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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

PC Problems

So, some of you know that my computer is kinda ****py. It wouldn't turn on yesterday and it turns out there's a problem with the Hard Drive. I wanted to finish Chapter 1 of my Light Novel by the end of the month but I have all of my stuff on my computer so I won't make it in time. When I get the Hard Drive fixed I'll finish Chapter 1 as soon as I can and I'll post it :P

Thanks for reading.

EDIT: It's fixed but the guy who did the repairs said the Hard Drive could die at anytime. Lucky for me I get to upload all of my stuff. Yay!!!

In a Slump

I have been in a slump the past few PvP games. I played as Jax, Kassadin, Warwick,and Dr. Mundo and go evem with all of them. We would also proceed to lose the match because of just stupid plays by me; IE: Turret kills me, minion kills me -_______- (the last one hurt...)

So I stood up stretched did some pushups and yelled at my roommate (because he was eating loudly) and sat back down. I logged on, I clicked play, waited 3 minutes to get into a game, (right now I should of just quit), got on and I was teamed up with noobs and tolls, (I love torlling as much as the next guy but I was not in the mood) as for the noobs..... I always hate them. Started the game (with the classic "WELCOME TO SUMMONERS RIFT!)and a kid left. Next I started off 0-7 with Nunu -_______-

The game ends and the trolls I played with banned me.....

and thats why I am writing this blog.....
this is how I am getting out of my slump ......
being banned

Tips for Playing As Vayne

EDIT: I made this into a Complete Guide for Vayne:

The champion Vayne has been hotly contested in the past. At a certain point, we saw a change from riot to make it so that Vayne's auto attack primed before casting her E, would no longer go off as the target is being moved away. This did two things. It nerfed Vayne's trading in lane significantly and it slowed down her best combo of Ult + q, attack, wall stun, attack. It took some time to get used to this change, but most Vayne players were still playing her a lot after this and abusing the game as it was prior to s4. More emphasis needed to be put on outplaying your opponent as Vayne now, not just winning trades in lane with her free true damage proc. Vayne needed this counterplay to be introduced as her mid to late game more than makes up for a presumably weak laning phase. I welcome nerfs to champions, as it levels the playing field when playing against them, and makes it more likely I wi…

One Month of Streaming

It’s been roughly a month since I started the process of setting up a scheduled stream for the several games I play. Using Open Broadcaster Software, I've streamed League of Legends, Dawngate and Hearthstone all with roughly 3 viewers at a time and I've accumulated a following of 5 people (two of which are people I know personally and one of which is my moderator), and I’ve obtained roughly 250 views on my channel.

Streaming has been a fun, interesting and relatively easy learning experience. Before I created my Twitch channel I would never watch a League of Legends stream. Now, I find myself watching other’s streams whenever I’m not streaming myself. Watching to learn though, not for entertainment. Watching for what makes their stream entertaining – what overlays they have, if they have a webcam or not, if they have events, what kind of events those are and etc. I've even changed the way I play during League of Legends and Dawngate matches. Because I subconsciously know tha…

Here I am :P

So I made it to silver today :P. I decided to only play rankeds back at the start of december 2013 and from bronze 3 I went to bronze 1 (using Mostly AP Sion) playing 0-2 games a day. Now with season 4, my placement score was W:6 L:3 (dammit lag server -.-) and was placed right where I was, in Bronze 1. Now using my fav champ Jax and Nasus, I got to silver today :P. Yeah I know not that great but still its something. Should I be happy or are dangers lurking as in bronze? Also Jax and Nasus are banned/picked all the time. Is there any good top lane tier list?

S4 Warding suggestions (updated)

Hello everyone!

I was thinking about warding quite a lot lately, so today I would like to present my findings. Hopefully you can find this useful, or suggest better options.

I will describe lane by lane, from the position of a blue team. Ofc this works for purple team as well, just revert it in your mind's eye :)

This post is about warding during the laning phase.


  • 1. I like to put the ward over there. Like this you can see, if enemy jungler goes for river bush or purple tribush. I see plenty of people putting the ward into the river bush, but I think that is a waste of LOS (line-of-sight), and if you are shoving the lane or go for the tower, usually when you see enemy standing in that bush, it's too late cause he is in your back. Also everybody is sweeping that bush permanently so make them think you don't ward at all.
  • 2. Since the recent ward changes, if I'm pushed under the tower (or jsut farming there), I always put purple ward in that bush, as it stays there until de

Bronze V - WTF is this


Yeah this has been around in GD forums for a while, but I only recently noticed.

This guy intentionally feeds, dies 100+ times, is practically as useful as an afk... and won.

Just... what. I seriously hope he's banned by now but this just makes me want to level a smurf and intentionally tank my MMR down to Bronze V just to see what it's like. I can imagine it's like a whole fkin other world down there.

Why does Co-Op vs AI count//

Ok this is my first post and "rant" because I've got a problem to get off my chest. As most of you recall LoL has the LeaverBuster system which indescriminantly bans players who leave games frequently, normally regular games. Now my question is why does Co-Op vs AI count as a normal game, I was told by many of my friends in League that if you leave Co-Op vs AI that it would not count to your LeaverLevel. Were my friends wrong in saying this or is there a bug in the so called "perfect" system. I'm only saying this because I got banned for a few days after leavig (crashing in) a Co-Op vs AI game when I left a few more times prior to that unfortunate event. Now I call upon you people to clear thigs up for me and give me the knowledge to attempt to prevent such problems in the future. Hope to see you all in the Fields of Justice.

Beginning my climb out of Silver 2 with my duo

I shall be climbing out of Silver 2 with my bot lane support ZerkSam. We will be playing Lucian and Leona bot lane. I plan to be streaming almost every day. Even if no one watches it ;_;

But, for anyone that cares, link my stream is here, you'd be my bestest friend if you followed.

Anyways, I've been wondering, how has Season 4 been treating people, I know a lot of people have been lowered to lower tiers, I've seen golds and platinums in silver. My placement games helped me since I won 8/10 and moved from Silver 4 to Silver 3. How is your season 4 doing?

I'm shocked at the amount of People are watching...

I gotta hand it to the guys on the first post. Some of it was edgy (to me) but I'm certain it was all in good spirits. I guess I'll just start using these as an update on my journey to Ranked matches and to the ultimate goal of being 'The Real Deal'.
This one's out to you Banana Man. Wherever you are.

I updated my guide to better reflect what I'm seeing out there, and that's I don't understand the hype about Flash, but I use it anyways. Oh no, don't get me wrong, I can definitely see how 2 less deaths is crucial in the matches that matter, since most of those are won before 20 kills is even reached, but from a Normal, Free-Pick perspective the training to be had is lessened by the fact that it's easier to escape people still experimenting without it. Nevertheless, I use it now in place of Exhaust.

Speaking of spells, someone remarked about my using of Teleport on Annie. Is that abnormal? I have no clue since I don't play either Annie or mid.

And speaking of mid..! I am || <- that cl…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide