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MOBAFire's second Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆

MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

MOBAFire and The League!

Now I tell ya, I've been using this site for years, since I started playing League. Not once did I think to sign up with MOBAFire. I never knew it tied so closely to League.

Now with that being said, I don't think they advertise enough as a site,
but I digress.

I've been called in to play in the September tournament, However it appears that my teammates are not quite compatible for it themselves.

This shall be interesting..

Elo Climbing


So you always hear about people using certain champions to "Elo Climb", but what exactly does that mean? Personally, I enjoy to play tanky champions, posing a problem when the rest of my team fails to provide any damage. So I was wondering what champions are good to "Elo Climb" with, and what exactly that means, and what you guys' experiences are with getting out of bronze/silver. Let me know in the comments and also be sure to check out my Jungle Nautilus Guide and let me know what guide I should work on next (a specific champ, a general guide, anything). As always I love feedback and hearing from you guys.

-Cdr. Sheperd

Elo Hell and Toxic Players


I envy all of those who got into silver from the get-go. No bronze trolls to deal with, even though there are trolls in silver, those trolls were good/lucky enough to get into silver. The high class trolls. Personally, I've been bouncing around bronze for awhile, making it to bronze I then falling back into bronze V multiple times. Of course everyone in bronze always says, "I don't belong here, I'm only here 'cause of trolls," and so I'd like to believe that is true for me, but if it is indeed true I should be able to get out eventually. Today I just came to talk about different types of players, specifically the ones I encountered in a game I just played.

I was jungle Nautilus and we had a top lane Garen, a mid lane

Slayer post4

Sup guys!!! Not really much to blog about today sorry =/. Got some league games in as usual. I've been playing a lot of dominion lately I guess after 6k normal games a change is nice haha. Uhh besides league I did go down to this nice little restaurant in the pyongyang district. I had some awesome barbecued duck. was yummy. #northkorealife

Diamond is free

It was always in the back of my mind that I needed to get higher elo to be taken seriously.

I always felt that intelligent people would be able to pick apart anything I said with method and scrutiny. If it was worth saying then why would it matter my elo.

I felt that getting diamond was just a way to appease the unintelligent (but not necessarily undesirable) into appraising the worth of my words.

I'm diamond 5. I figured people would take me more seriously after plat so plat was my goal. Now I think to myself diamond 5 isn't high enough. Why not diamond 1? Even in the LCS though I heard this phrase yesterday.

"The difference between an LCS player and another Diamond 1"

So then is challenger all that matters?
And if not challenger then being an LCS player?

And if not being an LCS player then being the best LCS player?
And if not being the best LCS player then being a human being of some historic significance?

In truth I was the unintelligent one.
I will never be satisfied with a…

GAH, WHY? Why is everyone asking me this question?!?!

):< My boyfriend and I's three year anniversary is coming up in January. 98% of my friends are married and have kids already. They keep asking me when my boyfriend and I are going to get married and have kids. I even have family members asking now. They think it's silly of me to want to wait until I have lived on my own for a year or two. That I won't have enough time to get married and have kids. You know what, it's MY life. If I don't want to get married that's my choice. I'm so tired of it. Stop asking. I'm only 20,I'll be 21 in six months. In my opinion, I'm still too immature and young to get married. Yes, I am fine not being married for another 8-10 years. I'm so tired of this pressure. You know what I think about getting married right now?

I know it's a stupid thing to be ranting about,but you know what I'm so tired of feeling this kind of pressure from my friends and some of my family. My mom is one of the few who doesn't want me to have kids or be married right now. To be ho…


-Hey guys interestingly enough I had a match today where 3 people left in 7 minutes... Sadly enough we lost but I put some fun music in and sped it up to point out where and why they left the match.


-Thanks for watching

-Thanks for watching

-Thanks for watching

-Thanks for watching

-Thanks for watching
-Royalty Free Music by

I'm back! ...for now :)

Hey guys, it's been a while since I was last active on MobaFire and I have this small urge to get back into gear and get my Tristana guide back up! Hopefully I'll be able to commit to getting the guide back into shape (I make a lot of false promises to myself to update/make guides, sozzies :<) and ready to share my love of playing Trist :>

I just want to ask a couple of questions:

1) Should I un-archive my old Tristana guide and update it, or should I create a new Trist guide from scratch? The main reason I'm asking this is because having my guide come out of nowhere after 6 months at a 94% rating seems a little unfair to other people.

2) When is summoner verification for OCE players coming out? I'm really eager to make a small name for myself (sounds self-centered; if it seems like that to anyone reading this, sorry >w<").

Thanks if you took the time to read this and I look forward to slowly re-integrating myself with the MobaFire community ^_^

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide