good kill lane. His stun is pretty hard to dodge, and his passive will actually enable him t do a lot of damage late game compared to other kill lanes like Blitzcrank. I'm not saying he'd be great, but I'd like to see him tried. What do you guys think?

Quitting MobaFire and League of Legends

So I am going to quit both. I have a lot on my plate as it is. Besides that I have a few reasons.

Quitting League of Legends

  • Won't be able to buy Panda Teemo. I don't want to see others with the skin, so GG.
  • Tired of getting raged at for having a bad game.
  • ELO so bad.

Quitting MobaFire

  • I must leave the community that helped me so much with LoL.
  • Troll votes.

Congratulations troll voters. You won!

It was a fun ride with you guys. I have been welcomed by many and have been treated like a lady should be treated. Thank you all for your compassion and helpfulness. I hope you guys have fun!

I am going to give both of my accounts to my cousin, Dende. He knows more about LoL, so yeah. I am giving the Mobafire and League of Legends account to him so they don't go to waste. I hope you guys can play with him and treat him like you treat me please.

I will remain on MobaFire until I release my Varus guide. When it is released, I am going to wait 3 days to see the feedback and p…

Apparently the servers are down

So I was checking out the forums like usuall and I was amazed by the amounts of threads people have been posting, and all of had the same topic. "Server crash". It's 1.22 AM here in Sweden right now so I dont really feel like playing League at this hour, besides, I'm on my laptop right now and I dont really feel like turning on my PC.
As I said, im not playing League so I haven't experienced any kind of disconnection but I really hope they do something about it and maybe give us summoners a little gift for our patience? Maybe a little RP? An IP boost maybe?
Whoa Im such a no-lifer wasting my time on playing League all day long. I only play like one game a day, the rest of my time lately have been going to the MOBAfire community. I recently made a guide for Jax, my favorite champion right now. You can go check it out if you want to. If you cant find it on my profile, it's called "my weapon makes no sense..." It's pretty good if you ask me. Tell a friend about it.
Well that's all for me.…

Top Facts -29- Trundle

Wait a second....

Champion Overview:

Trundle is a tanky Dps champion who provides amazing zone control and has a various assortment of ways to buff himself and debuff the enemy. Trundle has a very strong disengage and works VERY WELL in poke comps. In lane trundle is strong against most champions who have to come within auto range.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Passive: Decompose: Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6% of their maximum health. Range: 1000.
This skill is very strong for dives, baron, and sustaining in lane. Never underestimate the heal this skill brings to the table.


Line Dividers c:

Hey guys! I am making line dividers for people so just tell me what champions you want me to make them for/or if you want a general League of Legends line divider.

Don't forget to +Rep me :)

Requirements to get Line Divider:
  • Comment on one of my guides :)
  • Have at least 40 MobaFire posts
  • Credit me

Some of my work:

Penta.. wait what?

That's 3 games out of 5 played that day. All of them would have been penta kills if not for someone taking the last kill.

Clean up their entire team, end up 1 to 1 with a Gangplank who has 300~ health, he flashes on top of me and I die while my auto attack that would kill him was in the air. Auto attack doesn't land, ****block achieved.

4 penta****ups in like 10 games


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide