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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

My Lover Ezreal

Lets kick things off with a movie!
I've been noticing that Ez and Sona have a certain chemistry on the battlefield. He makes a good lane partner that's for sure. Maybe he isn't just some queer. Probably bisexual or just an unfortunate bishie.

In the last few days, I've paired up with something like 6 Ezreals, and only one was terrible. Said terrible Ez was just not aggressive, I even started pinging ahead of time to let him know which one we could kill. Specifically, I was doing a good job warding and the enemy ADC and Support (a MF and a Leona) and it got to the point where The support went B and the carry assumed I had left because I cleared our bush of wards. All of us were lvl 6, so I ping the MF so Ez will actually move his ***. I waited a sec for him to move closer, he didn't, so I just went ahead and hit her with my ult. I got to see exactly how long someone gets stunned for because Ez didn't even attempt to hit her. He didn't make a move until…

The introduction

Ah, first blog. First off, these will be few and far between.
Same with my Bio, I'm Zouch. Not entirely sure how that's pronounced...the name is the same as A Hindu Deity that was added to Buddhism. He's the King of the South and Lord of Spiritual Growth. Sadly, he's entirly obscure and the only reason why I know the name is because it was the name of one of my most used Personas in Persona 3 Portable. It looks cool enough. Not too often someone's name starts with Z and doesn't end in numbers.

God, I hate names like that. Oh look out! Its Naruto112432! Totally original!
I guess it doesn't matter in a game like this, but it still irks me.

Recent events:
I was on hiatus because I was convinced that I was due for a refund on my Noc and Vayne. I still am, but they say I'm not eligible, so **** it. I'm still enjoying my game. Sona's skin is gonna have to wait a bit.

Next, my team owned someone who was on livestream. That is what led me to start this blog and other ****. I figure I might …

What anime/manga do you recommend?

So I have watched Angel Beats!, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Bleach (hated it after the rescue of Rukia), Naruto (reading it but kind of hating it due to b.s. story), DBZ (loved it when I was younger, now it seems a bit meh), Zoids (way back in first grade) . Any recommendations? I like anything that has an amazing story, likable and hate-able (for the right reason) characters, and comical relief elements. I hate anything that goes overboard with "fan service" and has DBZ syndrome, but it can be made up with if it has a interesting story.

Karma's Remake

How about the new Karma's skill set...???....

I do like the way her spells can provide some kind of support and sustain but the bust damage is pretty low....

Should Riot improve the AP ratio on them to make her more viable..???

You may now call me: Meiyjhe the Scout

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

I promised that my journey wouldn't end at being an editor, and my promise has been forfilled :D
Each day... I will be rising.
Soon, my journey is complete, AND I SHALL RULE MOBAFIRE! MUHAHAHAHA! >:D

No, but seriously though, thank you all,
I really enjoy being here.

Thanks your everything :D
Your favorite banana

I Dreamed A Dream...

So last night I dreamed that Lissandra had been released, and being still groggy when I woke up, immediately rushed to my computer to buy her. Much to my displeasure, I soon discovered it had all been a dream, like a terribly cliché book ending (lazy too).

So why I am shouting this out to the (MOBAFire)world? Because I dream about LoL and DoTA 2 a lot, but no other games, and I have played other games a lot longer than these two. Why no Warcraft dreams? Or Pokémon, or Legend of Zelda? Or what about all the books I read?

Perhaps it's because of the degree of thought that I put into LoL. I'm no pro player, or even particularly good, but I constantly analyse what I do and what the other 9 players do both during and after the match. I try to manipulate my laning opposition by learning how they react to certain situations and then forcing those reactions when advantageous.

But, if that was the case, then you would expect me to have tonnes of dreams about my college work, or roleplayin…

The rich get richer (A story about honor)

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

I am going to rant a bit again about honor :D
As you might know, I have a ribbon for great teammate!
You do?
Yes I do.

Now, since the honor system was changed quite a while ago, my ribbon was gone.
I still had an honorable opponent ribbon, but those aren't quite rare.
Anyway, I barely got honor anymore, if I was lucky, I maybe got 1 honor each 5 matches.
This process went very slowly

Now I have my ribbon again, and guess what?
Now I get every match at least 1 honor.

It's quite rediculous, because I didn't change that much with my attitude.
What are your opinions about this? Did anyone else experience this aswell?

Hip Hop

So is it just me or is this music category a race to the kind of douche? I mean, I don't know much of it at all, but all I hear, from le1f and nicki minaj to azaelia banks and brooke candy, and whatever other **** I've been randomly hit by, all I hear is "I rock, I ride all that ****/*****es wan't my ****, I'm the next big thing, I'm ****ing amazing".

So basically, hip hop is about fapping to yourself?

Awesome ****in night in LoL

Tonight has been an amazing freakin night. I haven't kicked back and relaxed like this in awhile. So, me,my bf and his friends were playing. I was LuLu,my bf was Kass, and the rest were Lux,Ashe, and Teemo. We were like screw it,let's all go mid this game. We did freakin awesome. I went machine gun LuLu. I kept spamming my W and letting myself to auto attack. This post probably doesn't make sense,but idc. It was such a great time.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide